When Is The Best Time To Buy Patio Furniture?

Tom Gaffey
by Tom Gaffey

A new patio set can really elevate your outdoor space. Replacing drab furniture with sleek and modern looks can be transformative. Quality patio furniture, however, can be very pricey. These days it can also be common to find the outdoor furniture you want is out of stock. This may have you wondering exactly when the best time is to buy patio furniture.

The best time to buy patio furniture is during end of the season clearance events, as they offer the deepest discounts. If you buy patio furniture online, February is an ideal month to buy as online retailers are fully stocked and offer lower prices. Holidays like Memorial Day, Mother’s and Father’s Day, Independence Day and Labor Day are also great times to find deals on patio furniture.

Once you decide you need a new patio set you should determine exactly when you need it. The time of year and the immediacy in which you need your new furniture can have a big impact on the price.

End Of The Year Clearance Deals

Buying your patio furniture at end of the season or end of the year sales events often yields great savings. This is the perfect option if you don’t particularly care what time of year you purchase your outdoor patio set.

End of the season sales events often occur starting in late October. The idea is that stores are giving extreme discounts on patio furniture because it is out of season. The deals continue to decrease until all furniture is gone, and room can be made for holiday displays and other merchandise.

You can find deals of upwards of 75% off if you hit the right store at the right time and get lucky. Keep in mind while the savings can be spectacular, your options may be very limited. The reason the savings is so great is because they are trying to get rid of their merchandise. This means when the last one is sold there is no replenishment.

Late October into November clearance is a great option if you are flexible and on a tight budget. If you are looking for more options, or would like to use the patio set sooner than later, there are other great times to buy.

End Of Summer And Labor Day Sales Events

End of summer sales events often coincide with Labor Day. This is because Labor Day normally occurs in early September when school starts up and families prepare for fall. This is also when stores begin to mark down outdoor furniture to clear out their remaining inventory.

These deals are normally not as big as end of the year events, but the variety is often significantly better. You can get a good discount, and often choose from a variety of styles and aesthetics.

In addition to a better variety, the end of summer means you can still set up your patio set and enjoy it for a few months before the cold winter months arrive. This is great for those who want a deal but also want some instant gratification. After all, what better way to spend Labor Day than enjoying your new outdoor furniture.

Buying Patio Furniture Online In Late Winter

If you aren’t interested in scouring stores to find the patio set of your dreams, another great way to buy patio furniture is online. Online shopping not only makes getting the furniture to your doorstep easier, but it also greatly increases your options. Just like with buying patio furniture in person, there are certain times of year where buying patio furniture online is best.

Perhaps the best time to look for patio furniture online is at the end of winter, in late February. At this time of year most online sellers have a completely stocked inventory. This means you often have the opportunity to find any patio set you want, and it will likely be in stock. You will find later in the year many desirable sets are out of stock, or have long wait times.

In addition to more variety, buying before springtime can also save you money. Online sellers often mark their furniture at its highest price in spring and summer, as this is when demand is highest. If you can purchase the patio furniture in the winter, when spring is just around the corner, you can find savings.

Whether stores are getting rid of last year’s models, or have incentivized pricing for products they bought in bulk, February is a good time to look online. Plus, this means you can enjoy the patio set for the entire outdoor season.

Buying Patio Furniture During The Biggest Shopping Sales Days

Just like with any other major online or retail purchase, patio sets can go on sale during some of the biggest sales days of the year. The important thing is you should plan for these sales events, and not forget about your needed patio furniture amongst your holiday shopping.

Black Friday

Depending on where you live, patio sets can go on a one-day deep discount on Black Friday. Be sure to check your local papers and advertisements to see what your home improvements have on sale for the day.

Cyber Monday

Shopping online during the holidays can be a truly overwhelming experience. It is often a race to buy gifts while they go on sale for a very limited period of time. Try to set a reminder on cyber Monday to check sites that sell patio furniture. You may just find what you are looking for at a deep discount. And while you may have to store it until the spring, it can be a lovely holiday gift for the entire household, and it will likely ship for free.

After Holiday Sales

After Christmas, and even New Year holiday you can find some extraordinary deals on patio sets. Be sure to look both online and in stores for these deals. This is a time of year when online retailers and in person stores (including home improvement stores) are looking to unload old inventory to make room for a new year of products.

Amazon Prime Day

If you are planning to buy your patio set online you might want to wait until Prime Day. Amazon features its once a year Prime Day where all sorts of products go on sale. It is wise to research what products go on sale and when, as these deals can often only last a few hours or up to one day.

One great thing about Prime Day is it normally takes place in July. This means that while at other retailers you might pay top dollar for a patio set this time of year, you may find great savings on a patio set on Prime Day.

Other Holidays When Patio Furniture Is Cheap

While late fall clearance and winter holiday super sales are great times to buy patio furniture, there are other holiday sales to consider as well. These holidays occur just before, during and at the tail end of patio season. This means you may be able to hit a great holiday sale as long as you have a little bit of flexibility.

Earth Day

Earth day is celebrated every April 22. Not only is this an important day for the environment, but it is a great time of year to buy a patio set. Be aware that not all retailers have Earth Day sales.

Those who do have Earth Day sales often focus their sales on outdoor and sustainable products. If you are looking for an eco-friendly and sustainable patio set this might be a great time to buy. Be sure to bookmark all your favorite online retailers (especially the eco friendly ones) and check for sales around this holiday.

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is famous for having sales on all your outdoor furniture and barbecuing needs. This holiday is often the first major holiday with pleasant weather each year. Companies often take advantage of the newly-pleasant weather by having enticing sales on patio furniture.

Almost all major retailers have flyers that advertise their Memorial Day sales, which usually last the entire weekend. This is another holiday that occurs in Spring. This means not only a great deal, but the ability to enjoy your new outdoor furniture all season long.

Mother’s And Father’s Day

Patio furniture and other outdoor essentials commonly go on sale for Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. While Mother’s Day often focuses a bit more on the gardening side and Father’s Day on grilling, both holidays see specials on outdoor furniture.

July 4th

Many Independence Day sales focus on grilling and outdoor activity. You can find great patio deals as well. This is a very busy holiday in the US. Even with crowds around, if you are able to reach the sale pretty early then you might even be able to enjoy the patio set throughout the holiday weekend.

Independence Day is, in a sense, your last chance to find in-person patio furniture deals in the summer until stores begin marking them down at the end of the season.

Concluding Thoughts On When To Buy Patio Furniture

Patio furniture can be pricey, but it doesn’t have to be. A little flexibility on when you buy your outdoor furniture can go a long way as far as budget is concerned.

End of the year clearance events often have the lowest prices, while buying in late winter from online retailers is another cheap option. Major holidays starting with Earth Day and Memorial Day, as well as both Mother’s Day and Father’s Day are also great times to buy. If you are buying a patio set online, Cyber Monday and Amazon Prime day are ideal times to buy.

Tom Gaffey
Tom Gaffey

Tom Gaffey is an expert writer who currently resides in Washington D.C. Tom has a passion for real estate and home improvement writing, as well as travel and lifestyle writing. He lived the last twelve years in Hawaii where he worked closely with luxury resorts and event planners, mastering his knowledge of aesthetics and luxury products. This is where he found his passion for home improvement and a keen interest in DIY projects. Currently, Tom resides in Washington D.C, and also working on his debut fiction novel.

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