Do Ultrasonic Pest Repellers Work On Squirrels? (Find Out Now!)

Squirrels can be fun to watch. However, they can become quickly become pesky when they start overturning your bird feeder or setting up a nest in your attic. Some homeowners resort to trying everything from coyote urine to steel wool in order to keep squirrels off their property. Many also turn an eye to ultrasonic pest repellers in a last-ditch effort to rid their house and home of squirrels. Do ultrasonic pest repellents actually work, though?

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What To Do After Termite Fumigation (Here's What You Should Do)

If dealing with termites was a baseball game, you’re now rounding home plate. Dealing with the aftermath of termite fumigation can seem overwhelming but can actually be quite simple. So what exactly do you need to do after termite fumigation?

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Hot Surface Igniter Glows But No Flame? (We Have A Fix)

Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems have a hot surface igniter (HSI) that can occasionally stop functioning. One of the more common issues you may run into with this is having the HSI glow, but no flame appears. So what do you do when this happens?

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Can A Window AC Unit Get Wet?

In the summertime, when it can get quite hot both indoors and outdoors, having an air conditioning system is critical. But not all homes and businesses can accommodate massive HVAC systems, and those that can’t tend to rely on the classic window AC units.

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How To Kill Weevils In the Bathroom (In 5 Easy Steps!)

Regardless of what type of bathroom aesthetic you are trying to achieve, you want your bathroom to look clean. The last thing you want is to have insects all over your bathroom. What do you do, then, when you notice that insects like weevils have moved into your bathroom.

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How Much Can A Landlord Charge For Nail Holes? (Find Out Now!)

As someone who has over 100 posters in their apartment, I understand the need to nail up a new painting to a wall. However, landlords don’t like seeing their walls look like Swiss cheese. That’s why most landlords have a policy of charging for nail holes or fining tenants for excessive holes. Ever wonder what those fees can be?

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How Often Should You Change The Nozzle On An Oil Burner?

Proper oil burner maintenance is essential. Just like taking care of your car, there are a few things you should do regularly to keep your oil burner running smoothly. Part of this maintenance involves monitoring the condition of your fuel nozzles. Your nozzle burner is the tip of the spear – it leads the fight against the cold. If it isn’t working correctly, it will cost you time, money, and heat. 

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What Is The Difference Between A Septic Tank And A Cesspool?

Nobody likes to think about what happens after we flush the toilet. In many places, a public sewer system whisks away our waste without much thought. But for others, septic systems and cesspools do the dirty work.

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When Can I Mop After Bed Bug Treatment? (Find Out Now!)

Finding bed bugs in your home can be sickening. These unwelcome guests can set up a camp in your home that is hard to shut down. Luckily, there are Pest Control Experts whose job is to send these bed bugs packing. After the exterminators have attacked the source with proper treatment, you will need to carry on the work by taking the correct steps. How soon is too soon to mop after bed bug treatment?

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Can You Run A Furnace Without A Filter? (Find Out Now!)

Furnaces are one of the most important parts of any home you go into. Without them, you won’t have heat during the winter and there’s also a good chance your hot water could also be linked to it. (If you have a steam furnace, anyway.) Running them is vital, and so is replacing the filter…or is it? Do you always need to use a filter when running a furnace?

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What Is Auxiliary Heat? (Find Out Now!)

I’ll be honest. When I first heard the word “auxiliary” to describe heat, all I could think of is the women’s auxiliary club in town. It’s a term that I only recently heard in conversation. Most of us, after all, tend to focus on central heating or space heating. If you’re like me, you probably were wondering what on earth auxiliary heat is.

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Is Your Landlord Not Fixing Things? (Here's What You Can Do)

Problems with your apartment can be a headache when you are renting. There are often several steps and phone calls you need to make to get simple repairs taken care of. You may even find yourself in a situation where your landlord does not respond or refuses to fix things in your rental unit. It is important to know your rights as a tenant so you can address your concerns effectively.

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Married Couple Buying A House Under One Name (Do This!)

Buying a house is one of the biggest decisions you can make in your adult life. There are various reasons why a married couple would buy a home under one name. Maybe one spouse has better credit, or perhaps it’s an investment property; either way, you need to understand the terms.

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Landlord Not Sending Utility Bills? (Here's What You Can Do)

Utility bills are a fact of life for most adults. They vary in price and frequency but it can sometimes feel like bills roll in nonstop. It may come as a shock then, when your landlord does not send you any utility bills. 

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Thermostat Not Reaching Set Temperature? (Possible Causes & Fixes)

When adjusting your thermostat, you occasionally run into a situation where the numbers on the screen don’t match what you feel. At this point, it is only normal to wonder why your thermostat is not reaching the set temperature. With this guide, we will answer that question.

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Can A Condo Association Force An Owner To Sell? (Find Out Now!)

Condos are a unique type of real estate. On one hand, it’s like an apartment that you can rent. On the other hand, you have to deal with condo associations, which almost can act like a landlord. They can cite you, they can make your life a nightmare…but can they actually go so far as to force a condo owner to sell?

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Does Black Pepper Get Rid of Mice? (Find Out Now)

Rodent control can be expensive, and it can also take a lot of time. But there may be a quick and natural remedy to your house mouse infestation. And best of all, you likely have the ingredients in your kitchen cupboard already.

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Wolf Spider Vs. Brown Recluse: What Are The Major Differences?

Spiders are one of the most common fears on the planet. Day to day, spiders generally do not pose life or death danger, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be risky. Understanding how to identify different types of spiders, like wolf spiders vs. brown recluse, can ease stress and spider-related fear.

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What Attracts Mice? (Find Out Now!)

Mice are household pests that are difficult to get rid of once they make your house their home.  Although not as harmful as the most harmful of household pests, the mosquito, mice come with their own hazards.  Lots of things attract mice, and these critters have a way of ingratiating themselves into your place of residence.

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How Much Does It Cost To Replace A Well Pump Foot Valve?

If you live outside of a city, there’s a good chance you get your water from a well. As your own personal water supply, you will not need to pay for this utility. However, there are maintenance costs associated with getting your water from a well.

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How Much Can A Landlord Charge For A Hole In The Wall?

Your landlord should make every effort to provide you with a clean and safe home. However, some of the responsibility is yours. So, do you get charged for damaging the property? And how much can a landlord charge for a hole in the wall?

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Condensing Vs. Non-Condensing Tankless Water Heaters

If you’re getting rid of your 50-gallon old-fashioned water heater and choosing to go with a tankless heater instead, congratulations! You’ll be saving a lot of space.

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Why Is My Landlord Getting An Appraisal? (Find Out Now!)

When your landlord informs you he or she will be getting an appraisal you rent there are many ways to feel. You may be nervous that your landlord is selling the home you live in. Next you may wonder if one or more strangers will be entering your home, and if you have to let them in. 

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My House Is Hot Upstairs And Cold Downstairs (We Have a Fix!)

Is there a drastic difference between the temperatures in the upstairs and downstairs of your house? If this is something new, you must be confused about why it is happening. After all, we all want to be able to expect what the temperature of a room will be before stepping into it. There’s nothing more frustrating than thinking you’ll have a peaceful sleep in an air-conditioned room only to find it’s more like a sauna instead.

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Can You Bypass A Flame Rollout Switch?

Furnaces are designed not only to warm your house and make it comfortable, but also to be as safe as possible. One of the safety functions every furnace has is a flame rollout switch, which will trip and stop the furnace when something is wrong. You must reset the flame rollout switch to make the furnace work again, but some homeowners wonder if they can bypass it.

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What Is The Best Water Heater Brand? (Find Out Now!)

There are few appliances that are as central to your lifestyle and comfort as a water heater. Everything from your daily chores, to your hygiene, to your level of comfort, is affected by how well (or not well) your water heater supplies hot water to your home.

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What Do Mice Sound Like In Walls? (Find Out Now!)

While mice may not be as intimidating as large black or brown rates, they are still perfectly capable of bringing with them the same destruction and diseases as these larger rodents. If you are able to recognize the sounds that mice may in your home, you have a higher chance of eliminating them before they cause serious damage.

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Condensate Pump Leaking? (How To Fix and Prevent It)

Your air conditioner, whether it is a small window unit or a large central unit, is a complicated piece of equipment. There are many components within it that, should they stop working, can derail the entire unit from working properly.

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Cast Iron Vs. PVC Sewer Pipe: What Are The Major Differences?

Plumbing has completely changed the way we live in our homes and has brought about an element of sanitation and convenience all in one. Plumbing systems can vary between commercial and residential applications, but usually, cast iron or PVC pipe are the materials of choice for contractors worldwide. While each pipe has its advantages, one pipe is superior to the other.

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How To Prime A Well Pump (Quickly & Easily!)

In many parts of the country, getting well water is a mandatory part of your daily lifestyle. Wells remain a major source of water for many households in America. However, if you have a well, you’re going to have to pump out the water that is in there if you want to drink something. To do this well, you will need to know how to prime a well pump. The question is, how?

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