How To Hook Up A Pool Vacuum To An Intex Pump

Upgraded Home Team
by Upgraded Home Team

Intex above ground pools is a cost-effective alternative to traditional in-ground pools. Intex above ground pools come in varying shapes and sizes to fit many different yard space and budget.

For these pools to last, they need to be cleaned and maintained regularly – and that takes a lot of work. Fortunately, Intex pools come with their own vacuum cleaner which is a breeze to set up and use.

To hook up the pool vacuum to the Intex pump, make sure that you have all the needed materials like hoses, cleaner tops and bases, debris net, brushes, gear module, and exhaust ring plate. Alternatively, you may use an automatic pool cleaner for even easier cleanup.

For this guide, we’ll teach you how to connect a pool vacuum to an Intex pump. Also, we’ve included some quick tips so you can properly use your pool vacuum and pump.

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Pool Vacuum and Intex Pump: What Do They Do?

Before we proceed to the actual instructions, let’s first understand the individual functions of the pool vacuum and pump.

What is a Pool Vacuum?

A pool vacuum pretty much functions like your traditional vacuum cleaner at home. Aside from the water application, the key difference between the two is that pool vacuums have internal filters. The filter is used to trap debris inside the machine and the vacuum cycles the clean water back into the pool.

What is a Pool Pump?

Similar to the pool vacuum, the Intex pump is designed for cleaning by sucking in the pool water and passing it through a filter. The major difference between the pool vacuum and pump is where you can direct the dirt. A pool pump is stationary while pool vacuums can be directed straight to the location where the dirt is.

The combination of the pool vacuum and pool pump gives you a powerful tool to clean your above ground pool. This method is an effective and efficient way for pool cleaning, hence its popularity.

How to Hook Up Pool Vacuum to Intex Pump

Before You Proceed

For preparation, understand that the filter pump must be hooked up with the Intex pump. The hourly flow rate should be somewhere between 1,600 gallons to 3,500 gallons. Remember that the cleaning performance depends on the flow rate of the pump. Therefore, a higher flow rate = cleaner pool.

If your pool has a sand filter, it’s useful for preventing sand and debris from coming back to the pool. Backwashing is recommended for cleaning your sand filter. Hence, it’s recommended to run the filter pump for about 10 to 15 minutes before connecting to the cleaner. This is called priming and it removes all the air from the system.

Another good investment is a pool pump timer that you can use to keep your pool clean. This helps you suck water out of the pool and circulates it through the filter. This is particularly effective for removing bacteria, algae, and debris.

Things You’ll Need

  • Hose clamp
  • Hose adapter
  • Hose A
  • Hose B (3x)
  • Hose C (3x)
  • Hose D
  • Cleaner top
  • Cleaner base
  • Collar nut
  • Gear module
  • Debris Net
  • Brush (12x)
  • Brush support A (4x)
  • Brush support B (4x)

Steps to Hook Up Pool Vacuum to Intex Pump

Although vacuuming an Intex above ground pool isn’t that hard, you still need to know how to properly hook the vacuum to the pump. If you really want to make it easy, an automatic pool cleaner is highly recommended. Also, ensure that you unplug the pump from the outlet to prevent electrocution. On to the steps.

Step 1: Gather the Materials

If you haven’t already, gather all the necessary materials and tools as outlined above. Then, start with the garden hose. Make sure that the hose is long enough to connect the house spigot with the little slack of the pool (the farthest part).

Step 2: Attach the Telescoping Shaft

The Intex pump should come with two pieces of telescoping shafts. Insert one end with the other one and attach them together using the blue locking mechanism.

Step 3: Align the Vacuum Head

The telescoping shaft must be aligned with the vacuum head where the spring is visible. Next, squeeze plastic tips and spring together before seeing the shaft go through the head.

Step 4: Tie the Debris Bag with the Vacuum Head

Next, squeeze the spring and plastic tips together before the shaft goes into the head. While the shaft goes into the vacuum head, attach the debris bag with the vacuum head. Make sure the bag is tied with the vacuum head.

Step 5: Connect the Garden Hose with the Telescoping Shaft

Attach the garden hose adapter nozzle to the vacuum head’s opposite side. Ensure that you secure the connection by clipping the hose to the shaft. Next, wind the garden hose on the adapter nozzle. You should see the flat washer along with the adapter that you must put in the hose coupling.

Step 6: Get the Water Flowing

It’s time to get the water flowing. But as mentioned earlier, you should mind the water pressure. Control the water output by adjusting the water pressure. Again, a good rule of thumb is to set the water pressure between 1,600 gallons to 3,500 gallons per hour. At this point, the vacuum will start sucking in the debris from the pool.

Step 7: Clean the Debris

Hold the vacuum head and run it along the pool floor to eliminate the dirt and debris and sediments inside.

Troubleshooting Tips to Avoid Potential Problems

  • If you observe that the vacuum stirs the debris and sediments, there may be a problem with the filter cartridge. Debris and sediments tend to get stuck inside the filter. In this case, you may need to clean or replace the filter.
  • Sounds like a no-brainer but always check if the filter pump is working or not. Also, remove the auto cleaner out of the pool if you have it.
  • When hooking up the garden hose, all the connections must have a secure fit. You don’t really want water in places you don’t want to.
  • A wrinkled pool floor can cause the cleaner to get stuck. Always check if the cleaner is stuck and also smoothen the pool floor for good measure.
  • If you prefer to use the debris net instead of the filter, see to it that it is cleaned regularly.
  • During the cleaning process, ensure that the filter pump is not activated. It also bears repeating that you should unplug the power cord when you’re doing these troubleshooting steps.

When you’re done with the pool cleanup, safely store all the materials and parts in a secure bag for future use.

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Related Questions

How Do You Maintain an Intex Above Ground Pool?

To ensure that you continuously enjoy your above ground pool, it needs proper maintenance. One of the most important things to consider is the pH value of the swimming water – the ideal value is between 7.2 and 7.6. Also, make sure you don’t install the pool near or under a large tree.Other maintenance steps include using tap water only to fill the pool and covering the pool whenever it’s not in use.

Do I Need to Winterize an Above Ground Pool?

Yes, you absolutely need to winterize your above ground pool. Intex pools are very popular because they’re lightweight but it also makes them very sensitive to cold temperatures. Thus, you can’t just leave these pools during colder months or you’ll end up with some bad expenses for repair.

How Long Do You Need to Run an Above Ground Pool Pump?

How long you need to run the pump depends on how effective your filtration system is. As a general rule, you should run your pump 12 during summer and 6 hours in winter. This is a tricky question because this can depend on several factors like pump size, filter type, chemicals and purifiers used, precipitation, and more.

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