How Long Do Gutters Last?

Tom Gaffey
by Tom Gaffey

Gutters are one of the many home essentials that are easy to forget about until something goes wrong with them. While gutter cleaning and maintenance should be performed on a seasonal basis, they are otherwise rarely given much attention until they fall apart. If you are hoping to replace your gutters before they are ruined and cause damage to your home, you might wonder how long gutters last.

Gutters last between 10 and 100 years, depending on their material, with most gutters needing replacement around every 20 years. Aluminum and galvanized steel gutters need to be replaced every 20 to 25 years, while zinc gutters can last 50 years, copper lasting upwards of 100 years. Climate, proper gutter cleaning, maintenance and installation all impact how long your gutters will last.

When you are trying to find out if and when your gutters need to be replaced, you need to know some basic facts first. While the average lifespan of gutters is around 20 years, there are a wide array of factors that can increase and decrease how often your gutters need replacing. Consider the factor below and how they relate to your gutters and you will have a good idea as to how long your gutters should last.

How Often Should You Replace Your Gutters?

Your gutters need to be replaced, quite simply, when they begin to fail and show signs of deterioration. Most people, however, do not want to wait until their gutters are in disrepair before replacing them, and with good reason. Old damaged gutters are unsightly, and make your home look like damaged goods. Additionally, there are major issues that can arise if you neglect to replace your gutters in time. Some of these issues, like roof and even foundational damage, can be quite costly.

In order to avoid unnecessary and costly damage, most professionals recommend replacing your gutters every 20 to 25 years or so, but this depends on several factors. Sometimes you can wait an entire lifetime to replace gutters, while other gutters need to be replaced as frequently as every 10 years.

Five Variables That Affect How Long Your Gutters Will Last

1. How Well You Maintain Your Gutters

Gutter maintenance is a huge factor in how long your gutters last and how often they need to be replaced. On average, gutters should be cleaned four times a year. If, however, you live in an area with lots of wild weather, or are surrounded by foliage, you might need to clean them with even more frequency. Neglected gutters will flood, which can cause the gutters to sag and crack under pressure.

2. Your Climate

Climate is also a major factor in how often you should replace your gutters. If you live in an area with severe seasons and lots of precipitation, you will likely need to replace your gutters with more frequency than those in mild climates. If you live near the ocean, salt water can rust and eat away at some types of gutters.

3. Your Immediate Surroundings

If you have lots of trees, or climbing vines, your gutters are susceptible to damage. Any nearby debris is likely to get stuck in your gutter, which can cause all sorts of problems. Eliminating these potential problems will increase your gutters’ lifespan.

4. Professional Installation Versus DIY Installation

Professionally installed gutters tend to last much longer than DIY gutters. Some gutters require welding, and others require sealant and some craftsmanship to complete. If your gutters are installed professionally, they are more likely to have tight and secure seals. If seals become undone, or loosened, they are susceptible to damage.

5. The Material Your Gutters Are Made Of

Gutter materials are the biggest factor in their lifespan. The materials used in your gutters determine whether they wil last 10, 20, or even 100 years. Below are the most common gutter types and their longevity.

How Long Different Gutter Materials Last

Copper Gutters

Copper gutters are not very common as they are more expensive than almost all other types of gutters. They do, however, last twice as long or longer than most other gutters. These stylish gutters last on average a minimum of 50 years. These gutters last up to 100 years if properly maintained.

Vinyl Gutters

If you live somewhere with light rainfall or more mild conditions, you might have vinyl gutters. These gutters are usually inexpensive, and for that reason they also do not last as long as most metal alternatives. On average, vinyl gutters last between 10 and 15 years.

Aluminum Gutters

Aluminum gutters are quite popular because they last a long time and are also affordable and lightweight. These gutters last between 20 and 25 years. Because aluminum is a lighter metal, it is important to clean your aluminum gutters. Regular cleaning (4 times a year on average), will help make it so you don’t need to replace your aluminum gutters more frequently.

Zinc Gutters

Zinc gutters are more expensive than aluminum gutters, but they are stronger than aluminum, and they do not rust. For these reasons and others, zinc gutters last twice as long as aluminum gutters. If you have zinc gutters, you should expect them to last 50 years or longer if you properly maintain them.

Galvanized Steel Gutters

On average, galvanized steel gutters last between 15 and 20 years. These gutters are steel with a layer of zinc. The zinc helps prevent the metal gutters from rusting over time. These gutters do not require a great deal of maintenance, but do require you to apply a seal on the gutters once every 5 to 10 years.

Signs It Is Time For Your To Replace Your Gutters

While there are guidelines and expected lifespans for your gutters, the only way to know when you need to replace them is to look for yourself. It is important you do not wait too long to replace your gutters, as neglecting this project too long can produce problems for your roof and even your foundation. If you notice any of the following issues in your gutters, it might be time to replace them.

  • Visible Cracks And Leaks
  • Mold growing directly beneath gutters
  • Water Overflowing From Gutters
  • Pools Of Water on The Side Of Your Home
  • Peeling Paint Or Rust On Gutters
  • Sagging Gutters
  • Vegetation Growing In And Around Gutters

Concluding Analysis On How Long Gutters Last

On average, your gutters will likely last between 20 and 25 years. This is because aluminum and galvanized steel are the most popular gutter types. Determine what type of gutters you have. Gutter materials are the main factor in determining for long they last. Once you know that, factor in your climate, your maintenance schedule, and whether your gutters were professionally installed or more of a DIY situation. Once you have this information, you should be able to determine, with some precision, how long your gutters will last.

Tom Gaffey
Tom Gaffey

Tom Gaffey is an expert writer who currently resides in Washington D.C. Tom has a passion for real estate and home improvement writing, as well as travel and lifestyle writing. He lived the last twelve years in Hawaii where he worked closely with luxury resorts and event planners, mastering his knowledge of aesthetics and luxury products. This is where he found his passion for home improvement and a keen interest in DIY projects. Currently, Tom resides in Washington D.C, and also working on his debut fiction novel.

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