How Long Does A Mobile Home Last?

Tom Gaffey
by Tom Gaffey

Home prices are reaching record highs, and there aren’t many of these now-expensive homes to choose from. This has led more and more people to broaden their horizons, and look at all types of dwellings. Mobile homes are now growing in popularity. They are affordable and quick to build. This makes them a great option for those who own property and need somewhere to call home sooner than later. But how long does a mobile home last?

A mobile home lasts anywhere from 30 to 55 years, depending on several factors. Mobile homes built after 1976 are held to stricter building standards, and tend to last longer. The way a mobile home is installed, where you build it, and the materials used all impact how long it lasts. The climate is another big factor, as water and wind damage can significantly decrease a mobile home’s lifespan.

If you are interested in purchasing a mobile home, you want to make sure you get the most out of your investment. You will quickly notice that many mobile homes are a fraction of the cost of standard houses. While this is enticing, you want to make sure it is a long-lasting investment. After all, what good is an inexpensive mobile home if it falls apart in a storm. As you start to crunch the numbers to see if a mobile home is the right choice for you, you need to take a look at factors that impact how long a mobile home will last.

Six Factors That Determine How Long Mobile Homes Last

1. When It Was Built

The year your mobile home was built can have profound impacts on how long it will last. Sure, if your home is old, it’s not going to last as long as the same style of home built yesterday. But what’s more than that is there are now regulations in place that help ensure these homes last longer. But they did not always exist.

There were regulations put in place in 1976 in the U.S. to ensure mobile homes are built with high quality, long lasting materials. There are also building and structural codes that must be followed. That means any mobile home built after 1976 will last longer than one before. Further, as time marches on, more and more developments are made to reduce leaks, rot and other weather damage. So newer is often better (as long as it’s quality).

2. The Installation Process

As with most construction projects, the quality of installation has a major impact on a mobile home’s longevity. If your mobile home is installed carefully, with the correct specifications, then it should last to its optimum date. It also is critical that it rests on a solid foundation.

If, on the other hand, the mobile home is casually placed on the ground, or haphazardly installed, it isn’t going to reach its full potential. Professionals cost money up front, but can also extend the life of your dwelling many years.

3. The Quality Of The Mobile Home

There is not “one” type of home. There are all sorts of mobile dwellings. They come in all shapes and sizes, and are made by a variety or companies. Some mobile homes are meant to be quick builds and cost efficient. Others are luxury designs and are quite pricey. So when you are trying to determine how long your mobile home will last, you should check your warranty, read reviews, and check with the company.

Most companies will guarantee their products for a certain amount of time. Most mobile homes, when mass-produced, have lots of reviews online. Read them, as it is a great way to learn some very specific pros and cons about the home. The company you purchase the home from might even give an expected life expectancy for the mobile home.

4. The Materials Used

In addition to the type of home, the materials your mobile home uses will also determine its longevity. Some materials last longer than others. This is especially true than they are in the elements. So wooden homes, or homes that have materials prone to rust are likely to deteriorate faster than those with strong and weather-proof materials.

5. How Well You Maintain The Mobile Home

One major factor is completely in your hands as a homeowner. The way you maintain your home has a huge impact on how long it will last. Checking on the roof, addressing small leaks, and regularly maintaining the appliances and such go a long way. A neglected home, mobile or not, is destined to deteriorate faster than one that is well-kept.

6. The Climate Where You Live

One fact that is a bit out of your control is the weather. But weather plays a big role in how long a mobile home will last. Just think of footage from tropical storms and hurricanes. All sorts of mobile homes are destroyed in these major flooding and wind events. If you live in an area with high likelihood for major weather events, you may want to reconsider a mobile home.

More mild climates tend to fare the best. Very wet climates, and also those with dry strong and unforgiving sun, can take a toll on your mobile home, and decrease how long it lasts.

How To Make Your Mobile Home Last Longer

Select An Ideal Location

Choose the best location for your mobile home. You want an area with a solid foundation. It is always better to have the home in a higher elevation, and not in line with any water path. This will help prevent flooding. Avoid areas with lots of trees when possible.

Perform Regular Roof Inspections

One of the main ways that mobile homes deteriorate quickly is water damage. Regularly inspecting the mobile home’s roof can help prevent the bulk of this water damage. Mobile home roofs need repairing just like any roof. Make sure you maintain gutters as well.

Stick To A Maintenance Schedule

Getting in the habit of maintaining your home is one of the best routines you can have. This goes for mobile homes as well. Try to stick to a routine where you regularly check all your appliances. Then you should also check the window and door frames, the foundation, and all other areas susceptible to damage and cracking. This will help prevent larger problems from forming.

Have Your Mobile Home Inspected By A Professional

It helps to have professional eyes check on your property from time to time. Enlist the help of a professional when you find it necessary. A home inspector can point out areas of the home that need repair. A contractor might be able to give you a free quote before performing repairs. Either way, an extra set of knowledgeable eyes will go a long way in getting the most out of your mobile home.

Summing Up How Long A Mobile Home Lasts

The average mobile home lasts between 20 and 55 years. But a lot of variables can change exactly how long your mobile home will last. You need to consider the quality of the mobile home, your climate, the installation and even the home’s materials.

As you try to get the most time out of your mobile home, there are some habits you can develop. Try regularly inspecting the roof. It also helps to get in a regular home maintenance schedule. When in doubt, hire a professional as an extra set of eyes to see what you can do to make your mobile home last as long as possible.

Tom Gaffey
Tom Gaffey

Tom Gaffey is an expert writer who currently resides in Washington D.C. Tom has a passion for real estate and home improvement writing, as well as travel and lifestyle writing. He lived the last twelve years in Hawaii where he worked closely with luxury resorts and event planners, mastering his knowledge of aesthetics and luxury products. This is where he found his passion for home improvement and a keen interest in DIY projects. Currently, Tom resides in Washington D.C, and also working on his debut fiction novel.

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