How To Kill Weevils In the Bathroom (In 5 Easy Steps!)

Tom Gaffey
by Tom Gaffey

Regardless of what type of bathroom aesthetic you are trying to achieve, you want your bathroom to look clean. The last thing you want is to have insects all over your bathroom. What do you do, then, when you notice that insects like weevils have moved into your bathroom.

Weevils in your bathroom may have entered through a bathroom window screen, wall crack, or vent. To kill weevils in your bathroom you need to clean your drains, fix leaks, seal cracks, and repair damaged window screens. This will prevent weevils from entering or escaping. Use insecticide to kill any remaining bugs. Weevils in your bathroom are often a sign of a larger infestation.

When you notice bugs in your bathroom, the first step to getting rid of them is identifying them. Once you determine what type of pest living in your bathroom you can begin to build an extermination plan. Keep reading to see how to identify weevils and other small bugs found in your bathroom. Then you will learn the five steps to quickly and easily get rid of them.

How To Identifying Weevils In Your House

Weevils are small black and brown bugs that technically belong to the beetle family. There are thousands of weevil varieties that exist on the globe. For the most part, people encounter the “true” weevils that have a snout-like nose and are often found in grains, seeds, rice, and flour.

Weevils are flying bugs that measure between one-eighth inch and one-quarter inch long. They are most easily identified by their long snout-like nose, which separates them from other household pests.

Weevils are found throughout the home, but the bulk of weevils are found in kitchens and pantries. If you are looking for weevils of fear you may have a bit of an infestation, look in areas where there is an abundant food supply.

Since weevils are normally attracted to cereals and grains, it is most common to spot weevils in your kitchen or any other place where food is located. Once weevils are in the home, however, they can be found anywhere, including in your bathroom.

Why Do Weevils Get Inside The Home?

Weevils are often found in the home because there are several elements to homes that are a perfect habitat. These bugs fly, so if you ever have open windows,

Weevils are either looking to hatch, breed, feed, or lay eggs. They are always on the hunt for food or a place near food to lay eggs. There are many places in nature for weevils to thrive, but sometimes your home is even better.

Weevils are attracted to artificial light. For this reason, it is most common for them to enter your home at dusk or any time after sunset. Once weevils are in the home they are always searching for the perfect place to lay eggs, which is near a food source.

Weevils can also find their way into your home in your groceries. While grocery stores should do their best to prevent bug infestations in their products, it does happen. It is important you check all of your dry goods for holes or damaged boxes.

You should also wash all produce like corn, fruits, and vegetables. Many bugs can hide in produce and hitch a free ride into your pantry.

Why Are Weevils In My Bathroom?

Weevils love areas where there is an ample food supply, like kitchens and pantries. This does not mean, however, that weevils will only be found in the kitchen. Once weevils find areas to lay eggs in your home, they will quickly multiply once they become adults.

When enough of these bugs hatch in your home they will start to explore further to locate more areas to breed. While your bathroom may not have a large food source, it is normally a dark area with some bacteria. For these reasons, you may find weevils in your bathroom.

You may also find weevils in your bathroom simply because that is where they have flown into your home. If you notice these bugs in the bathroom, you should check your windows immediately. When your window is closed, make sure it is sealed properly and there are no cracks.

If your window is open make sure you have a screen installed. When you have a screen installed, check for holes or damaged areas. If you are certain the weevils are not coming in from a window there is a good chance you have weevils already breeding and nesting in your home.

Weevils and other bugs can also enter your bathroom through vents and crawl spaces, which are often located in the bathroom. If your vents have holes or are not properly sealed all sorts of pests can find their way in.

Other Small Bugs That Might Live In Your Bathroom

While weevils are bugs commonly found in the home, there are other bugs found in the home. The most commonly found bugs in the bathroom are drain flies. These bugs nest in drains, and are often seen flying close to drain areas.

Mold mites are small bugs that feed off bacteria in drains like soap scum. You can also find common undesirable bugs like silverfish and cockroaches. Luckily, the five steps to get rid of weevils in your bathroom will help eliminate these pests as well.

5 Steps To Get Rid Of Weevils In Your Bathroom

Weevils and other insects in your bathroom can be unsightly and outright gross. You will want to get rid of this problem as soon as possible. Luckily, you can eliminate these bug issues by following a few simple steps.

Step One: Clean And Unclog Your Drains

Clogged shower drains lead to a buildup of bacteria and stagnant water. This also creates a habitat for pests like weevils and other bugs. You can use a drain cleaner that is designed to clear built up soap scum and unclog drains.

You can also use bleach and hot water. This mixture is highly effective in killing bacteria, unclogging buildup in drains and eliminating pests. You should not use this method too frequently though, as bleach is a very strong chemical. Bleach can even potentially damage your drains depending on what they are made of.

You can also try a nontoxic mixture of vinegar and hot water. This mixture will help clean your drain and kill bacteria. It is also highly effective in getting rid of pesky bugs without the dangers of harsher and hazardous chemicals.

Step Two: Fix Leaks And Areas That Collect Water

Water is a breeding ground for bacteria and several bathroom pests. Some insects lay their eggs in this water while others are attracted to the bacteria that builds up.

Regardless of why they like it, many insects are attracted to areas with high moisture levels. The best way to lower the moisture content in your bathroom is to fix all leaks.

Once you fix all leaks see if there are any areas, especially corners, that tend to collect water. If they do, level these areas out to prevent water from collecting on a regular basis.

Step Three: Patch Up Holes, Corners, and Seal Cracks

Weevils come into your home through small cracks and holes. Patching these areas up will prevent them from entering your bathroom from outside.

Additionally, other bugs may use these cracks as possible protected nesting areas. Eliminating these small nooks can also seal up potential nest areas. Use caulk or other appropriate sealant to ensure these areas remain sealed.

Step Four: Spray Infected Areas With Appropriate Bug Poison And Cleaner

Once your bathroom is properly sealed and cleaned, you must ensure any remaining bugs are exterminated. Since you know the type of bugs you are dealing with, you can choose the correct insecticide accordingly.

Tip: Before spraying, be sure to follow instructions correctly, as applications will vary from product to product.

Step Five: Install Or Repair Window And Doors Screens

If you like to have natural flowing air in your home you need to make sure your screens are always in good condition. All it takes is one small home to let in a few bugs. This small number can quickly multiply.

Inspect each screen carefully. If you live in an area where screens corrode quickly you may want to look into longer lasting screens built from alternative materials.

Preventing Future Weevil Infestations In Your Home

  • Inspect Your Food Items Before Purchase. One easy but essential way to keep weevils out of your home is by inspecting your food items. It is especially important to check dry goods like flour, cereals, and grains for holes or damaged packaging. 
  • Check Entrances For Cracks And Damage. Cracks and damaged areas near home openings can also allow weevils to enter your home. Be sure to caulk and seal up these spots whenever you notice them. These small crevices can also provide protected homes for many unwanted pests, so the sooner you address them the better. 
  • Regularly Repair Window And Door Screens. Screen windows and screened doors are great ways to keep out weevils and other flying bugs. These screens will fray over time and require upkeep. This can be particularly true in areas with harsher climates where metal corrosion happens fast.
  • Buy Food Storage Containers. Food storage containers are a great way to block weevils from their favorite habitats. As soon as you bring items like flour, grain and corn meal into your home you should deposit them into air-tight food storage containers. 
  • Stick To House Cleaning Schedule. Keeping a tidy house does wonders at preventing weevils and other insect infestations. Regularly cleaning your drains, frequently wiping your counters and cleaning your pantry does wonders to minimize bug issues. 

Concluding Thoughts On Weevils In Your Bathroom

The last thing you want to see when you are taking a relaxing bath is a family of bugs flying overhead. Weevils in the bathroom are a sign that they have invaded your home elsewhere.

There is a chance they flew in from a window or through a small crack or hole. More likely, however, is that these bugs have made a home in your kitchen or pantry and are looking elsewhere in the home for more breeding areas.

Unclogging your drains, fixing leaks, sealing cracks, and repairing window screens will all help to keep weevils and other bugs out of your home. You can use an insecticide to kill remaining bugs, and be extra clean and cautious to prevent future weevil problems.

Tom Gaffey
Tom Gaffey

Tom Gaffey is an expert writer who currently resides in Washington D.C. Tom has a passion for real estate and home improvement writing, as well as travel and lifestyle writing. He lived the last twelve years in Hawaii where he worked closely with luxury resorts and event planners, mastering his knowledge of aesthetics and luxury products. This is where he found his passion for home improvement and a keen interest in DIY projects. Currently, Tom resides in Washington D.C, and also working on his debut fiction novel.

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