How Often Should You Have Your Air Ducts Cleaned?

Nick Durante
by Nick Durante
Credit: Shutterstock / David Spates

It’s easy to forget about the unseen parts of an HVAC system, such as air ducts and filters. However, neglecting these parts can lead to airflow problems and even mold. So, how often should you have your air ducts cleaned?

You should have your air ducts cleaned once every 3 to 5 years. Pay attention to the airflow and odors that come from your return vents, as you may need to clean your ductwork sooner. It costs $450 to $1,000 to clean air ducts depending on the size of your home and how dirty the ducts are.

Avoid cleaning your ductwork without professional help, as you may damage the ducts. Ask for maintenance records before buying a home to find out how recently the air ducts were cleaned. Follow along as we explore how often you have your air ducts cleaned.

How Often Should Air Ducts Be Cleaned?

Air ducts should be cleaned every 3 to 5 years for the best results. This helps reduce dust, dirt, and debris that could otherwise contribute to mold. It typically takes 3-5 years for dust, dirt, debris, moisture, and even pet hair to excessively accumulate within your ductwork.

Some homeowners inspect their air ducts each year, but that isn’t always necessary. That said, it’s a great idea to annually check your ductwork if you have pets and your home is often dusty. Pet hair can easily wind up in your air ducts and obstruct them over time.

How Do I Know If Air Ducts Need Cleaning?

1. Musty Odor

Musty odors are just as unnerving as they are annoying. Many people associate musty smells with mold, as the two often go hand in hand. Sometimes, pervasive musty odors are related to mold, mildew, and moisture within air ducts.

Musty odors can spread throughout a home when the HVAC system runs with air ducts that are dirty or moldy. Air ducts are prone to mold and mildew because of consistent moisture and darkness. These conditions contribute to mold, and air movement spreads the musty odor.

However, it’s worth checking other parts of your home first, such as plumbing fixtures and the washing machine. If the smell only appears when your AC runs, it’s likely because of the air ducts. Otherwise, you may simply want to use a dehumidifier to lower the humidity level and reduce the musty smell.

2. Dirty Vents

How often do you inspect your return register vents? How your vents appear can say a lot about your air ducts’ condition. Return registers eventually become dirty if air containing dust, dirt, and debris frequently moves through them.

This leaves dust and grime behind on the vents themselves. While you should clean your return registers, it’s also essential to address the problem within the air ducts. Call an HVAC company if your return vents are dirty and you haven’t had your ducts cleaned in years.

3. Recent Construction

Has your home undergone construction and renovation recently? If so, then there’s a chance that your air ducts have become dirty. Construction often kicks up lots of dust and debris that can eventually land in your air ducts.

This can contribute to strange smells and poor air quality within your home. Not only is this inconvenient, but it can even be dangerous. Many building materials are dangerous to inhale, and that’s unavoidable if they’re in your air ducts.

Reputable contractors typically keep their work sites clean. However, it’s worth calling an HVAC technician if you notice poor air quality after a recent renovation.

4. Air Filters Quickly Get Dirty

Air filters don’t typically get too dirty until 3 months after installing them in the average home. However, filters can get dirty in as little as 30 days or even sooner if your ductwork is filthy. That’s because of how much dust and debris moves through your HVAC system when your ducts are dirty.

This is especially common for homeowners who haven’t had their air ducts cleaned in years. Keep a log of how often you replace your air filter. Frequently inspect your filter after replacing it to see how quickly it becomes dirty.

Air filters can become dirty because of other factors, such as excessive AC use. However, you can often tell the problem is because of dirty air ducts if they haven’t been cleaned in over 5 years.

5. Hard To Keep Up With Dusting

The dirtier your ductwork is, the dirtier your house will be. Dirty air ducts spread dirt and dust throughout a house each time the AC runs. It’s easy to tell your air ducts are dirty if you notice your countertops and other surfaces seem constantly dusty.

Not only is it hard to keep up with dusting, but it can also affect your respiratory health. All of the dust on your furniture and countertops can also wind up in your lungs. You wouldn’t have to clean the surfaces in your home nearly as often if you get your air ducts cleaned.

Watch your vents when the air conditioner or furnace turns on. In severe cases, you can see a small cloud of dust if your ducts are dirty. 

6. No Cleaning Records

Did you recently buy your home? If so, then hopefully you have paperwork to show how recently the air ducts were cleaned. Ideally, your air ducts have been cleaned within at least 3 to 5 years, as per records.

Sadly, you can’t tell when the ducts were last cleaned if you don’t have records, unless you inspect them. While you can inspect your air ducts, it’s best done by experienced HVAC technicians. HVAC technicians also have the tools to thoroughly clean air ducts without damaging them.

It’s always a great idea to request maintenance records before you buy a home. This can tell you a lot about the condition of your plumbing fixtures, wiring, and HVAC system.

7. You Live In A Humid Climate

Humidity can be just as bad for air ducts as dirt and dust. That’s because humidity introduces moisture to air ducts, which are quite dark. This combination makes it all too easy for mold and mildew to form in your HVAC system.

It’s important to keep up with air duct maintenance in humid climates, or naturally humid homes. Some homeowners who grow houseplants also have this problem because of humidifiers and moist plants. Poorly insulated homes are also prone to mold problems in humid areas due to fluctuating temperatures.

Mold is especially likely to grow when the humidity level rises about 55% to 60% in your home. You can prevent this problem if you use a dehumidifier to keep the humidity level between 30% and 50%.

How Much Does It Cost To Clean Air Ducts?

It typically costs $450 to $1,000 to clean air ducts, according to the EPA, but it is often cheaper in small homes. Costs vary based on factors such as home size and the condition of your ductwork. For example, it rarely costs over $150-$300 to clean the ducts in a 1,200-square-foot home, as opposed to $400-$800 for a 3,000-square-foot home.

Big homes have more intricate air ducts and more vents that HVAC technicians must access. Cleaning your air ducts without professional help is inadvisable. It requires special tools, such as a powerful vacuum, and air duct cleaning is difficult.

Summing It Up

On average, you must clean your air ducts every 4 years, or between 3 and 5 years. Have an HVAC technician inspect your ductwork sooner if your home is extra dusty or smells musty. Use a dehumidifier and keep the humidity level at 30%-50% to avoid getting moldy air ducts.

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Nick Durante
Nick Durante

Nick Durante is a professional writer with a primary focus on home improvement. When he is not writing about home improvement or taking on projects around the house, he likes to read and create art. He is always looking towards the newest trends in home improvement.

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