Should You Change The Locks When You Buy A New House?

Nick Durante
by Nick Durante
Credit: Shutterstock / Andrew Angelov

Buying a new house comes along with many uncertainties that are hard to navigate when you first move in. For example, the entry doors on your home may have locks that have been there for a long time. Because of that, you don’t know who has access to them. So, should you change the locks when you buy a new house?

You should change the locks when you buy a new house because the former owner may still have keys. There’s also a chance that someone else has keys or has made copies of keys to get into your house. It’s also important to change your locks every 7-10 years as they wear out over time due to heat, humidity, and excessive use. 

You must also change your locks if someone has recently broken into your home. Many homeowners also change their locks if they hire a house sitter and who doesn't return their keys. Follow along as we explore when and why you should change your locks when you buy a new house. 

When Should You Change Your Locks?

Whether you’re buying a new house or reeling from a recent break-in, many situations call for changing the locks on your doors. The best times to change the locks include:

You Move Into A New House

It’s a great idea to change the locks when you move into a new house. There’s a strong chance that you don’t know the previous owner. It’s at least likely that you don’t know them well enough to trust that they wouldn’t return unexpectedly.

This may sound far-fetched and paranoid, but safety should be your top priority at home. It’s always possible that the previous tenant held onto their keys. They could have even made copies of their keys, and in that case, they could enter your home. 

A Roommate Doesn’t Return Their Keys

Did a roommate recently move out without returning their keys? This could be harmless, but it always leaves the possibility that they could return. In that case, it’s a good idea to change your locks, whether you’re a renter or a homeowner. 

If you’re a renter, then it’s up to your landlord to change the locks unless the lease agreement says otherwise. Simply explain the situation and politely ask that they change the locks on your behalf. Otherwise, as a homeowner, you can simply call a locksmith to change your locks. 

Your House Sitter Keeps The Spare Key

Did you recently hire a house sitter to watch your house while you were on vacation? If so, then you most likely left them a key to easily get in and out of your house. Responsible house sitters are supposed to return their keys when you get back, but that doesn’t always happen. 

If that applies to you, then it’s a great idea to change the locks on your house. You could always ask them to return the key, and that may work out if you trust them. However, that isn’t a great idea with a stranger, as they may have simply made copies of your keys. 

A Recent Break-In

Burglaries and home invasions are the most dreaded possibilities for any homeowner. That is enough to make anyone want to change their locks and improve home security. Call a locksmith as soon as possible after a recent break-in to change your locks. 

It’s also a great idea to invest in security cameras and motion-activated lights. Both of these solutions are enough to scare off many would-be burglars.  

You Lost Your Keys

The anxiety of losing the keys to your house is enough to ruin your day. Not only is it inconvenient, but it also puts your home at risk of burglary. After all, someone could easily find the key, figure out it’s for your home, and break into the house.

There’s also always a chance that someone stole your house key with the intent of breaking into your home. In that case, it’s a great idea to simply change your locks on the off chance that someone may try to break into your house. 

They Are 10 Years Old

Like anything else, the locks in your home will wear out over time. Locks are vulnerable to the elements, especially if you live in a hot and humid area. The wear and tear from constantly locking and unlocking your doors will also wear them out over time. 

Sometimes, locks can go bad in as little as 7 years. Either way, it’s a good idea to keep track of the last time you changed your locks. That way, you can at least replace your locks every 10 years before they simply break unexpectedly. 

How Much Does It Cost To Change The Locks On A House?

It costs between $45 and $75 per hour to change the locks at your home. Some locksmiths even charge you per lock, but it varies. In that case, it costs an average of $50 per lock that they change, but it could be anywhere from $20 to $85. 

The overall cost depends on how many locks you have and how long it takes to change them all. Another thing to consider is that many locksmiths also charge a trip fee based on distance traveled. That said, changing your locks is a minor expense compared to the other moving costs you’ll incur. 

Summing It Up

Ideally, you should change your locks when you move into your new house. This is a good idea because there’s always a chance that the former homeowner kept their keys or made copies of them. You can expect to pay a locksmith $45-$75 per hour to change the locks in your house. 

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Nick Durante
Nick Durante

Nick Durante is a professional writer with a primary focus on home improvement. When he is not writing about home improvement or taking on projects around the house, he likes to read and create art. He is always looking towards the newest trends in home improvement.

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