Does Black Pepper Get Rid of Mice? (Find Out Now)

Tiffany Nichols
by Tiffany Nichols

Rodent control can be expensive, and it can also take a lot of time. But there may be a quick and natural remedy to your house mouse infestation. And best of all, you likely have the ingredients in your kitchen cupboard already.

Use ground black pepper to keep mice at bay. Sprinkle some around your window sills, doorways, and the cracks in your floors or walls. Then, try to focus on areas where you see rodent activity the most. If that doesn’t work, call an exterminator.

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Do Mice Hate the Smell of Black Pepper?

Mice dislike the smell of black pepper. The tiny pepper spores can irritate their little nostrils, which makes them avoid it at all costs. So, sprinkle a little bit wherever you suspect rodents at play. And don’t forget that regular table pepper works just fine.

Don’t have enough black pepper to spread it all over your house? Lucky for you, mice have a keen sense of smell that you can use to your advantage. For example, these common household ingredients work just as well:

  • Peppermint Oil – Apply generous amounts of peppermint oil to get rid of mice and other tiny pests.
  • Cloves – Use whole or ground cloves to push back against a stubborn mouse population.
  • Cinnamon – Sprinkle ground cinnamon or use whole sticks around troublesome spots.
  • Vinegar – Clean common areas with white vinegar to keep frisky mice at bay.
  • Ammonia – Mice hate the smell of ammonia and may flee if you wipe surfaces with it.

Those everyday ingredients can help you repel mice naturally without poisons or traps. However, remember that some of those ingredients can be harmful to children pets. So, speak to your doctor about the side effects before using any of them.

NOTE: Since mice can squeeze through tiny openings in your house, they could still scurry away despite your best efforts.

What Kind of Pepper Keeps Mice Away?

Did you know that black pepper isn’t the only kind of pepper that mice hate? They also dislike the smell of cayenne pepper and crushed red pepper. That means you can use a combination or just stick with your favorite. And it means you can make an at-home mice repellent pepper spray as well.

Making a pepper spray helps cover trouble spots more thoroughly. Plus, you can reapply it on-demand while using fewer kitchen supplies. And because some mice nibble on pepper flakes unknowingly, a liquid spritz may help prevent that.

NOTE: Be extra careful when making pepper spray at home because some ingredients can burn if you get it in your eyes.

Do Mice Eat Black Pepper?

Members of the mouse population can sometimes munch on black pepper flakes. That’s because they forage for food and are naturally curious. They must taste test the pepper to determine whether it’s safe to eat. So, many mice eat black pepper unknowingly.

However, black pepper in large quantities is toxic to mice. It’s also highly spicy to their palettes. Thus, they typically avoid food supplies that you’ve tainted with ground peppers. Think of it like your favorite restaurant putting hot sauce all over your plate. You probably wouldn’t eat there anymore.

What Is the Most Effective Rodent Repellent?

Usually, the most effective rodent repellents are commercial grade, not natural. In other words, they’re chemical-based instead of organic. So, you have to be careful when using industrial strength products. Always call a professional exterminator for more information about handling toxic materials.

With that said, here are some of the less toxic mouse repellent options that you can get at the store:

  • MaxMoxie Pest Repeller
  • Loraffe Ultrasonic Rodent Repeller
  • Exterminator’s Choice Vehicle Defense Rodent Repellent
Be sure to check your local retailer to discover other options, find new products and compare prices. And remember that you can use a mixture of different rodent repellents in some cases.

Related Questions

What Happens If You Pepper Spray a Mouse?

If you spray a mouse with liquid pepper, the mouse will not get hurt. It will, however, become immediately uncomfortable and irritated. Most likely, the rodent will first sniff the spray to determine its contents. After that, the mouse will scurry away from the source to avoid the burning sensation.

When you spray a mouse, you also spray the area. That’s what will help keep the mice from coming back. So, try to apply generous amounts of pepper spray to all the places you suspect rodent activity in your home.
How Do You Naturally Get Rid of Mice?

There are several ways to get rid of mice in your home without calling the exterminator. For example, some homeowners prefer to use mothballs instead of traps, poisons, and pepper sprays. That’s because mothballs contain naphthalene which rodents hate.

Other natural mouse repellents include ammonia, tea bags, and minty toothpaste. Most rodents can’t stand the smell of those. Plus, ammonia mimics the odor of cat urine, which can scare mice instinctually.

Is Black Pepper Effective for Rats?

Rats and mice are both rodents, but they are not the same animal. For one, rats are typically larger and better suited for survival. However, that doesn’t mean that they’re immune to the chemical compounds in black pepper.

Meanwhile, rats are less likely to eat enough black pepper to get sick. So, they usually don’t suffer toxic side effects or die from ingestion. Therefore, you may have to use other measures to get rid of a rat infestation in your home.

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Live in a Mouse-Free House

When the mouse in your house is finally gone, you’ll know it. There will be fewer rodent droppings on your floors and countertops. And you’ll hear a lot less scurrying behind the walls. So, whether you get rid of mice with natural remedies or use an exterminator, live in a rodent-free environment today.

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Tiffany Nichols
Tiffany Nichols

Tiffany Nichols specializes in aesthetics, design, marketing, and manufacturing. She's a copywriter and editor for several home renovation companies in the U.S. and works alongside some of the biggest names in the industry. Her hobbies include architecture, art, mental health, and fashion.

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