How To Extend A Pressure Washer Hose (Quickly & Easily!)

Upgraded Home Team
by Upgraded Home Team

When you pull out the pressure washer and find out the hose is not long enough, there are different options. There are also warnings for some things that you should not do if you find yourself in this situation. You should first know the size of your hose in length and diameter.

Grabbing the owner’s manual should tell you everything you need to know before solving this dilemma. Knowing how far you would like to extend the hose would be the next thing. Once the distance required is known, you can move forward on extending the pressure washer hose.

Adapters and couplings are used to connect two hoses to extend them and make them reach further. Another option is purchasing a longer hose than the one that came with the pressure washer. Other accessories are used to connect two hoses to make them longer, adding comfort to using the hoses.

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Getting to Know Your Hose

Each pressure washer is different and requires a specific size hose and fittings. The most common is the 1/4″ in diameter. There are two others which are not as common but are still in circulation, 3/8″ and 5/16.”

If you have two different size hoses in diameter, make sure the smaller diameter is connected to the pressure washer. Combining the larger size will restrict the flow and cause loss of pressure. The right size attachments need to go with the same size hose.

The length is another thing that concerns most people. Most pressure washers come with a 20′ or 50′ hose. If the pressure washer has the right psi, you should have enough pressure to complete the job. Another option is if you have a 20′ hose, you can purchase a 50′ and connect it in its place.

Knowing everything about the pressure washer hose, you also need to know about the pressure washer. If you have an electric pressure washer, the connections are not the same as a gas-powered pressure washer. It is critical to know the PSI, gas, electric parts, proper hoses, and fittings before purchasing anything.

Always Keep Safety As a Number One Priority

When purchasing the hose for extension and the fittings to go with it, it has to handle the pressure. Severe injuries and damage can occur if the pressure exceeds the limits. Water is a liquid, but coming out at the velocity can sever limbs or cause severe lacerations.

The hose and the fittings can also explode, causing the pieces to fly uncontrollably. Those operating the pressure washer must keep in consideration at all times that it can even cause death. That is a significant reason never to leave the pressure washer running when not in use.

All About the Connections and Attachments

Every hose has a male and a female connection, male on one end, female on the other. The connections are no different. However, there are different types of connections that you can choose to make pressure washing easier.

Couplings are female on both ends and can take male connections on both sides. Adapters are used to connect different sizes. For example, one side maybe 1/4″ and the other 3/8.”

These are the types of connections you can find at any hardware store.

  • M22 connections that are solid screw tight.
  • Swivel 3/8″ connections that swivel back and forth, preventing kinks and more manageable to maneuver.
  • The quick-connect which have a snap-on connect type of feature. Most of these are also swivel.

There are three types of material used in making fittings.

  • Brass, which is the most common due to its durability and rust-resistant
  • Stainless Steel is the second most common and is also corrosion and rust-resistant.
  • Plastic is more common in electric pressure washers and is not as durable as stainless steel and brass.
  • O-Rings are only found in the female connections. They are designed as a seal to keep water from leaking out of the connection. If leaking occurs at the connection, it is usually an O-Ring gone bad.

The connections listed above can get you any length of hose extensions you need to get the job done. Another tip is you can also convert your pressure washer into a sewer jetter to clean out the sewer lines. All you will need is to add the correct nozzle design.

What to Consider When Choosing Fittings

If you are running a business, you want to make sure you are getting the perfect value for your money. These are the top thoughts you should keep in mind.

  • The fittings have to endure up to 4000 psi.
  • All parts and accessories should connect firmly to the pressure washer.
  • The connections need to withstand the most vigorous tug and not come undone.
  • Corrosion should not be a factor due to the amount of water used when pressure washing.
  • Everything you purchase for your business adds value to your company. Purchase only the best.

How To Extend the Hose with More Than One Pressure Washer Hose

Now that we have covered all there is to learn about the connections and hoses; we can extend them.

Step 1: Connect the Pressure Washer Hose to the Pressure Washer

Most pressure washers have a female connection on them. There are no other connections you should need other than the male end of the hose. All you have to do is screw it in place.

Some connections are quick to connect. If that is the case, pull back the female end and insert the hose’s male end. Let the female end go, and the hose will lock in place.

Step 2: Connect the Hoses Together

Depending on the connections, it is now time to connect the two hoses.

  • For the Couplings, screw in one side of the female to the male end of the hose. Then screw the other male end of the adapter into the female end of the coupler. Follow through with the other hose connection.
  • With the quick connections, connect the hoses the same way you did with the pressure washer’s end if it had a quick connect.
  • Screw the male to female for regular screw-in connections or with the swivel connections.

Step 3: Connect the End of the Hose to the Spray Gun

Most spray guns have quick connections with the male end. Follow the same technique when attaching the male to the female ends. Some may have multiple fittings that will require adapters, so be careful.

How To Add a Longer Pressure Washer Hose

Most manufacturers will address the length of the hose provided with the pressure washer. Some come with a 20 or 25-foot hose. You may not need more than 30 or 40 feet to work with around the area.

If this is the situation you are facing, you may not need an extension hose. You will only need to purchase a 50-foot hose to cover the area comfortably. It may work out for the better as you have to switch one hose as you see fit.

The steps are the same as Step 1 and Step 3 if you want to purchase a longer hose. Just make sure you stay at the suitable diameter, or you will lose the pressure in the line.

How the Hoses and Nozzle Affects Different Projects

The smaller the hose in diameter, the more pressure you will have. This is why most pressure washers are equipped with 1/4″ hoses. The hose size only makes a difference in industries, but any size works well for household use.

Some people wonder which is the primary term to go by when doing a job. There are gallons per minute (GPM) and pounds per square inch (PSI). The first thing to look at is the surface if it can handle a pressure washer at all.

PSI works best for dirt and grime that is hard to remove. GPM works for areas with a large amount of dirt piled onto a surface. PSI will cause the most damage to a surface, so it is critical to have the correct nozzle tip.

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Related Questions

Are pressure washer hoses universal?

No. Each hose is designed to cover a certain amount of pressure. An electric engine will not have as much PSI as a gas-powered motor. The highest PSI an electric will have is 3,000 PSI, while gas motors can have up to 5,000 in industrial.Putting a hose designed for only 3000 PSI on a 4 to 5000 PSI machine will cause extensive damage. It can destroy the hose, connections, and anyone or anything nearby. It is the most dangerous thing to do with a pressure washer.

Is it possible to repair a pressure washer hose that is leaking?

No! Never attempt to fix a pressure washer hose that is leaking. The only option is to get rid of it and purchase a new one.

How much does a 25-foot hose cost?

The average price for a 25-foot hose is around $17 to $20. It depends on what type of material is used in manufacturing.

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