Home Services Pest Control

Will Bed Bugs Follow You If You Move?

Bed bugs can turn every moment in your house into a waking nightmare, and that’s no exaggeration. Not only are their bites uncomfortable, but you cannot eradicate them easily, and they reproduce quickly. It’s even worse to deal with bed bugs when you are about to move. So, will bed bugs follow you if you move?

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What Do I Do With My Shoes for Bed Bug Treatment? (Find Out Now!)

Oftentimes, what causes do-it-yourself bed bug treatments to fail is that people neglect to treat more than just their mattress. In fact, bed bugs don’t just hang out in your mattress, they can also hide in your carpeting, bedding, clothing, personal belongings, and even your shoes.  Adopting an attitude that bed bugs can infiltrate pretty much anything can help maximize your chances of getting rid of them. Shockingly enough, bed bugs can get into your shoes and there’s nothing more infuriating (and disgusting).

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Does Mowing The Lawn Kill Ticks?

Ticks are easily the scariest arachnids besides spiders, and they can be quite harmful to humans and animals alike. The sight of a tick on your body is enough to make you think twice about going outside during spring and summer. Most homeowners would do anything to keep ticks off their property. So, does mowing the lawn kill ticks?

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Does Vinegar Repel Mice? (Find Out Now!)

If there was a household pest infestation you must take care of immediately, mice would top that list.  These cunning, intelligent creatures can carry a host of viruses harmful to humans and are difficult to catch.  What’s more, mice multiply quickly, so it’s tempting to reach for easy household items like vinegar to repel mice. 

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My Neighbor Has Roaches! What Can I Do?

Roach infestations are disgusting. They’re also challenging to fight and dangerous to encounter. So, what happens when your neighbor’s roach problem makes its way into your house? Can you do something about it, or do you have to live that way forever? Here’s some good news.

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What Attracts Mice To A House? (We Have The Answer!)

Mice are some of the most invasive and annoying pests that homeowners have to deal with. They invade houses all across the country and begin to eat food that’s left out and repopulate. If you’re not careful, you can quickly get overrun by a mouse infestation. But why are mice drawn to houses in particular?

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How Much Does It Cost to Fumigate a House?

Living in your dream home can quickly turn into a nightmarish ordeal and it’s all because of annoying pests. To be more specific, pests like ants, bed bugs, and termites can be truly troublesome to deal with. If you let them stay in your home, they could end up inflicting long-term damage to your property’s value.

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9 Bugs That Look Like Cockroaches (With Photos)

Having been in a trap house-like apartment before, my heart sinks when I see small bugs that look like cockroaches. I actually double-check them to make sure that I don’t have a family of cucaracha in my casa. It’s actually kind of crazy to see how many bugs look like cockroaches. Wondering what the most common ones are?

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How To Get Rid Of Raccoons In The Attic (Do This!)

Waking up in the middle of the night due to strange noises can be a frightening experience. In all likelihood though, ghosts are not the producers of those odd noises. Instead, what you may be dealing with are raccoons that have taken up residence in your attic.

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Is It Possible To Only Have One Bed Bug? (Find Out Now!)

It is very common for people to unknowingly bring bed bugs into their home and if they’re not detected quickly, you could end up with a full-scale infestation. Like cockroaches, bed bugs are considered one of the most difficult household pests to eradicate completely. However, is it possible to only have one bed bug in your home?

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When Can I Mop After Bed Bug Treatment? (Find Out Now!)

Finding bed bugs in your home can be sickening. These unwelcome guests can set up a camp in your home that is hard to shut down. Luckily, there are Pest Control Experts whose job is to send these bed bugs packing. After the exterminators have attacked the source with proper treatment, you will need to carry on the work by taking the correct steps. How soon is too soon to mop after bed bug treatment?

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What Are Small Clear White Bugs In The House?

You may notice that your home has some unwanted guests in the winter. Small, clear, white bugs in the house will likely cause you some concern. You may be surprised to find out that these bugs are called wood mites.

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Can Mice Get In Through A Dryer Vent?

A mouse may be small, but it’s the last thing you want to see in your house. Mice are cunning and find ways to enter your home by any means necessary to look for food. So, can mice get in through a dryer vent?

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Can Spider Mites Live Without Plants? (Find Out Now!)

If you have houseplants, it’s a common worry that your home may be infested with spider mites. These small creatures are often seen swarming around indoor plants, in the soil and across the leaves. Though, they can wreak havoc on both your houseplants and even plants in your garden. What begins as small yellow spots on leaves can transform to complete decimation of a plant if you have a large population of spider mites.

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Where Do Black Widow Spiders Hide?

Many people are understandably afraid of spiders, especially venomous spiders. Brown recluses and black widows are the only venomous spiders in the U.S., but the black widow is the most dangerous of the two. Because of that, it’s important to be careful if you live in a state where black widows are active. So, where do black widow spiders hide?

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Does Termite Fumigation Kill Rats? (Find Out Now!)

Termite fumigation uses chemicals that penetrate walls to kill unreachable termites, so will termite fumigation kill rats in the walls too? The fumigation process is an effective option, but it can be disruptive to your everyday life as it is lethal for mammals. It requires you to make preparations inside your home and stay out of it for a certain amount of time.

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Can You Fumigate Your House If You Have A Fish Tank?

You can fumigate your house if you have a fish tank, but it requires lots of preparation. That said, many homeowners remove their fish tanks entirely before fumigation. You don’t necessarily need to move the fish tank, but it’s at least a good idea to remove the fish, water, and plants. 

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What Do Roach Droppings Look Like? (Find Out Now!)

No one wants to have to look for cockroach droppings, but this simple task can go a long way towards preventing infestation and disease. Locating roach feces will help you find out where the cockroaches are congregating, where they’re getting their food and water from, and, thus, give you the upper hand at getting rid of them for good.

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Do Ultrasonic Pest Repellers Work On Squirrels? (Find Out Now!)

Squirrels can be fun to watch. However, they can become quickly become pesky when they start overturning your bird feeder or setting up a nest in your attic. Some homeowners resort to trying everything from coyote urine to steel wool in order to keep squirrels off their property. Many also turn an eye to ultrasonic pest repellers in a last-ditch effort to rid their house and home of squirrels. Do ultrasonic pest repellents actually work, though?

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Will Ant Spray Kill Spiders? (Find Out Now!)

Arachnophobia is one of the most common fears, and for good reason! You’d be hard-pressed to find a person who is happy to see a spider crawling around their house. Wondering whether the ant spray you have on hand will be fatal to these pests? Read on to find out!

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14 California Bugs That Bite And Sting Hard

California is arguably the most desirable place to live in the United States. With its scenic beaches, sweeping vistas and iconic cities, California is truly a one of a kind location. While there are many reasons to live in California, it is important to know some of the less desirable qualities of this state.

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Can You Flush A Tick Down The Toilet? (Find Out Now!)

Dealing with even one tick can be a big pain. Removing the tick can be frustrating enough, but once that part is over, you may be wondering how best to kill it and get rid of it. One of the most obvious options that may pop in your head is flushing it down the toilet. But can you?

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How To Get Rid Of Mosquitoes In The Backyard

Your backyard is undoubtedly so much more than a fenced-in area behind your house. For you, it might serve as an extension of your living space, complete with cozy, plush lounge seating. Or perhaps you host dinner parties and BBQs with friends and family or enjoy frequent picnics. But when uninvited guests, like mosquitoes, show up, it can take a big bite out of your fun.

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Should My Landlord Pay For Pest Control?

Every tenant should understand what their landlord is responsible for. Landlords are supposed to act quickly when it comes to their responsibilities as per the rental agreement that you signed. This applies to everything from plumbing problems to air conditioner failure. Many renters have asked themselves the question: should my landlord pay for pest control?

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What Do Bed Bug Eggs Look Like? (Find Out Now!)

When pests wreak havoc on your home, they can be irritating, expensive, and even harmful. If you suspect that you may have bed bugs, the first step is identifying what bed bug eggs look like. Bed bug eggs resemble the eggs of other bugs, so accurate identification is extremely important. 

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Bed Bugs Vs. Roaches: How to Tell the Difference

There are few things more frustrating in the world than bed bugs and roach infestations. If not addressed properly, a cockroach problem can lead to serious health concerns, hygiene issues, and even the spread of diseases. Whereas, neglecting a bed bug infestation can result in major allergies, skin infections, costly remediation, and even a negative impact on your mental health.

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How To Get Rid Of Spiders In Your Basement

Spiders can understandably make anyone feel uncomfortable in their house. Not only do they look scary, but some of them, like brown recluses, are quite dangerous. You may struggle with how to get rid of spiders in your basement, but it’s quite easy.

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3 Winged Bugs That Look Like Flying Termites

If you notice winged bugs in your home, you might assume you are experiencing a flying termite infestation. This is worrisome as flying termites can inflict severe damage on your house’s structural integrity. However, you’ll commonly find 3 winged bugs that look like flying termites.

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Does Harris Bed Bug Killer Work? (Find Out Now!)

Bed bug sprays and pesticides make up a multi-million dollar industry. One name that’s been gaining a reputation among exterminators and homeowners is Harris Bed Bug Killer. This spray is considered to be one of the most potent home sprays in the industry. But, does it actually live up to its reputation?

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Why Are There So Many Ant Hills In My Yard?

The sight of ants in your yard or home can understandably be discomforting. Not only are ant hills ugly, but they can indicate that you have an upcoming ant problem on your hands. Many homeowners have asked themselves the question: why are there so many ant hills in my yard?

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What Causes Drain Worms? (Find Out Now!)

You may have a drain worm problem if you find small black worms in your bathroom, kitchen sink, or toilet. “Drain fly worms” or “drain fly larvae” are other names for these little black or brown worms. But what exactly are they?

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How To Kill Weevils In the Bathroom (In 5 Easy Steps!)

Regardless of what type of bathroom aesthetic you are trying to achieve, you want your bathroom to look clean. The last thing you want is to have insects all over your bathroom. What do you do, then, when you notice that insects like weevils have moved into your bathroom.

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How To Keep Centipedes Out Of Your Bed

Your bed is the place in your home that should bring you the most peace, tranquility, and comfort. After all, most people spend nearly one-third of every day in bed. So ensuring it is free of any discomfort is essential to maintaining this harmonious status quo. This balance is immediately interrupted, however, the moment you notice a centipede crawling on your sheets. 

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How To Keep Mice Out Of Shed (4 Ways To Do It!)

Your shed is an important part of your backyard. It’s typically where we keep the gear that we need to maintain our yards. Given that, most homeowners tend to go in and out of their sheds quite a bit.

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How To Bat-Proof Your House

The average bat has a strong sense of smell, and you can use that to your advantage when you bat-proof your house. Natural scents with strong odors, such as eucalyptus, peppermint, and garlic naturally repel bats. You can apply oils and extracts of these scents around your home’s perimeter to keep bats away.

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Do Mice Eat Grass? (Find Out Now!)

Mice are a common household pet but can also be wild in your house as well as outside. The house mouse is the most commonly encountered and economically significant of all the rodents. It has, for some years now, also become a very popular household pet.

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Still Have Fleas After Bombing? (Here's What To Do)

No one wants to discover pests in the home, let alone an infestation. What began as one or two flying bugs can quickly turn into a giant colony of unwanted guests. Flea infestations can be particularly terrible, as flea bites can be painful and long lasting. But what should you do what you bomb your house for fleas but you notice the fleas are still there?

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I Hear Scratching In My Walls

Animals typically get into walls via openings and cracks in your house. Small rodents, like squirrels and mice, can easily slip through holes in your roof and even pipes. Animals can also come inside if you leave windows open and have big gaps under your doors.

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Do Mice Hate Aluminum Foil? (Find Out Now!)

Do you have a mice problem? If not addressed quickly, a mice infestation in the home can become a serious nuisance.  Fortunately, you don’t have to rush to a local retailer and buy mice traps that could be harmful to your young children or pets. Instead, there are a number of natural ways to rid your home of these pesky rodents. Aluminum foil is frequently featured online as an anti-rodent “life hack.”

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Can Bed Bug Bites Disappear In An Hour? (Find Out Now!)

Bed bugs are the true nightmare pest of both homeowners and apartment renters. The first sign of an infestation that most people see are the bites. These classic “three in a row” bitemarks freak people out. But, is it always a bed bug bite? What would it mean if it disappears in an hour?

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How Do Mice Get In An Upstairs Apartments? (Find Out Now!)

The only thing worse than coming across a bug in your apartment is finding a mouse. When mice get into your apartment they bring with them harmful diseases and can, and will, chew through boxes to consume your food. Of course, the ideal outcome is to keep them out of your apartment in the first place, but one has already gotten in, you may be wondering: “How do mice get in upstairs apartments?”

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Is A Termite Letter Required In Georgia? (Find Out Now!)

When it comes to buying or selling a home, whether in Georgia or anywhere, there are quite a few things that you need to do. You need to acquire an estimate on any potential necessary work, and typically, you need an appraisal. But in addition to these things, is a termite letter required in Georgia?

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Do Mice Hate Lavender? DIY Mouse Repellent Sachets And Sprays

The only time having a mouse in your house is okay is in a Dr. Seuss book (unless you keep one as a pet). Otherwise, it’s safe to say you don’t want mice in your home. But what if you start to see some of the little critters hanging around your abode? Certain smells repel mice; for example, mice hate lavender.

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Can Bed Bugs Survive In A Washing Machine? (Find Out Now!)

Discovering a bed bug infestation is anyone’s worst nightmare. You might discover these pesky hitch-hiking creatures at a hotel or in your own home. Either way, it is important to start getting rid of them right away. The first step that might come to mind is washing your linens and clothing. But, is this really a sure-fire method to get rid of bed bugs? 

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Is Drilling Necessary For Termite Treatment? (Find Out Now!)

When you discover that you have termites, you naturally are eager to get rid of them. There are several ways to get rid of termites, including drilling, but you want to ensure that you choose the best way. How do you decide when drilling is necessary for termite treatment?

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Can Mice Climb Up Drain Pipes? (Find Out Now!)

There are few sights more unnerving to a homeowner than a mouse in the house. They are unsanitary, unwanted, and quite frankly frightening. So, can mice climb up drainpipes?

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Swallow Bugs Vs. Bed Bugs: How to Tell the Difference

Although swallow bugs are not as prevalent, particularly in urban and suburban areas, they are commonly mistaken for bed bugs. Both pests are small and similar in appearance, and many assume that they are dealing with a bed bug infestation when they may have just found a swallow bug. For this reason, it’s important to understand the differences between them.

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Can You Put A Bug Bomb In A Crawl Space? (Find Out Now!)

Insect infestations can happen in numerous locations in a home, and one space where insects mass is the crawl space. Crawl spaces are often cramped and hard to reach, which means addressing an insect infestation in this location can be a difficult task.

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Riddex Plus Blinking Red Light? (We Have the Answer!)

Riddex Plus is an ultrasonic pest control device that repels rodents, cockroaches, and termites using digital pulses through your wall’s wires. I’m honestly not sure how I didn’t know about this sooner.

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Does Citronella Actually Help Keep Bugs Away?

Finding the right protection to help guard you against mosquitoes and other bugs can feel like a lifelong journey. There are all sorts of methods out there. There are bug zappers, sprays, candles, torches, essential oils, and even machines that use sound waves. It can all feel overwhelming, and lead you to want to choose the most natural and organic method, like citronella, to keep these biting pests away. But does citronella really work at helping to keep bugs away?

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Does Borax Kill Mice? (Find Out Now!)

There is nothing worth than discovering signs that you have mice in your home. Not only are these tiny guests unwelcome and unpleasant, they can also be pretty difficult to get rid of. If the idea of placing and cleaning up traditional mousetraps does not appeal to you, you may consider turning to some form of homemade mouse poison.

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How Long Does Rat Poison Take To Work?

As millions of people in the U.S. and worldwide have found, rats are a big problem. They eat human food, destroy their belongings, and act as all-around pests to people everywhere. Many people resort to rat poison in an attempt to get rid of their rat problem.

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Termite Spot Treatment Vs. Tenting: Which Is The Better Treatment?

Termites can be a death sentence to homeowners. Finding out that you have termites is challenging enough, but now you have to choose how to get rid of them. Thankfully there are many ways to combat these little burrowing monsters, like termite spot treatment vs. tenting.

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Who Is Responsible For Pest Control On A Rental Property?

No matter who you are or where you live, nobody likes pests. Whether it’s bed bugs, termites, mice, or another pest, they’re a nuisance, and they keep you from living your best life. A hatred of pests applies to both homeowners and renters alike. If you live in a rental property infested with pests, it’s important to know whether it’s your responsibility or your landlord’s to get rid of the pests.

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Should I Be Worried About My Neighbor's Termites?

Termites are a nightmare for any homeowner as they can quickly destroy a house. These invasive bugs multiply quickly and mature queens can lay up to 1,000 eggs per day. Even the wind can transport termites to your house. So, should I be worried about my neighbor’s termites?

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What To Do After Termite Fumigation (Here's What You Should Do)

If dealing with termites was a baseball game, you’re now rounding home plate. Dealing with the aftermath of termite fumigation can seem overwhelming but can actually be quite simple. So what exactly do you need to do after termite fumigation?

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How Long Will A Spider Stay In Your Room? (Find Out Now!)

Arachnophobia refers to the irrational fear of arachnids, particularly spiders. There are roughly 100 million people in the United States that suffer from arachnophobia, and it effects 3.5 to 6.1 percent of the global population. Even if you are just mildly afraid of spiders, you’re not alone. So, if you recently spotted a spider and you’re wondering “how long will a spider stay in my room,” we’re here to help.

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Ant Droppings Vs. Termite Droppings: How to Tell the Difference

Finding droppings in your home can feel like the start of a long battle, whether it’s ant droppings vs. termite droppings. Pest problems can happen to anyone, even the most meticulous of cleaners. Each pest has different droppings, so if you are unsure about what infestation you have, inspecting their droppings can help.

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Do Coffee Grounds Keep Mice Away? (Find Out Now!)

The sight of mice in the home is enough to leave any homeowner with an uneasy feeling. It feels like an invasion of privacy and a health hazard, so it only makes sense to repel them however possible. So, do coffee grounds keep mice away?

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Are Termite Protection Plans Worth It? (Find Out Now!)

Termites are a common affliction that many homeowners face. Despite being commonplace pests, termites are more than a mere nuisance as the damage they impose can be irreparable and expensive. Fortunately, you can safeguard against the devastation and high cost of termite destruction, often making termite protection plans worth it.

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