How Many Jello Shots Does It Take To Get Drunk?

Tom Gaffey
by Tom Gaffey

Jello, as most college students learn, is not just for children and those recovering from surgery. Add some alcohol to the mix and you have a party favorite that adults around the globe enjoy.

But jello shots have also contributed to many vicious hangovers. Their sweet taste and easy-to swallow texture make them deceptively intoxicating. So, as you reach for one at a party, you should know how many jello shots it takes to get drunk.

The number of jello shots it takes to get drunk depends on several factors including the type of alcohol used, the recipe, and the size of the shot.

Your body weight, whether or not you are drinking on an empty stomach, and alcohol tolerance also impact how many jello shots it takes to get you drunk. Keep in mind, jello shots have between 10% and 25% alcohol, so pace yourself.

Whether you are curious about trying jello shots for the first time, or attempting to prevent another bad hangover, we have you covered. The most important information you need when it comes to jello-shot potency are all the variables involved.

After all, you aren’t always the one preparing and measuring the shots, so there is a lot of variation at play. So, before you determine the number of jello shots you want to consume at the next party, consider those variables.

7 Variables To Consider When Getting Drunk On Jello Shots

1. The Type Of Alcohol Used

One major influence on how many jello shots it takes to get you drunk is the type of alcohol used. This is because most alcohols vary in strength. If, for example, you are using a lower alcohol liquor like Malibu, the shots will be between 5% and 10% in potency. If, on the other hand, you use grain alcohol or even vodka, you are bound to have a shot twice or three times as strong.

2. The Size Of The Shot

Another thing to think about is the size of the shot. Some people consider one ounce a shot, while many bars serve shots in 1.5 ounce glasses. Jello shots, however, are unique because they are usually served in disposable containers.

These containers tend to vary in size and can be quite deceptive. Some of the plastic containers that house jello shots look cute and small, but are actually 4 ounces. The bigger the shot, the more drunk you get.

3. How Quickly You Drink

When it comes to consuming alcohol, timing is crucial. Consuming jello shots is no different. If, for example, you consume one jello shot per hour over the course of 7 hours, you might feel a bit tipsy and possibly even drunk.

But if you choke down 7 jello shots in one hour, the odds are you are going to be feeling drunk – perhaps too drunk.

This is because your body is constantly metabolizing alcohol, at the rate of (on average) one drink per hour. So, while drinking one per hour will have you feeling good, drinking them all at once could leave you feeling out of control.

4. The Recipe

Another factor to consider, and one that is often hidden, is the jello shot recipe. The most important part of the recipe to know is the water-to-alcohol ratio. Many common jello shot recipes call for equal parts hot water and alcohol. But some people use more alcohol to make a stronger shot.

So, if you are drinking jello shots with 25% more alcohol, then you are going to get drunk faster. If the shots are infused with fruit juices and omit some alcohol, they might pack less of a punch.

5. The Amount Of Alcohol You Typically Drink

Your alcohol tolerance also factors into how many jello shots it takes to get you drunk. Tolerance as it pertains to alcohol experience means the amount of alcohol your body requires to start feeling the effects. One major factor is how much alcohol you normally consume.

If you are a novice drinker or someone who drinks only at special occasions, then it probably won’t take many jello shots before you start to feel tipsy. If, however, you drink every day, a jello shot won’t make much of a dent on your tolerance. In fact, you might require significantly more jello shots to feel the same way as someone who rarely drinks.

6. Your Body Size And Metabolism

The larger you are, the more alcohol you tend to be able to handle. This will change based on your tolerance, but in general, more body mass means it takes more shots to get you drunk. The speed of your metabolism in your body also matters.

7. Did You Eat?

As you may know, or might have learned the hard way, drinking on an empty stomach is very different from drinking on a full stomach. When you drink on an empty stomach, the alcohol gets into your bloodstream much quicker. If there is food in your stomach, your body will absorb alcohol along with the food, usually resulting in a more delayed and smooth process.

How Much Alcohol Is In A Jello Shot?

The amount of alcohol in your jello shot is the best way to help you determine how many jello shots it takes to get you drunk. A shot of pure vodka or tequila has about 40% alcohol.

Jello shots are not pure alcohol. They use some boiling water to dissolve the jello, and there is also the mix itself to consider. But as we mentioned before, alcohol recipes vary from person to person.

So, while there is no exact alcohol percentage for a jello shot, there are ballparks and averages. If jello shots use half alcohol and half water, the alcohol percentage tends to be around 10% and 15%. This means it will take between three and four jello shots to equal the amount of alcohol in one shot of the same size of pure liquor.

Keep in mind this is an approximation. But knowing that between two to three jello shots will make you feel the same as one shot of pure booze should help to pace yourself. But remember, jello shots have a way of getting you tipsy out of nowhere.

Reasons Jello Shots Can Get You Unexpectedly Drunk

The Taste

Jello shots have a sweet and tangy taste, and jello is a very concentrated flavor. So, just like other liquors mixed with sweet concentrated flavors, the alcohol flavor sometimes disappears. This sometimes leads to people thinking there is very little alcohol in them. In turn, they tend to over-consume.

Jello Goes Down Easy

Unlike other shots of alcoholic beverages, jello is almost solid. This is a bit strange to “drink,” but they go down fast and easy. You can swallow an entire jello shot without tasting it much, since it was still solid-ish when it went down your throat.

The Recipe Is Always Different

Taking a jello shot is like drinking a mystery shot. You never know exactly what you are drinking and how strong the shot is. So, you might base your consumption on previous jello shots experiences, but each batch is bound to vary in potency.

Four Tips To Not Get Too Drunk On Jello Shots

1. Pace Yourself

The best way to keep yourself from getting too drunk in any situation is to pace yourself. So, if you are drinking jello shots but don’t want to get drunk very fast, space out how quickly you consume them. If you want to feel tipsy, have a few right off the bat, but then take a break. You can always have more in 30 minutes or an hour if you feel nothing.

2. Make Them Yourself

If you make your own jello shots, then you eliminate all sorts of variables. You will know the type of alcohol used and also the recipe. You will even know the size of the shot. All that is left to do is some basic calculations and you should be able to determine exactly how many jello shots it will take you to get drunk.

3. Ask For The Recipe

If you don’t make the jello shots, don’t be afraid to ask for the recipe. The two important questions to ask are the type of alcohol used and the ratio of water to liquor used in the batch. This will give you an idea of the alcohol percentage in each shot., While you are at it, ask how big the shot cup is too.

4. Don’t Mix Jello Shots And Other Drinks

Jello shots might feel like a dessert to enjoy after a beer, but be careful. If you are mixing jello shot consumption with other types of alcohol intake, things get tricky. It will become very difficult to pace yourself or understand when you should slow down. Try not to drink different types of alcohol when consuming jello shots if you are trying to avoid getting too drunk.

Understanding How Many Jello Shots To Get You Drunk

The number of jello shots you need to consume to get drunk varies from person to person and shot to shot. In order to know how strong your jello shot is, you need to know the type of liquor used and the water-to-liquor ratio involved. You also should find out how big each shot is. Jello shot intoxication also depends on your own alcohol tolerance. How much you drink, your size, and what you’ve eaten all impact your tolerance.

Tom Gaffey
Tom Gaffey

Tom Gaffey is an expert writer who currently resides in Washington D.C. Tom has a passion for real estate and home improvement writing, as well as travel and lifestyle writing. He lived the last twelve years in Hawaii where he worked closely with luxury resorts and event planners, mastering his knowledge of aesthetics and luxury products. This is where he found his passion for home improvement and a keen interest in DIY projects. Currently, Tom resides in Washington D.C, and also working on his debut fiction novel.

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