I Can Hear Every Step My Upstairs Neighbor Takes!

Tiffany Nichols
by Tiffany Nichols

Apartment living can be convenient and affordable. But what happens when you can hear every step your upstairs neighbor takes? Loud sounds late at night are annoying. So, what can you do about it? Better yet, how do you find an apartment that’s quiet enough for a peaceful living?

You can muffle the sounds of your upstairs neighbor’s footsteps or talk to them about their activities. If the noise becomes too disruptive, discuss other options with your landlord. And if all else fails, try to find a vacancy in a one-story apartment building. That way, you don’t have to listen to loud footsteps day and night.

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Is It Normal to Hear Your Upstairs Neighbor’s Footsteps?

Don’t expect complete silence when you live in multi-unit housing. Footsteps from upstairs will vibrate through the floor and into your apartment. So, hearing your upstairs neighbor’s activities is typical in most cases. And you shouldn’t file complaints about ordinary activities.

However, many landlords consider thunderous sounds excessive. And they usually write ordinances against them into the rental lease. That means it’s your responsibility to respect the rules and contribute to a peaceful environment. Loud stomping noises from upstairs are unacceptable, especially late at night or early in the morning.

NOTE: Some activities can sound like stomping, although they aren’t. So, try to talk to your neighbors first.

Why Does It Sound Like My Upstairs Neighbor Is Stomping?

It might sound like your neighbors are having a party upstairs. But most likely, they’re just going through the motions of everyday life. Usually, noises carry further in open spaces and older buildings. So, minor disturbances can echo, bounce off the walls, and travel down hallways if the complex lacks soundproofing. But bumps and bangs can travel through modern apartments as well.

DID YOU KNOW: The type of flooring in your building can play a role in how noisy your neighbors seem.

What Is Considered Excessive Noise in an Apartment?

Noise ordinances can vary from one apartment to another. That’s because cities can place limitations on sounds, but so can landlords. You should always check your lease for more information about what’s acceptable vs. excessive. In most cases, tenants can’t exceed 45 decibels within the complex because anything louder will disturb other tenants.

Some units may allow louder noises with special permission. And you’ll probably have to tell your neighbors about the plans. But you don’t have to seek approval unless you intend to expose neighbors to the following things:

  • Loud Music
  • Blaring TVs
  • Fighting
  • Barking Dogs
  • Crying Babies
  • Noisy Alarms
  • Indoor Sports
  • Parties

Excessive noises in an apartment can get you in trouble with the landlord. But the same can be said about noisy neighbors. They have to clue you into loud plans and ask for permission as well. So, respect one another and your lease for the best results. Then use due diligence if the problem doesn’t stop.

How Do You Stop Noise From Upstairs?

Other than using white noise to drown out loud sounds, what else can you do to stop the commotion from upstairs? You can move into another apartment and get a unit upstairs this time. Or you can try one of these five hacks:

#1. Add Some Insulation

Insulation is a natural barrier to sound, light, and heat or cold. Meanwhile, many apartments lack sufficient insulation between walls and floors. So, find out if you can install some more. And if so, hire a professional to do the work.

#2. Use Soundproofing Sealant

Soundproofing sealant helps block noises from upstairs apartments. That’s because it fills in the tiny holes where sound escapes. But you might have to apply several layers. And you’ll need your landlord’s permission like always.

#3. Install a Drop Ceiling

Drop ceilings can create more space between your apartment and the one above you. However, renovating your apartment is a massive job that requires lots of time and money. So, consider your other options first.

#4. Replace the Flooring Upstairs

Ask your landlord to install noise-canceling floor material like carpet. Then, the neighbors’ activities won’t seem so loud in your apartment. But be prepared for the property manager to say no because installing carpet over tile or linoleum can be time-consuming and expensive.

#5. Fix the Floorboards

Some of the sounds coming from upstairs could be due to squeaky floor joists. You can ask your neighbors if their floors are uneven or damaged somehow. Then address the issues with your landlord to reduce noisiness and get some rest.

Remember, you live in a rental. So, there are only a few things you can do to stop noises from upstairs. Plus, you have to ask for consent from your landlord before changing anything in your apartment. And that could include hanging objects on your walls to muffle the sounds.

How Do I Get Quiet Upstairs Neighbors?

You don’t always get to choose your neighbors when moving into an apartment. Usually, the landlord picks between available units and then gives you an option from there. But you can help control who lives nearby with these simple tricks:

  • Carefully Vet Apartments: Look for housing in quiet neighborhoods. And avoid apartments with lots of pets or children.
  • Talk to Your Neighbors: They might not know how loud they are or how noisy their movements can sound.
  • Choose Units with Soundproofing: Find out how much insulation is between the floors and walls.
  • Confide in Your Landlord: Let property managers know about your problems so they can try to fix them.
  • Live in One-Story Housing: Avoid multi-story apartment buildings and never deal with noisy upstairs neighbors again.

Enjoy quiet neighbors through peaceful negotiations, or consider moving into a different home. But never threaten your neighbors because of loud noises. And always pay your rent on time and save the receipts, even if the environment is disturbing. You can take your landlord or neighbors to court with enough evidence. So, try to keep impeccable records of any complaints you file.

Who Do I Complain to About Loud Noises from Upstairs?

You can file complaints against noisy neighbors if they ignore your requests. First, jot down the details and give them to your landlord. That way, if needed, you have everything in writing for the court. Remember, your landlord must attempt to solve the problem, or else you can take complaints to the police. And you can’t get evicted for involving law enforcement unless you do it too much.

DID YOU KNOW: You cannot break your lease for loud noises unless you follow the correct protocol to prove negligence.

Learn to Live Comfortably in a Downstairs Apartment

Living in an apartment comes with several advantages. You can save money, rely on maintenance to fix problems, and enjoy an array of personalities for neighbors. But noise upstairs neighbors are disruptive and disallowed. So, stand up for your rights. Talk to people about your problems, send complaints via mail, or contact the police. Whatever the case, don’t lose another night’s sleep.

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Related Questions

Can You Complain About Neighbors Footsteps Upstairs?

It’s okay to complain about noisy upstairs neighbors. But you shouldn’t be confrontational when discussing issues with other people. So, try to be understanding and patient. Or ask your landlord to get involved as a mediator. You can also contact the police if your landlord never stops the stomping.

Can My Upstairs Neighbor Hear Me?

Your upstairs neighbors probably can’t hear anything happening inside your apartment. That’s because you seldom touch the ceiling, which is their floor. So, they hardly observe your presence unless you hit the walls or play loud music. Thus, many tenants with small children and pets try to find apartments on the ground level to avoid disturbing their neighbors.

Is It Better to Live Upstairs or Downstairs in an Apartment?

Downstairs apartments have several pros and cons, but so do upstairs flats. For example, you don’t have to worry about stomping when you live upstairs. But you must be mindful of your movements, and you can endure complaints from other neighbors if you’re not careful. Meanwhile, downstairs apartments mean you can move more freely. However, you have to listen to upstairs neighbors move around the house all day and night.Weigh your options to find the best rental unit. Or consider renting a single-family home instead of an apartment. There are several options available, with various floor plans to explore. So, you don’t have to settle on the first vacancy you find. And you can ask the landlord questions about neighbors if you get the chance.

Why Can I Hear My Neighbors Talking?

You can hear other people’s conversations in an apartment because the walls are usually thin. But that means your neighbors can hear you talk as well. So, try not to discuss private matters too loudly. And never repeat what you hear other people say because it could start a problem at home.

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Tiffany Nichols
Tiffany Nichols

Tiffany Nichols specializes in aesthetics, design, marketing, and manufacturing. She's a copywriter and editor for several home renovation companies in the U.S. and works alongside some of the biggest names in the industry. Her hobbies include architecture, art, mental health, and fashion.

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