How To Repair A Damaged Glass Cooktop (Do This!)
Glass cooktops are finding their way into more homes these days. They have emerged as viable alternatives to the more conventional gas stovetops. You may even be considering making the switch to using a glass cooktop yourself.
Before taking the plunge, it’s important to know how to address issues with the glass cooktop when they inevitably arise. You’ll specifically have to be wary of the scratches and cracks that may appear on the glass surface.
Scratches that show up on the glass cooktop can be filled in with a baking soda paste. You can then remove the excess paste before cleaning the glass with water and wiping it dry. If cracks or deep scratches appear on the cooktop, the entire glass surface will have to be replaced.
Taking good care of your glass cooktop sometimes means making necessary repairs. Learn more about how to complete those repairs yourself by reading on.
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Repairing Your Glass Cooktop
Glass cooktops are prized for how quickly they work and how efficient they are. It also helps that glass stovetops feature a look that many homeowners find quite appealing.
People are willing to pay a premium to get their hands on a premium glass cooktop. You may have to make that investment as well. To ensure you get the most out of your purchase, you must be capable of making repairs that extend its lifespan.
We’ll discuss how to make those important repairs in this section. To get started, we’ll focus on fixing the light scratches.
How to Repair Light Scratches on a Glass Cooktop
You will see light scratches appear on the glass cooktop at some point. They are inevitable if you use the cooktop with any kind of regularity. Don’t worry though because addressing light scratches on the glass surface is very easy.
Step 1: Prepare the Items Needed for Repair
You only need basic household items to fix some light scratches on the glass cooktop. More specifically, you’ll need some microfiber rags, baking soda, a small brush, a bowl, and water. Soft cleaning rags can be used if you don’t have any microfiber cloths. You can also use clear nail polish instead of baking soda if that’s what you have.
Step 2: Create the Paste
The goal here is to fill the light scratch with enough material to conceal it. The material we’ll be using is a mixture of baking soda and water.
Mix the baking soda and water in a bowl until they are well integrated. You’re looking to create a wet or loose paste so add the baking soda slowly until you get the desired consistency. Two parts of baking soda to one part of water is a good ratio to follow.
Step 3: Apply the Paste
Dip your brush into the paste and start applying it on to the glass surface. Try to cover as much of the scratches as you can with the paste.
Step 4: Rub the Paste into the Glass Surface
Pick up one of the microfiber rags and start rubbing the spot where you applied the paste. Continue rubbing for a few minutes to ensure the paste permeates the scratches.
Step 5: Clean Up the Glass Surface
At this point, you can now wipe away any excess paste using the rag. Use some water as well to clean the surface thoroughly. From there, you can just let the surface dry. The scratches should not be visible anymore after the glass cooktop dries.
How to Repair Cracks and Deep Scratches on a Glass Cooktop
Cracks and deep scratches cannot be repaired as easily as the light scratches. That’s because you’ll have to replace the glass in the cooktop completely. Using a cracked or badly scratched glass cooktop can be very dangerous. Absent-mindedly put your hand on the wrong spot and you could electrocute yourself.
That kind of significant damage also compromises the strength of the glass cooktop. It could collapse sooner rather than later and that will be an even bigger problem. Just go ahead and replace the glass now while you can.
Step 1: Get the Items Needed for Repairing the Glass Cooktop
For this job, you’ll need a screwdriver, a vacuum with a hose, and the replacement glass. Use the model and serial numbers at the back of the cooktop to search for a replacement surface online.
Step 2: Remove the Damaged Glass Surface
Unplug the cooktop so you can work safely. After that, start loosening the screws holding down the glass cooktop.
The way the burners are installed will dictate how you should proceed here. The burners are sometimes connected to the stove itself. In that case, you can just lift the glass surface up and remove it. Things are a bit more complicated if the burners are connected to the cooktop. In that scenario, you will have to unscrew the burners before removing the glass surface.
Step 3: Clean the Stove
Some glass shards may have scattered along the stove after the cooktop cracked. Take the time to remove them using your vacuum. Run the vacuum over the stove a few times to ensure that no glass shards are left behind.
Step 4: Install the Replacement Glass
You can now install the new glass surface on your stove. Refer to the instructions provided to make sure that you are able to install it correctly. In all likelihood, the only tool you’ll need to finish the installation is the screwdriver.
Keeping Your Glass Cooktop Protected
Even though repairing scratched or cracked glass cooktops is easy, it would still be best if the repairs weren’t necessary. Knowing how to keep your glass cooktop protected is essential. Detailed below are some of the tips you need to always remember in order to keep your glass cooktop protected.
Be Careful with the Pots and Pans
Glass cooktops tend to get scratched up because we don’t handle our pots and pans properly. Instead of picking up and putting down the cast iron pan, many of us just slide it along the glass surface. Sliding the pan can cause scratches to form along the glass. You should avoid it as much as possible.
Failing to clean up your cookware can also be a problem. All kinds of gunk may accumulate along the bottom of your pots and pans as you continually use them. If those bits of food harden, they could scratch the glass surface.
Don’t Let Any Spills Sit on the Surface
Spills happen from time to time and that’s fine. Just remember to clean them up right away.
The heat coming from the spilled liquid could damage the glass. On top of that, the liquid hardening will also make it tougher to clean. You may end up scratching the glass while trying to remove that hardened stain.
Reserve the Glass Cooktop for Your Cookware
You should also remember not to place anything unnecessary on top of the glass surface. Placing too much weight on the glass could damage or even shatter it. The only item you should place on top of the cooktop is the pot or pan you’re using.
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Related Questions
How Should a Glass Cooktop Be Cleaned?
To clean a glass cooktop, you have to start by letting it cool. Turn it off completely and wait until all the heat has dissipated. After that, you can start applying the cleaner of your choice on to the glass surface using a spray bottle. You can use a commercial cleaner or make one of your own by mixing water, white vinegar, and some detergent.Let the cleaning solution work for a few minutes before wiping it off with a microfiber rag. You should also rinse the glass surface with some water. Leave the surface to dry after all that and it should be good to go again.If some bits of food are stuck on the glass surface, you need to remove them with a razor or scraper. Be gentle when using the razor or scraper to avoid scratching the glass. You can follow the same cleaning procedure described above after removing the stuck bits of food.
How Much Do Replacement Glass Surfaces for Cooktops Cost?
The cost of acquiring a replacement surface for your glass cooktop will vary depending on your stove. Typically though, the replacement surfaces are priced somewhere in the range of $100 to $600.
Gary Evans is passionate about home improvement. He loves finding out how to make improvements in the easiest, most practical, and most affordable ways. Upgrading his home kitchen is one of his ongoing hobbies. Gary is also a long-time content creator and enjoys spending his free time tending to his hydroponic vegetable garden.
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