Can You Grind Coffee Beans In A Food Processor?

Heather Robbins
by Heather Robbins

Having so many appliances can be annoying, especially if you don’t have enough space in your cupboards. And if you’re a coffee lover, this can be a tough crossroads, especially when you like grinding your coffee beans. So, if you have a food processor, can you use this to grind the coffee beans instead?

You can use your food processor to grind your coffee beans. Place the beans in the processor and cover it before you turn it on. Pulse the high setting 5 times for 2 seconds each. Then, hold on high for 45 seconds. Shake the extra from the sides and continue until it is medium coarse.

Below, we will take you through the steps to use a food processor to grind your coffee beans. Don’t have a food processor? That’s fine. We’ve included alternative methods for you as well!

Can You Use A Food Processor Instead Of A Coffee Grinder?

Most individuals who grind their coffee beans at home use a coffee grinder. Some people use spice grinders, which are also effective. However, you’re also able to use a food processor.

Coffee beans can be ground in a food processor without a problem. The only distinction is that a food processor is best used to grind a limited quantity of coffee beans at once.

What Is The Difference Between A Coffee Grinder And A Food Processor?

A coffee grinder and food processor operate in distinct ways, yet you can use both to grind coffee beans. Burrs in a coffee grinder employ an extremely abrasive surface to break and crush the beans.

Coffee grinder burrs produce a uniform grind that make flawless extraction much simpler and yields a powerful, strong, and smooth flavor.

In contrast, a food processor cuts through food using sharp blades. These blades will grind the beans somewhat more coarsely by pulverizing them. Additionally, they won’t be as consistent as coffee mill grounds.

How Do You Grind Coffee Beans In A Food Processor?

You may find this how-to article helpful if you’ve never ground coffee beans in a food processor. To prepare 6–8 ounces of coffee with maximum performance, you will need two tablespoons of coffee beans.

Below are the steps you need to take in order to properly grind your coffee beans in a food processor:

  • Place the coffee beans in the processor. Coffee beans should be placed in the food processor bowl, covered, and powered on.
  • Press the buttons. Look for the High/Low-speed settings or the On/Off buttons on your food processor. Press the button five times, each for roughly two seconds. Start off slowly so you can monitor how finely ground the coffee is.
  • Knock the coffee off the sides. Shake the processor slightly to make the particles in the bowl’s top fall to the bottom by the rotors. The appliance’s feet can also be softly tapped against your counter.
  • Hold the button. While closely monitoring the consistency of the beans, press and hold the High button for approximately 30 to 45 seconds. It is advisable to shake or tap any entire beans that have pressed to the side of the back into the center.
  • Check your coffee. Instead of being incredibly powdered, you just want coffee grounds to be medium-fine or coarse. Lift off the processor lid and place it aside after giving it a little tap or shake to move any loose grounds. Rotate the worktop bowl and raise it off the processor’s base.
  • Empty the processor bowl. Remove the ground coffee and place them in another bowl or jar. Use a small brush or even a little silicone spatula to remove any leftover ground coffee from the processor’s bowl.
  • Wash your appliance. Wash the food processor’s bowl with dish soap to avoid greasy accumulation or odor.
  • Brew a cup! Make yourself a lovely cup of coffee using your grounds!

Other Methods To Grind Coffee Beans

What if you don’t have a food processor? That’s not an issue. Below are some methods you can employ to grind those coffee beans.

Use Your Hammer

You can even substitute your hammer for your coffee grinder in an emergency. However, there are a few things you need to bear in mind before you keep banging your beans.

Here’s how to use a hammer to grind coffee beans:

  • Place your beans in a bag. Put the desired number of beans in a freezer or Ziploc bag. Air should be squeezed out before sealing. Next, set the bag on a cutting surface that is sizable enough.
  • Cover your beans with a towel and hammer your beans. Use your dominant hand to hold the hammer and hit the beans. A bean should NOT be struck with a hammer like a nail. To prevent the bag from tearing, you might cover it in a towel.
  • Massage the ground coffee. Move the smashed beans around by working your way from one end of the container to the other. This will make sure that the grind is uniformly coarse to medium-coarse.

Use A Blender

If necessary, you can substitute a blender for your coffee grinder. Similar to a blade grinder, the blender’s blades spin up and grind the beans into rough to medium-coarse grounds.

Some blenders even have a grinder function made especially for grinding coffee. Before using your blender to grind coffee beans, make sure of this.

Here is how you ground coffee in your blender if it has the settings, or even if it doesn’t:

  • Select your setting. Choose the “grinder” or “medium-high” setting if your blender has one.
  • Place your beans in the blender. Your beans should go into the blender in modest amounts. It is good to use 1/4 to 1/2 cup.
  • Use the pulse setting to grind the beans in 3 to 5-second spurts. Any longer, and you run the risk of overheating the beans, which can produce harsh, bitter coffee.
  • Repeat six times in all for a total of 30 minutes.
  • Tilt your blender. To promote a more uniform grind, tip the blender to the side if necessary. Additionally, this prevents your blender’s engine from overheating and getting clogged up and jammed.

Try Out Your Knife

If none of the aforementioned solutions are available, a knife will work just as well. Use a wide, hard blade if possible; the goal is to crush the beans much like you would garlic.

Although it is feasible to chop coffee beans, doing so is risky and not optimal. In addition, it would take a very long time.

You have more control and can get a medium to fine-grind by crushing the coffee beans. Here’s how to use a knife to grind coffee beans:

  • Lay your beans out. On a chopping board, spread out your coffee beans.
  • Get your knife ready. With the blade’s sharp edge on the board, place the flat of the blade right on top of your beans.
  • Press down. To smash the beans, place your hands on the knife and press down firmly against them. Use light pressure at the start until you find your rhythm. Push it down on the edge until the beans are shattered. You may simultaneously pull it somewhat toward you for a finer grind.

Use Your Garlic Mincer

Usually, the internal blade assembly of a manual mincer or garlic press is used to finely cut the ingredients, even beans for coffee. However, mincers and clove presses can provide extra-coarse grinds, just like coffee grinders.

Fortunately, you can put the coffee grounds through the mincer or press as many times as necessary to get the consistency you want.

Keep in mind that you can only grind a few beans at a time using a hand mincer or garlic press. The machines compensate for this by attaining various grind consistencies according to how often you run your coffee through.

Here’s how to use either device to obtain the greatest outcomes:

  • Add your beans. A few beans should be added to the hand mincer or garlic press. A dish should be placed underneath to collect the coffee grinds.
  • Grind the beans. Turn the crank or firmly squeeze the gadget to ensure that all of your coffee beans flow through. To get the proper grind, pour the bowl’s grinds into your mincer or press and repeat.

Good Old Pestle And Mortar

Grinding coffee beans in a pestle and mortar is possibly the most traditional method. Although it could take a bit longer, you have far more control this way.

You may get grounds with a pestle and mortar that range from coarse to fine. And given what we now know about bunna maflat, this choice also has a certain air of romance about it. Here is how to use a pestle and mortar to grind coffee beans:

  • Fill your beans. To control and avoid spills, fill the mortar with the beans approximately 1/4 full. Your dominant hand should handle the pestle while the other hand should hold the mortar.
  • Begin crushing. Using the pestle, crush the beans by applying pressure while twisting them. Repeat this process several times until you get the desired consistency.
  • Place your grounds in a bowl. Until you have enough, pour the ground coffee into a dish and repeat.

Crush Your Beans By Rolling Them

In a pinch, a rolling pin can be a surprisingly useful alternative to a coffee grinder. Because of how it is made, it can grind fairly consistently.

However, it takes considerable work to grindd coffee beans with a rolling pin. In order to maintain uniformity, it also necessitates strict attention to the grinding procedure.

You can produce a medium grind that’s ideal for pour-over brews with a little bit of care. Here’s how to use a rolling pin to grind coffee beans:

  • Put your beans in a bag. Put the desired number of coffee beans in a freezer or Ziploc bag. Before sealing, press the air out to prevent later popping. Put the bag on the kitchen counter or chopping board.
  • Crush the beans. Crush the coffee beans using a rolling pin and hammer to get things going. To safeguard the bag, you can wrap it in a towel. Roll the pin over the coffee bag firmly back and forth. Repeat this process several times until the beans are the desired consistency.

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Heather Robbins
Heather Robbins

Heather is a passionate writer who loves anything DIY. Growing up, she learned everything from home repairs to design, and wants to share her tips with you. When she's not writing, she's usually hiking or searching for her next DIY project.

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