Why Are Crows Banging On My Roof?

Upgraded Home Team
by Upgraded Home Team

Many types of wildlife may occasionally visit our homes and yards. Most of us have seen a squirrel climbing a tree or a woodpecker rap tap tapping a new hole. Sometimes, that wildlife can even become a nuisance. Raccoons, for example, are infamous for raiding our trash cans in the driveway. Squirrels have also been known to invade our garages or even get inside our homes.

What many people might not be so familiar with is visits from crows. If you have had a crow encounter, then you might have even asked why are crows banging on my roof?

The reason crows are banging on the roof is they are cracking nuts. The other reason you hear crows on your roof is that they are searching for insects to eat. Using decoys like fake crows or snakes is an effective method to keep them away. If crows are searching for insects, it may require more extensive measures and often an exterminator to prevent these unwanted visitors.

Animals like birds and small animals like chipmunks and squirrels aren’t typically a problem. When those small creatures invade our world, they can also become a big problem. For the four-legged types of critters, there are many simple solutions. When these small creatures have wings, like crows, the solution can be a bit more problematic. If you are dealing with crows pecking and banging on your roof, however, there are steps we can take to make them stop.

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What Can I Do to Prevent Crows from Banging on My Roof?

The good news is we don’t have to live with crows banging on our roof. To keep crows from banging on the roof we must first determine why they are up there. That will require investigating the rooftop.

Investigating the Roof

Homeowners will need to determine if crows are on the roof because they are cracking nuts or if they are searching for bugs. The problem shouldn’t be hard to detect and shouldn’t take long to figure out.

Tools You Will Need

  • Ladder (or extension ladder if needed)
  • Safety harness (strongly suggested)
  • Work gloves
  • Eye protection goggles
  • Flashlight

Step 1: Getting to the roof

Using an extension ladder, carefully climb to the roof. Using a safety harness is advised for anyone working above the ground or on a rooftop. Be sure to wear gloves to protect your hands.

Eye protective gear is also suggested just in case a crow becomes aggressive. If you encounter crows during a roof inspection, be careful not to swat at them or approach them.

Step 2: Inspect the roof for evidence

If the crows can be observed from the ground it will help homeowners to determine and isolate the area (or areas) of the roof to investigate and examine. Evidence of shells, leaves, and twigs will suggest that crows are using the roof to help crack open nuts.

If there is no evidence of shells or greenery from nearby trees, it will require a closer look. Using a flashlight, look for any evidence of wood-boring insects such as termites. Once the problem is determined, then homeowners can get to work fixing the problem.

What to Do If Crows are Cracking Nuts On the Roof

There are two popular methods that people use to keep crows from cracking nuts on their roofs. Both techniques involve tricking the crows and using props to deter them from visiting.

The Stuffed Crow

This idea is a proven and old technique used by farmers, and it involves using a large stuffed crow. These can either be purchased or made. The idea is to place a prop on the roof that resembles a large crow. This crow figure is said to deter crows from visiting, and they will sense something is wrong.

Fake Snakes

The other proven technique is to use rubber snakes. Simply scatter a few rubber snakes across the roof to dissuade crows from landing on the roof. It should be noted that both these tactics should be employed during later evening hours when crows are nesting, as to not be seen by them. Using rubber snakes may also require relocating them from time to time, which will also involve additional trips to the roof.

What to Do If Crows are Searching for Bugs On the Roof

If the problem was determined that crows are searching for bugs, the issue will demand a little more effort to resolve. There are two options to fix the problem. Homeowners have the option of attempting to rid the bugs on the roof using insect sprays or potent insecticides.

For wood-burrowing insects, or if insect sprays don’t resolve the problem, then an exterminator or pest control service will be required. This will not only keep the crows from banging on the roof but will also prevent your roof and home from being eaten.

What Should I Know About Dealing with Crows?

One of the reasons that rubber snakes need moving occasionally and why props should be put up in the evening is because crows are smarter than people think. The bigger problem, however, is that crows can also be aggressive.

Attempting to swat away crows, for example, can actually cause them to retaliate. That is also why it is advisable to wear eye protection in the event that an angry crow decides to go on the offensive. The last thing any homeowner wants is to be attacked by an angry flock of crows, let alone while on top of a roof.

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Other Reasons Crows are Drawn to Roofs

In some rare cases, roofs can develop moss and even small worms and bugs as a result. Crows, of course, see this as an invitation and could be inclined to pay a visit. The easiest way to fix this problem is to clean the roof, remove any growth, and treat your roof with products like Round Up.

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