8 Tips To Prepare For Fumigation

Nick Durante
by Nick Durante
Credit: Shutterstock / Rudy Umans

Fumigation is the best way to get rid of persistent pest infestations. Whether it be cockroaches or termites, fumigation is a sure way to provide peace of mind at home. That said, you must prepare your house before the exterminators put the tent up.

Remove all open food containers from your house and unplug your refrigerator before fumigation. You must also call the gas company and have them shut off the gas supply until fumigation is complete. Take your pets, pet supplies, and medications out of the house before fumigation to keep them safe. 

Never return to your house before the 72-hour waiting period is complete. Otherwise, you may get exposed to harmful chemicals that can cause severe health consequences. Follow along as we highlight 8 tips to prepare for fumigation. 

What To Do Before Fumigation

1. Shut Off The Gas

It’s unsafe to fumigate your house if you don’t first shut off the natural gas. This is for your safety, as well as the safety of the professionals who fumigate your house. Call your natural gas supplier and request that they turn off the gas for the day. 

This won’t cost you any money, and you can call them when you’re ready to restore service. However, it’s only safe to restore service once the fumigators remove the tent. Failure to shut off the gas before fumigation is completed is a dangerous fire hazard. 

2. Unplug The Refrigerator

The last thing you want is a bunch of dangerous chemicals in your refrigerator. Unfortunately, chemicals will wind up in your refrigerator if you don’t unplug it before fumigation. You must also remove the food from your refrigerator and freezer.

Otherwise, you can double bag the cold food to protect it, but that’s not always a guarantee. Luckily, you can plug your refrigerator back in once your house is cleared and put food back in it. 

3. Remove Pets And Pet Supplies

Of course, you must take your pets out of the house before fumigation. Otherwise, they would suffer horrible health consequences, and that includes death. That said, many people forget that they must also remove their pet supplies before fumigation.

This includes food bowls, water bowls, bagged food, and even toys that they play with. Food and water bowls can retain the chemicals from fumigating your house. That means that the chemicals can harm your pets even after the fumigation is complete. 

4. Protect Your Medication

Medication and vitamins are just like food in that they can also retain chemicals from fumigation. That’s why you must either remove them from your house or simply protect them. Wrap your medications in at least two airtight bags to protect them.

It’s also a great idea to simply bring your prescriptions and vitamins with you when you leave during the fumigation. Organize them all in a big bag to keep them all in one place and away from harmful chemicals. 

5. Remove Plants

The plants both inside and outside your house aren’t safe from fumigation. Of course, your garden should be fine, but plants on your porch can still face harm from fumigation chemicals. All your hard work nurturing your plants will go to waste if you leave them inside or on your porch during fumigation. 

6. Move Toiletries

It’s all too easy to forget to move your toiletries during a fumigation. This includes everything from toilet paper and towels to mouthwash and toothbrushes. Your best bet is to simply put them all in a bag and take them with you while you’re away. 

This even includes large bundles of toilet paper that are wrapped in plastic. The chemicals can work their way under plastic in some cases and taint everything contained within it. 

7. Open Your Interior Doors

The goal of fumigation is to ensure the chemicals can spread evenly throughout your house. That’s why you must open all the interior doors in your house to let the fumigant go where it needs to. Many exterminators also encourage homeowners to open their cabinets before fumigation. 

After all, pests like mice and even termites often hide in cabinets. You don’t even need to cover or remove your dishes and silverware before you fumigate your house. 

8. Trim Foliage

Do you have lots of foliage up near your house? If so, this may make it hard for the exterminators to put a tent over your house. Any shrubs, foliage, and yard decorations within 18” of your house may prevent the tent from fitting perfectly. 

In that case, you must trim the foliage and clean up the perimeter of your house. Keep in mind that your plants and soil may become dry and weak while you’re gone for 3 days during fumigation. That’s why it’s important to water your plants and soil 18” away from your house and beyond before fumigation. 

How Soon Can You Enter Your House After Fumigation?

You can enter your house 3 days after fumigation. Some people wait even longer than 72 hours to return to their homes after fumigation. The chemicals can linger in the air and on surfaces for several days, so you can’t risk going back to your house. 

Luckily, you should return to a home without bugs. Fumigation doesn’t kill bugs right away in every case, so the 3-day wait period is necessary. Take this time as a miniature vacation and enjoy the benefits of a house without bugs when you return. 

Do You Need To Wipe Everything Down After Fumigation?

You don’t necessarily need to wipe everything down after you fumigate your house. The fumigant chemicals should no longer cling to any surfaces in your home after 72 hours. However, it ultimately depends on what type of chemical they use for fumigation.

For example, Vikane is a fumigant that doesn’t leave any traces behind, so there’s no reason to clean afterwards. Ask the exterminator what type of fumigant they plan to use. They should be able to tell you if any residue will be left behind. 

Light gases are the least likely to leave residue on your floors and countertops. If you’ve ever heard of fumigation horror stories, they typically occur when homeowners aren’t compliant. This is mostly common when people enter their homes before the 72 hours are up and get exposed to the gas. 

Summing It Up

Call your gas provider to discontinue service until the fumigation is done to reduce the risk of a fire. It’s also important to unplug your refrigerator and remove the food before fumigation. Remove all opened food, toiletries, lotions, and medications from your house. Remember to keep all interior doors open to make the fumigation as effective as possible. 

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Nick Durante
Nick Durante

Nick Durante is a professional writer with a primary focus on home improvement. When he is not writing about home improvement or taking on projects around the house, he likes to read and create art. He is always looking towards the newest trends in home improvement.

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