Does Citronella Actually Help Keep Bugs Away?

Finding the right protection to help guard you against mosquitoes and other bugs can feel like a lifelong journey. There are all sorts of methods out there. There are bug zappers, sprays, candles, torches, essential oils, and even machines that use sound waves. It can all feel overwhelming, and lead you to want to choose the most natural and organic method, like citronella, to keep these biting pests away. But does citronella really work at helping to keep bugs away?

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What Is The PVC Pipe In My Yard? (Find Out Now!)

If you own a house and have spent any amount of time in your yard, you’ve probably noticed some strange pipes sticking out of the ground. You’ve probably also asked yourself what in world is it for? It’s likely an obstacle and an eyesore that you’d rather do without and want to know if you can get rid of it.

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Can A Condo Association Force An Owner To Sell? (Find Out Now!)

Condos are a unique type of real estate. On one hand, it’s like an apartment that you can rent. On the other hand, you have to deal with condo associations, which almost can act like a landlord. They can cite you, they can make your life a nightmare…but can they actually go so far as to force a condo owner to sell?

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Can I Withhold Rent for Mice? (Find Out Now!)

Nobody should have to live with a rodent infestation. But who’s responsibility is it to get rid of mice? And if it’s up to your landlord, can you withhold rent until the problem is fixed? Here’s what you need to know.

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How Much Do Ant Exterminators Cost? [2022 Rates]

For many homeowners, there’s no worse indication of an unkept or filthy home than an infestation of pests – like ants. If you find ants inside your house, it’s highly likely that you also have them outside. Depending on the type of ant that you have, you may have to tackle nests or mounds to prevent them from getting inside. Though, for the majority of ant infestations, this isn’t a problem.

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What Is A Thermocouple & How Does It Work? (Find Out Now!)

In order to heat your home properly, your furnace has several components that work in tandem with one another. When those components do their jobs, the air that gets sucked into your furnace is heated and then blown back out into the home.

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Can You Contact The Seller Of A House Directly?

Involving a third party in any sort of deal can seem overwhelming and almost like it’s an unnecessary step. While some people prefer to have an agent, some would love to forgo that whole process. So, if you decide to forgo an agent, are you able to contact the seller of a house directly?

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How To Keep Furnace Condensate Line From Freezing (Do This!)

Your HVAC system is a complicated piece of equipment. When it is functioning properly, delivering warm or cold air throughout your home, you likely won’t even recognize it. But when issues creep up, it is hard to notice anything but.

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Condenser Fan Motor Runs Backward? (Here's What You Can Do)

Most motors are designed to run only one way, clockwise or counterclockwise. They are not made to run both ways unless it is a multidirectional motor. Any kind of motor that runs the opposite way than what is intended will not produce the effects they are supposed to. In other words, your AC will not blow cold air.

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High Velocity Air Conditioning Vs. Mini Split: What Are The Differences?

Depending on where you live, air conditioning may be a necessity rather than a luxury. Oppressive temperatures year-round could be impossible to bear with no air conditioner helping you out.

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Thermostat Goes Blank Then Comes Back On? (Fix It Now!)

Thermostats act as the heart of every home’s AC system, but that doesn’t mean they don’t get glitchy. A common issue that you might have with a digital thermostat happens when your thermostat’s face suddenly goes blank, then turns back on. It’s almost like a reboot…except it’s not supposed to happen. If this happens to you, you might be wondering what this means for your HVAC system.

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Do You Need A Permit To Install Central Air? (Find Out Now!)

Ever since the 1970s, central air conditioning has been a popular choice for cooling homes. But the installation of a central air conditioning system can be labor-intensive and costly. Is it possible to do it yourself, or do you need a professional with a permit to install air conditioning?

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Which Way Should An AC Condenser Fan Spin?

You may notice that the AC in your home is not cooling as well as you think it should. The filters are new, the evaporator coil is clean, and the blower fan is working as well as ever. Inspecting the condensing unit outside leads you to a question. Which way should the fan on the condensing unit spin?

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How To Move A 2000 Pound Safe (Quickly, Easily, & Safely!)

A safe is designed to keep your most valuable items safe and secure. Many of them weigh over 500 pounds, whereas, gun safes can weigh 2000 pounds or more. In fact, the whole idea behind why most safes are considerably heavy is so that it’s virtually impossible for unauthorized persons to move it out of a house or business.

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Why Does My Home Security Alarm Keep Going Off?

Nothing is scarier than the sound of your security alarm going off at home. Your first instinct is to panic, call the police, and even investigate. It’s a relief when you realize it was a false alarm, but even that can be confusing. So you may ask, "why does my home security alarm keep going off?"

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Is It Legal For My Landlord To Lock My Thermostat? (Find Out Now!)

You might get excited when you see the words “heat included” on a rental sign. Heat and air conditioning can be some of the highest utility expenses when renting a home. Your excitement may change to confusion or anger when you move in and see that the thermostat is locked by the landlord. 

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2022 Mound Septic System Cost

Installing your own septic system may be a necessity depending on where you live. If there are no centralized sewer systems in your area, you must install a septic system on your property.

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Can A Condo Board Reject A Renter? (Find Out Now!)

In places like New York City and San Francisco, people who own condos often make a killing by renting it out. This is true for both short-term and long-term rentals. However, if you are in a condo, things always have to pass muster with the HOA. Can your condo board retain the right to reject a renter?

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How Long Can You Hold An Apartment Before Moving In?

Imagine this: You’ve just found a beautiful, leasable apartment. You reach out to the property manager or landlord to see if it’s still available, and you find out that it is. You apply, you wait, and eventually you hear back from the landlord, who pleasantly tells you they’d be delighted to have you as their tenant.

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Can Someone Tap Into Your Water Line?

Imagine the following scenario:  you are known for conserving water, and for as long as you lived in town, your water bills were $30 or so. Recently, a new family moved in. They have a pool, sprinklers, and everything else watery under the sun. The next month, you notice that your water bill shot up to $900. You look at your neighbors, who don’t make eye contact with you anymore. Could it be them?

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What Do Bed Bug Eggs Look Like? (Find Out Now!)

When pests wreak havoc on your home, they can be irritating, expensive, and even harmful. If you suspect that you may have bed bugs, the first step is identifying what bed bug eggs look like. Bed bug eggs resemble the eggs of other bugs, so accurate identification is extremely important. 

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Landlord Not Responding To Messages? (Here's What You Can Do)

In an ideal situation, your landlord would promptly respond to your texts and immediately jump on any needed repairs. Unfortunately, this type of landlord-tenant relationship sometimes seems to be few and far between. So, what can you do if you’ve made every effort to reach out and your landlord doesn’t respond?

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13 Ways To Spend Less On Heat In The Winter

One of the best ways to lower your heating costs this winter is to use your wood fireplace on cold days. A fireplace is not just great for setting the mood, but it can also effectively heat your home.

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Tempstar Vs. Carrier Air Conditioners: Which One Is Better?

Air conditioners play a vital role in the home, especially during the hotter summer months. Depending on where in Canada you live, temperatures can get balmy and stretch throughout the summer. Without air conditioning, it can make for an awfully sweaty experience.

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Heat Pump Blowing Hot Air In Cool Mode? (Fix It Now!)

A heat pump can be an efficient way of delivering hot or cool air into your home depending on the time of year and the temperature outside. When the temperatures soar in the summer, a heat pump that blows hot air is doing you no favors.

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Landlord Is Not Cashing Your Check? (Here's What You Can Do)

You try to pay your rent every month, right on time. One month, though, didn’t quite make much sense. You dropped off the check at your landlord’s mailbox, but the check never got cashed. You waited and waited. It’s been three days without a check cashed. What gives?

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Can A Window AC Unit Get Wet?

In the summertime, when it can get quite hot both indoors and outdoors, having an air conditioning system is critical. But not all homes and businesses can accommodate massive HVAC systems, and those that can’t tend to rely on the classic window AC units.

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Why Are Air Conditioners So Expensive? (Find Out Now!)

Depending on where you live, a functioning air conditioner can either be a convenient feature or an absolute necessity. Whatever the case, it’s important to know what to look for when buying one for your home.

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How To Increase Airflow To The Second Floor

Having a second level in your home is a bonus for most people who want more room and privacy. But what about heating and cooling your upstairs? Heating seems to be no problem since heat rises. The problem is, during the summer, how do you increase airflow to the second floor?

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What Can You Do If Your Neighbor Is Watching You?

Do you feel like your neighbor has asked you increasingly personal questions? That’s enough to make anyone uncomfortable, and it could be a sign that your neighbor is watching you. Of course, they may simply be friendly and curious, so there’s no need to jump to conclusions. 

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Why Your Heater Pressure Relief Valve Is Leaking

Your water heater’s pressure relief valve is there to help keep you safe and reduce the risk of having your heater burst due to excess pressure. When you replaced your valve, you expected it to help keep your boiler safe. Instead, it just started to leak, right after you switched it out. Feeling a little lost, and wondering what gives? You aren’t alone there.

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Natural Ways To Keep Mosquitoes From Biting

Mosquitoes have a way of ruining an otherwise perfect evening. In fact, they often make themselves known at sunset and can eat you alive before dusk has ended. There are all sorts of remedies to help prevent mosquito bites. Some of these methods work better than others, but as more and more information comes to light about harmful chemicals, you might want to find an organic and natural way to help keep mosquitos from biting.

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When Should I Give Notice To My Landlord When Buying A Home?

Buying a new home is a big deal and an even bigger investment. If you are in the process of, or if you have recently purchased a new home, you are well aware. You were probably quite surprised at all that was involved too. Who would have guessed there were so many moving parts (pun intended) involved in buying a new home?

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Will A Landlord Know If I Have A Cat? (Here's What You Can Do)

Cat ownership is something that I really, truly enjoy. Eventually, I’ll probably get a cat of my own in my apartment. So far, I haven’t. This isn’t just because it’s a studio apartment, either. It’s because I worry about my landlords finding out and penalizing me for it. This brings us to the question today. Can a landlord tell if you have a cat?

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Can Mice Climb Stairs? (Find Out Now!)

Mice can be troublemakers and can prove to be a real headache if they are in your home. In dealing with them, you can find they are destructive, and no one likes them in their house. They constantly chew furniture, books, clothing, and electrical wiring, along with other household items. 

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Electronic Ignition Water Heater Won't Light? (Do This!)

Water heaters can seem a little bit intimidating since they use gas, and heat, to warm the water. You may have some trouble getting the electronic ignition, to light your water heater, which can be frustrating. We’ve put together this guide to help you find the solution.

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My Neighbor Has Roaches! What Can I Do?

Roach infestations are disgusting. They’re also challenging to fight and dangerous to encounter. So, what happens when your neighbor’s roach problem makes its way into your house? Can you do something about it, or do you have to live that way forever? Here’s some good news.

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Can A Landlord Look Through Your Stuff? (Find Out Now!)

As a tenant, it can be hard to understand your rights and what your landlord can and can’t do. One thing many tenants worry about is whether their landlord has the right to look through their belongings. Whether it’s during a routine inspection or a different situation altogether, can a landlord look through your stuff?

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Furnace High Limit Switch Keeps Tripping? (Possible Causes & Fixes)

Your furnace is a complicated piece of equipment. There are various components working in unison at all times and when one of them goes bad, it is imperative to identify the problem in short order. The last thing that you want is for your furnace to continue failing, leading to bigger and more expensive repairs.

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Pipe Union Vs. Coupling: What Are The Major Differences?

The piping in your home or business will, for the most part, do its job quietly and efficiently. That is so long as it has been properly installed first. There are many aspects to the installation process, part of which is choosing between a pipe coupling or pipe union.

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Should I Renew My Termite Warranty? (Find Out Now!)

Owning a home can be a wonderful experience, but a costly one as well. When it comes to all the expenses in maintaining your home, it’s tempting to cut financial corners where you can. However, you should undoubtedly renew your termite warranty; it’s a smart investment in your home.

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Why Does My Plumbing Sound Like A Foghorn?

The plumbing system in your home is a complex one full of many different components. If you start to hear strange noises similar to a foghorn coming from your plumbing, there’s reason to be concerned. You should explore all of your options and try to get to the bottom of the issue immediately.

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Top 10 Best Countries to Study Interior Design

Interior design is a college major that you can pursue if you’re passionate about working with others, designing spaces, selecting furniture, and adorning them. This is such a popular profession that more colleges and universities worldwide offer interior design programs. With so many selections, which country is the best for studying interior design?

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How Can I Hide A Furnace And Water Heater? (4 Ways To Do It!)

Your water heater and furnace are essential components of your home. Having hot water and the ability to heat your home on even the chilliest of days are crucial to the comfort of any home. Keeping both running strong takes regular maintenance and care.

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Does A Landlord Have To Provide A Mailbox Key?

Anytime we move into a new rental property, development, or complex, there are certain things we must figure out. These are the everyday and routine aspects of life. That includes taking out the trash and knowing what day and how trash pickup works. It is the daily routine of checking mail and learning when mail runs and how the mailbox system works. That can include questions such as does the landlord have to provide a mailbox key, or is that the tenant’s responsibility?

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Do I Have To Pay The Solar Bill If My Landlord Has It On His House?

The tenant-landlord relationship has many working parts. That also means in many cases, issues of clarity, responsibility, and terms are involved. One of those areas of concern becoming more prevalent today is the issue of power, namely electric versus solar power. For homes and landlords who use solar energy, that inevitably results in billing questions. One of the most common questions is does a tenant have to pay the solar bill if the home uses solar panels?

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Hot Water Heater Not Getting Hot Enough? (Possible Causes & Fixes)

Few things are more inconvenient than a water heater that can’t heat water properly. When your water heater is acting in this way, you won’t have access to hot water for showers, nor will there be hot water to clean dishes with. And if you live in a home where demand for hot water is high, a water heater’s inability to produce hot water can be especially inconvenient.

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How Long Does It Take For A Water Well To Refill? (Find Out Now!)

We all seem to take clean water for granted. You turn on the tap and freshwater flows. If you live in a rural area and depend on a water well, you may have experienced a temporary lack of water when your well goes dry from overuse. You may wonder how long does it take for a water well to refill?

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Water Heater Making Hissing Sounds? (Possible Causes & Fixes)

Water heaters can make all kinds of noises when something is damaged or not running properly. However, if you suddenly start hearing a hissing noise coming from your water heater, you may want to take care of it soon. A hissing sound may not be dangerous to you and your family, but it can eventually damage the water heater. 

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Do Mice Hate Aluminum Foil? (Find Out Now!)

Do you have a mice problem? If not addressed quickly, a mice infestation in the home can become a serious nuisance.  Fortunately, you don’t have to rush to a local retailer and buy mice traps that could be harmful to your young children or pets. Instead, there are a number of natural ways to rid your home of these pesky rodents. Aluminum foil is frequently featured online as an anti-rodent “life hack.”

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Moving to Hawaii: Should I Ship My Car or Buy a New One?

When you first tell people that you’re moving to Hawaii, most people will congratulate you on your new island lifestyle. Some aspects of the move are pretty obvious. You are going to have to pack up and ship your belongings to the island. However, some items aren’t as clear cut. What should you do about your car? Is it worth shipping it over, or should you buy a new one?

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2022 Water Leak Detection Cost

Leaks have the potential to cause major problems and both water damage and mold can negatively impact your home for many years – especially if you don’t locate a leak as soon as possible. Fortunately, early intervention and professional leak detection services can help mitigate possible damage to your home or property caused by water.

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8 Tips To Downsize From A House To An Apartment

Let’s face it: your future apartment won’t likely have as much space as your current house. There may not be enough space for all the clutter in your house, and most of the clutter isn’t even necessary. Decluttering not only lightens your load, but also streamlines your life.

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Where To Buy An Air Conditioner Capacitor (Locally & Online)

When it’s summer, there are few parts of your home that will be as cherished as your AC unit. Unfortunately, this is one of the most common times when you’ll face a blown air conditioner capacitor. While it’s a quick fix (all you have to do is replace the capacitor), you still need to find the supplies to make it happen. But where on earth do you find an air conditioner capacitor?

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Best Ways To Save Money On Movers

Hiring professional movers is an expensive prospect, but it doesn’t have to be. A little preparation and research can make all the difference in how much you spend while moving. Here are some simple tips to save money when you hire movers:

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How To Bypass A Flame Sensor On A Furnace (Do This!)

If the flame sensor on your furnace is broken or faulty, you may be looking for a temporary solution. Those who live in especially cold areas of the country rely on their furnace to keep them warm during winter months. Since your flame sensor is a safety device, when it’s not working properly, your furnace will not operate.

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Should I Turn Off My Tankless Water Heater If The Water Is Off?

If you take a look at most of our plumbing guides, you’ll notice that one of the first instructions we add involves shutting off the water. It’s simple, right? Well, sometimes you might want to think twice. You might want to know if your water heater needs to be shut off too. This is doubly true if you own a tankless system. After all, it’s important to do it all the right way, right?

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What Are The Pros And Cons Of A Variable-Speed Air Handler?

Are you considering upgrading your air conditioner? A variable-speed air handler can make a huge difference in the comfort of your home. But before you choose a model with a variable-speed air handler, let’s go over all of its pros and cons.

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Oil Hot Water Heater Vs. Electric: What Are The Major Differences?

Oil and electric water heaters are two common types of water heater, and each has its pros and cons. If you’re installing a water heater in a home or office, you should know what these are, as then you’ll be able to make a wise purchase.

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What Causes A Furnace Blower Motor To Go Bad? (Find Out Now!)

With the winter months coming fast, ensuring that your furnace motor stays in good condition is paramount. Because of this, it is good to be aware of what causes a furnace blower motor to go bad. Having this knowledge will prepare you for quick action should a repair be required.

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