12 Types Of Pothos House Plants
Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) is a popular species of tropical vine plants, distinguished by their glossy, heart shaped leaves and long, trailing stems. They are typically one of the first houseplants that novice plant parents own, and for good reason. These indoor plants are incredibly easy to grow, require minimal care, and are very versatile. For example, you can grow pothos up a moss pole, in a hanging pot and the leaves will drape downwards, or horizontally across windowsills, mantles, and tables.
Pothos plants have numerous scientific and common names, so classifying specific varieties is usually done by examining the type of variegation on their leathery leaves. The term ‘pothos’ is often used loosely, but it generally is used to describe the plants in the Epipremnum genus, and specifically the aureum species. Although there is only one species of pothos, horticulturists have produced several stunning varieties and cultivars, but no Pothos hybrids.
All Pothos varieties share some traits, but each are unique in their own way. That said, let’s take a look at some of the top varieties of Pothos, along with tips and tricks for caring for your Pothos plant – regardless of the type.
How to Care for Pothos
Fortunately, growing and caring for Pothos plants is nearly foolproof, even for beginners. They can tolerate neglect, are virtually repellent of disease and pests, and enduring to low light. This makes Pothos an excellent choice for offices and darker rooms in the home. While you can pretty much forget about your Pothos and it’ll survive, here are some care tips that you’ll still want to follow:
- Watering: Between waterings, it’s recommended to allow the top inch of soil dry out completely. Overwatering can result in root rot. Empty out the excess water that collects in the saucer, as the plant should not be sitting in water. Pothos can tolerate infrequent and erratic watering as well. When Pothos is thirsty, the leaves will droop.
- Temperature and humidity: Pothos should be kept at temperatures above 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Though, the ideal temperature range for Pothos is between 60 and 80 degrees. These plants prefer conditions that are similar to their native habitat, meaning high humidity. Pothos will benefit from misting or a room humidifier, but is tolerant of average or dry conditions.
- Soil type: Pothos should be grown in a well-draining, high-quality potting soil. These plants prefer slightly acidic pH – between 6.1 and 6.5. Though, they can withstand slightly below and above and will still perform well in neutral soil.
- Light requirements: Bright indirect sunlight is preferred, but Pothos can tolerate low light and fluorescent lighting. Avoid direct sunlight wherever possible, as it can burn or change the color of the leaves.
- Bloom: In their native habitat, Pothos produces small, white, hooded blooms. These plants will not flower in the average home environment, unless treated with a special hormone.
- Feeding: Pothos have very minimal fertilizing needs. Apply a generic balanced liquid houseplant fertilizer about every 1 to 3 months to keep the plant looking healthy. Avoid overfeeding, as this can cause the Pothos to suffer from toxicity which will impact its growth and overall health.
- Growth rate: Growth rate ranges from slow to fast, depending on the variety. The more variegation, the slower the growth.
- Pot requirements: Ideal potting conditions for Pothos is a container that is 1 to 2 inches wider than the root ball, with sufficient drainage holes.
- Pruning: Pothos may be allowed to sprawl or can be kept more compact. To keep plants full and bushy, trim back long runners. Bare stems can be cut to the soil level to urge new branches to grow. To achieve a vining habit, let the Pothos grow naturally.
- Ideal setting: Place Pothos near a window that gets bright indirect sunlight and is free of cold drafts.
- Propagation: Pothos is easy to propagate via stem cuttings. Trim stems six inches long right below and leaf node and place in water. Change the water every 2 to 3 weeks and roots should start to form after a month or two. Then, well-rooted cuttings directly into fresh potting soil. Plant multiple in the same pot for the leafiest growth.
While this may seem like a lot, Pothos are notorious for being very easy to grow, with minimal maintenance required.
Types of Pothos
While they may be lacking blooms, this tropical vine comes in an assortment of foliage colors and patterns to satisfy a wide variety of decors and personal tastes. The most common varieties of Pothos include the Golden pothos, marble queen pothos, neon pothos, and pearl and jade pothos. What distinguishes each type from the next is the leaf variegation. While some plants have dark leaves, others have green and white leaves or bright lemon lime-colored leaves.
With that said, let’s take a deeper look at some of the various types of Pothos to consider adding to your houseplant collection.
1. Golden Pothos
Also called Devil’s Ivy, Golden pothos is arguably the most common type of this popular vining houseplant. In fact, the phrase “golden pothos” is often used as a universal name for the entire species. Though this plant is called golden, the majority of it is a bright green. More specifically, Golden pothos features heart-shaped emerald green leaves with speckles of cream yellow scattered throughout.
Native to French Polynesia, in the wild it is often found as ground cover or growing vertically up trees. In addition to being very popular, Golden pothos is one of the most vigorous and probably the easiest to grow off all the varieties out there. It’s easy to find and has a very stable leaf color, meaning it is suitable for many different types of environments – lighting conditions particularly.
- Leaf color: emerald green with golden-yellow patterns, similar to delicate brush strokes.
- Ideal setting: as the most adaptable type of Pothos, this plant can work virtually anywhere. Though, because of its appealing yet discreet appearance, Golden pothos will look lovely as a background feature. Â
- Additional care tips: take advantage of its vigorous trailing habit. Unlike other types of pothos, this plant may be excellent for use as a centerpiece. It can also be placed outdoors during the summer for some fresh air.
2. Marble Queen Pothos
Another popular type of pothos, marble queen pothos is one of the earliest cultivars of the plant. It has a very distinct appearance compare to golden pothos, with marble-like patches of white and green on the leaves. In some cases, the two colors are about 50-50, or some plants and leaves may have more green or more white.
Marble queen pothos is a highly variegated type of pothos and since there is less chlorophyll in each leaf, it grows much slower than other varieties. To influence their growth, you may want to place a marble queen pothos closer to a windowsill or other light source. In general, you’ll want to avoid locations that are too dark to prevent poor growth.
- Leaf color: white and green, with less chlorophyll than other types.
- Ideal setting: marble queen pothos looks wonderful as a centerpiece, whether on a table or shelf. It will complement modern environments well and is ideal for a 1960s furniture style. Avoid any areas that are too dark, as this will limit the plant’s growth.
- Additional care tips: be extra careful with light levels, as not enough light will cause the plant to start to lose its white and become more green in color. This happens because the plant must compensate for the lack of light by creating chlorophyll.
3. Neon Pothos
Of all the pothos varieties, neon pothos has the most perfect heart-shaped leaves. Though, this is not where it gets its name. Rather, neon pothos receives its name from the shiny, almost neon green color of the leaves. In fact, the color of this pothos is the brightest green you’ll see in all types of pothos.
The younger, budding leaves of the neon pothos are typically brighter in color, while the older, mature leaves have a deep neon tinge. If you want to take advantage of your neon pothos’ signature remarkable neon color, make sure you place the plant in bright light. In dim or low light conditions, the leaves will remain dull and darker in color.
- Leaf color: neon green, monochrome.
- Ideal setting: neon pothos would look nice framing a brightly colored painting or as a backdrop. It can also work well on an office desk as a centerpiece, on a shelf, or in a room with bold colors and lines.
- Additional care tips: ideal growing conditions for neon pothos is bright, indirect light. If you grow it in low light, the leaves will not be able to obtain that bright neon green coloring. Again, it reacts physiologically to the lack of light by producing chlorophyll and turning the leaves dark.
4. Manjula Pothos
Originally created by the University of Florida, Manjula Pothos is a patented type of pothos. Because of the patent, you cannot reproduce this plant. What distinguishes this pothos from others is the heart-shaped leaves with curvy edges that do not lay flat. The leaves also feature striking variegated colors with hues of white, green, silver, and cream.
These colors can occur in different patterns, and even with some overlapping. The leaves of a Manjula pothos will all differ from each other; while some may have large green patches, others will be heavily freckled with other colors. Additionally, the variegation on Manjula leaves is not clear cut, meaning you can also expect dabs of green on the white areas as well.
- Leaf color: dark to light green, with silver-green, white, and cream.
- Ideal setting: to look best, Manjula pothos need a modern or more formal environment. It is not a plant that should be used as a backdrop or placed in the corner of the room. Consider placing your Manjula pothos against a neutral wall to show off its lovely variegation.
- Additional care tips: this type of pothos is pretty rare, meaning it’ll likely be more expensive than other types (if you’re lucky enough to find one). Be careful with light conditions, as it can impact the color of the leaves. Try your best to maintain a good balance between the dark and light colors by moving the plan around as needed.
5. Pearls and Jade Pothos
Another patented type of Pothos that was created by the University of Florida, Pearls and Jade Pothos is one of the most elegant houseplants you can buy. It features green leaves that are variegated with white and silver-gray hues. Unlike most other pothos with variegation, the variegation on the leaves of Pearls and Jade Pothos appears on the edges instead of in the center.
In general, there aren’t many areas of color on each leaf – typically a green section in the center and a white area around it, with potentially some small green lines at some areas on the edges. The whiter areas of the leaves are usually clouded with green and silver-gray tones. Overall, Pearls and Jade Pothos tends to have leaves that are smaller than other types and they also grow slower as well.
- Leaf color: different shades of jade green, from very bright to very dark and intense, with cream hues.
- Ideal setting: because of its oriental look, this plant works great in an oriental setting. Consider placing it in a Japanese themed room, near bamboo furniture, next to an elegant painting, or against a neutral background. Regardless, Pearls and Jade pothos should be kept near the viewer, so that the artistic patterns on the leaves can be admired.
- Additional care tips: make sure that this plant is kept under bright lighting. This will enhance the beauty of the plant while also preventing the green from becoming too dark and taking over the cream areas.
6. Jessenia Pothos
Similar to Marble Queen, each leaf on Jessenia pothos appears differently than the others. This plant features green heart shaped leaves that are speckled with greenish-yellow hues. The variegation of the leaves is of two very similar colors of green – a dark emerald and a chartreuse color.
Fortunately, the color of Jessenia pothos is very stable, which makes this plant suitable to different light conditions. Though, because of the lack of chlorophyll, Jessenia pothos tends to grow slower than non-variegated types of pothos. While it may not have a striking look on its own, this type of pothos is more of an “ambience creator” because of its light but verdant appearance.
- Leaf color: chartreuse green and dark emerald, with other shades in between.
- Ideal setting: this plant looks great on a light-colored bookcase, in a bright area that receives lots of light. It also will work well in a conservatory and in hanging baskets.
- Additional care tips: place your Jessenia pothos in a spot where viewers can enjoy its delicate pattern close up.
7. Satin/ Silver Pothos
Satin pothos, also known as silver pothos, features dark green, heart shaped leaves that are speckled with silver. When compared to other types, the foliage of satin pothos is smaller. It has a vine like quality and sparkling look that makes this plant ideal for decorating your indoor jungle.
Unlike other pothos plants, the satin pothos may bloom on occasion. The bloom is very exotic looking, similar to a strange tropical fruit or white pinecone. You usually won’t find this plant at your local garden center or nursery. Instead, the best place to source a Satin or Silver Pothos is online.
- Leaf color: white and many different shades of green.
- Ideal setting: this is certainly a plant that you want to enjoy for its sculptural virtues. For best results, place your satin pothos on a table or low level of a shelf so that it can be viewed at close range.
- Additional care tips: to achieve the brightest shades of silver, keep your satin pothos in a bright, indirect light.
8. Cebu Blue Pothos
Cebu Blue Pothos actually belongs to the species Epipremnum pinnatum, instead of Epipremnum aureum. However, it has become an honorary pothos among gardeners. Instead of the signature heart shaped leaves that pothos are known for, Cebu Blue Pothos have arrow-shaped blue-green foliage.
In fact, they typically have a slight metallic blue shine that sets them apart from other types of pothos. Their glossy appearance is highlighted by the bumps and veins found on the leaves, which also sets them apart from their botanical cousins.
- Leaf color: dark blue green, almost metallic.
- Ideal setting: this plant has a very exotic look, which makes it look perfect against dark wood or when paired with other lush plants.
- Additional care tips: maintenance is similar to other types of pothos, but you should be especially careful with low temperatures.
9. N-Joy Pothos
N-Joy pothos is one of the youngest on our list, as one of the most recent cultivars to be bred. It is a type of variegated pothos with clear cut green and white patches, which tend to be larger in size. Depending on the light and age of the leaf, the green will change shades – from pale green to a very dark green.
The variegation typically takes on very intriguing shapes, with some patches appearing like a flame, heart, or butterfly. While N-Joy pothos is a very decorative variety, it is typically more difficult to find. Being relatively new, this plant is expected to gain popularity in the coming years.
- Leaf color: white and green. The green typically has shades ranging from pale green to dark green.
- Ideal setting: place N-Joy pothos on a table or low shelf of a bookshelf so that it can be enjoyed at close range.
- Additional care tips: you likely won’t be able to find this plant at your local nursery or garden center. The best place to source this plant is online.
10. Hawaiian Pothos
With large, glossy variegated leaves, Hawaiian pothos is a very exotic type of pothos. Its primary color is a rich emerald green, which takes over most of the leaf. Though, lighter yellow-green hues follow the lateral veins of the leaf to the edges. This plant also grows aerial roots on the stem, which contributes to its tropical look.
- Leaf color: rich emerald green, with dabs of light green-yellow.
- Ideal setting: being an exotic and tropical-looking plant, this variety works best when paired with other showy leaf plants to create a rainforest in your living space.
- Additional care tips: pruning regularly will cause the foliage to grow thicker, enhancing the lush foresty look.
11. Trebi Pothos
Like Cebu Blue Pothos, Trebi Pothos is an honorary member of the pothos family. The foliage has a tip that bends sideways and the heart shape of the leaves is more of a lanceolate, with unpronounced back lobes. This trailing vine features a lovely pattern of green and silver green. The green is more of the base color, while the silver green shows up as blots, dots, and patches.
- Leaf color: green with numerous silver green splotches that may join together in some spots.
- Ideal setting: if you want to make the most out of the leaf pattern, you should place this plant somewhere that it can be admired close up and against a monochromatic background.
- Additional care tips: this is often a difficult plant to find, and looking online may be your best bet.
12. Glacier Pothos
Glacier pothos is a smaller variegated type of pothos. It has become more common in garden centers as of late because of its striking features. The small size and its relatively compact growing habit make it ideal for placement on office desks and coffee tables. These plants have broad, soft looking but well-defined patches of emerald green and cream white. This combination creates a very decorative and sculptural look.
- Leaf color: emerald green and creamy white.
- Ideal setting: ideal placement for this plant is at a low level, whether it’s low hanging baskets or on a desk, coffee table, or kitchen table.
- Additional care tips: for a fuller look, trim regularly. Also, be especially careful with low light, as it’ll lose the white and the green will take over.
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Jessica considers herself a home improvement and design enthusiast. She grew up surrounded by constant home improvement projects and owes most of what she knows to helping her dad renovate her childhood home. Being a Los Angeles resident, Jessica spends a lot of her time looking for her next DIY project and sharing her love for home design.
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