Can You Wash Pottery Barn Couch Covers? (Find Out Now!)
For those of us who like to change things up every so often, Pottery Barn offers a variety of couch slipcovers. They have a wide range of materials, colors, and textures to suit any style. And here’s some great news: Pottery Barn couch covers are so easy to wash and maintain!
How To Remove Crayon Stains From Plastic (4 Ways To Do It!)
If you have young children, you likely know all about the challenges of keeping a home clean. Young kids are bundles of boundless energy and they tend to make a mess when they’re having fun. Give them crayons to play around with and things can get messy pretty quickly.
How To Get Urine Smell Out of Clothes (3 Ways To Do It!)
Unfortunately, urine can leave stains and smells on clothes even after they have been laundered. It can seem that the odor is an unpleasant permanent feature of the affected garments. However, various natural and chemical products can return the item to its original fresh-smelling state.
How Often Should I Replace The Drip Trays On My Electric Coil Stove?
Keeping your stovetop clean and free of food residue is an important step in kitchen maintenance. A dirty stovetop not only looks unsightly, but it can cause mold, damage the stove and even attract unwanted pests. If you have a coil electric stove or any stove with drip trays, you will notice that they look worse over time, But how do you know when it is time to replace your drip trays, and how often should you plan to switch them out with new ones?
Does Having A Pet Decrease House Value?
Selling a house is a stressful process, so it helps to do everything you can do to ensure it goes smoothly. It’s no secret that pets are messy and can even be destructive, and that’s a concern for many homeowners when they sell their houses. Does having a pet decrease house value?
How To Declutter Your Closet
Clothes, clothes, everywhere, and not a thing to wear? Maybe that’s because you have so many clothes, you get overwhelmed whenever it’s time to get dressed. If your closet is ready to burst, it’s time to learn how to declutter your closet and take back control of your wardrobe.
How To Keep Poop From Sticking To The Toilet (Do This!)
There is nothing pretty about going to the bathroom. Regardless of that, the simple fact of the matter is that we all use the toilet on a daily basis. With frequent use, there will no doubt be a mess in the bowl sooner or later.
How To Descale A Breville Coffee Maker
Coffee machines are super convenient to have in your home, especially cause so many of them come with timers now, so you don’t have to remember to turn the coffee pot on in time before heading to work or starting your day. However, one thing that gets super annoying is the need to descale it. But, it needs to be done! But what if you have a Breville Coffee Maker? How do you descale that?
How To Get Crayon Out Of A Dryer
Oops! You didn’t notice that red crayon in your kid’s pant pocket when you tossed the laundry into the dryer. Now, you have melted crayon stuck to the inside of your dryer (not to mention on your clothes). Learn how to get crayon out of a dryer before you assume your dryer is doomed.
How to Get Aquaphor Out of Clothes (Quickly & Easily!)
Aquaphor and other health aid ointments help heal the skin and reduce pain or irritation. Unfortunately, they can quickly leave oily stains on clothes and household linens, such as sheets and towels. Although oil-based stains are among the hardest to deal with, they can be eliminated. So, how exactly do you get Aquaphor out of your clothing?
How To Get Wax Out Of Carpet (5 Ways To Do It!)
While carpets are typically easy to clean, wax stains on them can prove a little stubborn. However, there are ways to get that wax off. With the appropriate use of a few household items, you can get rid of every trace of wax on your carpet.
How To Get A Mildew Smell Out Of Carpets (3 Ways To Do It!)
Mildew smells damp, unpleasant, and pungent. When carpet smells of mildew, finding a solution is often high on most people’s priority list. If there is mildew on your carpet, you have a problem to solve. Luckily, you can get rid of it using a few household products.
How To Prevent Water Spots On A Stainless Steel Sink
Stainless steel sinks are a lovely addition to your kitchen area or washroom. They are usually very clean and sharp-looking. Stainless steel sinks provide an industrial look that is still polished enough for any decor.
How To Protect Your Carpet From Heavy Furniture
Getting dents in your carpet may seem unavoidable if you have heavy furniture. However, your carpet isn’t doomed to have dents forever, especially if you take preventative steps. Luckily, we have several easy tips for how to protect your carpet from heavy furniture.
How To Get Melted Chapstick Out Of Clothing (Step-by-Step Guide)
Do you know that feeling when, on opening the door of your dryer, you see the unmistakable signs of oily residue smeared all over your clothing? (We hope you said no!) Not only do you have to clean your dryer, but you’re also stuck trying to figure out exactly how to get the melted Chapstick out of your clothing. However, don’t worry, we have the answer for you!
My Shark Vacuum Won't Turn On
Has this happened to you? You drop the coffee grounds all over the floor when trying to make your morning cup of Joe. No problem, you think, you’ll just grab your trusty Shark vacuum. The only problem, it won’t turn on, and you’re forced to reach for the broom and dustpan.
How To Clean A Persian Rug By Hand (In 3 Easy Steps!)
Persian rugs are considered to be the gold standard when it comes to luxury carpeting, especially if they’re hand woven. Unfortunately, they’re not exactly easy to clean. Unlike commercially-made rugs, Persian rugs do not come with instructions neatly printed on tags. However, they still need to be cleaned, and most of the time, it has to be done by hand. But…how?
10 Reasons Your Friend's House Always Smells Incredible
Do you always wonder why your friend’s house smells so good? After all, they have pets, kids, dirty laundry, and other odor challenges, just like you. But you don’t crinkle your nose when you’re at your friend’s house. There are a few reasons why your friend’s house smells great, and you can use them to make your home smell better, too.
Can You Put Cast Iron Stove Grates In The Dishwasher?
Cast iron stove grates are found in many homes and businesses these days. Often, when you’re cooking something—like boiling pasta—water will run over a pot and onto the stove grates, and when this happens repeatedly the grates can become dirty. Also, there are some things—like bacon for example—that will splatter no matter how hard you try to avoid this.
How To Clean A Bosch Dishwasher (Quickly & Easily!)
Despite their status as one of the more popular brands for power tools, Bosch actually makes far more than that. As a matter of fact, they make a good deal of kitchen appliances as well. That includes dishwashers, which have become a favorite for homeowners.
How To Add Fabric Softener To Whirlpool Washer Without An Agitator
It really is incredible to think how far something as simple as laundry has come. Thanks to washing machines, we can now handle a week’s worth of dirty clothes in just a few hours. Moreover, modern washing machines have made it easier than ever to simply start a load and go back to our day.
How To Keep Your Clothing Wrinkle-Free Without An Iron
Wrinkles can turn a chic garment into a frumpy disaster. A wrinkle-free and well-pressed garment, on the other hand, can look like a million bucks even if you only paid a few dollars. This is why irons are so handy and helpful. But in life, there are many times when an iron isn’t available. If you don’t have access to an iron, or simply can’t stand the act of ironing, you probably want to know how you can keep your clothes wrinkle-free without having to pick up an iron.
Should Your Washing Machine Shake?
It is okay for a washing machine to shake a little bit during the spin cycle. This happens when clothes move around and slap the sides of the drum. The combination of the impact of the clothes and the washing machine spinning makes it shake.
Ditch The Dust: 12 Tips To Reduce Dust In Your Home
For some people, too much dust in their house makes them self-conscious about their cleaning habits. But for others, excessive dust leads to constant sneezing, itchy eyes, and other health problems, as it triggers significant allergic reactions. Whether for your health, your home’s appearance, or both, there are easy ways to reduce dust in your home.
How To Clean Nubuck Leather (Quickly & Easily!)
There are a variety of materials out there that present different advantages. We tend to like leather not only for its stylish look but for the fact that it is also quite durable. There is a substance known as Nubuck that is quite similar in nature to not only leather but suede as well.
House Smells Like Raid? (We Have A Fix!)
You think you smell Raid in your house, even though it’s been days since you used the insecticide eliminate ants and termites? Well, chances are that you went on a little overkill while trying to get rid of the insects. Raid has a strong odor, which takes time to wear off, especially if you empty a can to eliminate the insects.
How To Get Kerosene Out Of Carpet (Step-by-Step Safe Removal)
Kerosene is known for being one of the most pungent types of fuel on the market, and if you are like many people out in the country, you sometimes have to carry it indoors during winter months. The only problem? Kerosene can spill, and when it does, it can reek and also stain your carpet something awful. So, what can you do if you’re faced with a kerosene spill?
Things You Should Never Clean With A Swiffer
Swiffers make it easy to clean your house without needing to drag a bucket around with you. The Swiffer’s cleaning solution is quite effective and eliminates the need to make a mixture of your own. However, Swiffers aren’t ideal for all applications. There are several things you should never clean with a Swiffer.
Can I Leave Bleach In The Toilet Overnight? (Find Out Now!)
Cleaning your toilet can be a big pain, but it’s one of those chores that you must do on a regular basis. Thankfully, bleach can make the job a whole lot easier and a lot less gross. If you’ve had to deal with stubborn stains that won’t seem to fade in the past, you may have found yourself wondering if you could leave bleach sitting in the bowl to do the hard work.
Can You Wash Dishes In Non-Potable Water? (Find Out Now!)
Ingesting non-potable water shouldn’t seem like a major problem in well-developed countries like the United States. But in 2017, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) reported close to 500,000 hospitalizations and 7,000 deaths from waterborne diseases.
Say Goodbye To Pesky Pet Hair With These Low-Shed Dogs And Cats
When you add a pet to the family, shedding is often an inevitable part of the deal. But even though you adore your furry friend, that doesn’t mean you have to love their hair all over the place. If you’d rather spend more time loving your pet than cleaning up their fur, consider dogs or cats that don’t shed a lot.
How To Get Rid Of Mold In The Dishwasher
The sight of mold in your dishwasher can make you think twice about using your dishes again. Dishwashers are the perfect place for mold to grow because of the moisture, heat, and darkness. Many people struggle with how to get rid of mold in the dishwasher, however, you can prevent mold growth and get rid of what’s already there by taking a few precautions.
What To Do If A Future Houseguest Is Allergic To Your Pet
If your home has a guest room, then there is a good chance your houseguest will spend the majority of time in this room. Therefore, the bulk of your energy should be focused on making this a pet-hair and dander-free area.
Keurig Rivo Not Puncturing? (Possible Causes & Fixes)
We rely on them every day, and many of us return to these magic dispensers of one cup of java goodness many times a day. These are our beloved Keurig coffee machines, a staple of our kitchen decor, but what happens when they stop working, malfunction, or simply stop feeding us that dark liquid gold? We freak out! No, (okay, maybe for a brief moment of panic) we calmly assess the situation and take action.
Are Hydro Flasks Dishwasher Safe? (Find Out Now!)
Reusable water bottles have become more common as more people are steering clear of disposable plastic bottles. The reusable water bottles stand out as the more eco-friendly option. In the long run, you can also save more money by turning to reusable containers such as the Hydro Flask.
How To Remove Water Stains From Marble (Quickly & Easily!)
Marble is a staple element in the interior design of many homes. As a versatile and elegant material, marble can be used in pillars, backsplashes, flooring, countertops, and more. Unfortunately, marble can become stained with water over time.
Why Is My Bedroom So Dusty?
Dusting your home is a chore that never goes away. Some parts of your home likely get dustier than others, and it can be quite difficult to keep up. Many homeowners have asked themselves the question: why is my bedroom so dusty?
Why Are Bugs Coming Out Of My Drain?
You may see bugs come out of your drain because they either entered through a pipe or hid within the drain. Some bugs, such as flies, are drawn to sink and shower drains and even reproduce in them. This is mostly common with clogged drains, as they provide plenty of cover for mating and nesting.
How To Get Play-Doh Out Of Carpet (Quickly & Easily!)
Nothing is more entertaining to the kids as making crazy animals and other shapes out of colored dough. Play-Doh can keep your kids busy for hours. But it can also keep you busy trying to get the bright colored mess out of the carpet later. Maybe the kids should only play with Play-Doh in a room without carpet next time. But now you have a mess to clean up.
Can You Put Bleach In A Bissell Crosswave? (Find Out Now!)
Bissell has been a leading manufacturer of home cleaning appliances for more than 140 years, and it’s been said that this company even supplied England’s Queen Victoria with sweepers in the 1890s. Since that time, their products have improved substantially, and one can find their sweepers, washers, vacuum cleaners, and bare-floor vacuums being used by not only homeowners but business owners as well.
House Smells Like Ferret? (Possible Causes & Fixes)
Ferrets are cute little animals, but they produce a musky odor that some people find unpleasant. If you keep a ferret in your house as a pet, the entire space could have a strong odor, especially if you fail to keep its cage clean. Failure to wash the animal and its litter box and bedding could also contribute to the musky smell in your house.
How To Get Highlighter Out Of Clothes (Do This!)
While it’s normal to put effort towards keeping clothes clean, when you have a busy schedule, it can be quite challenging. It is highly likely that you’re going to spend a fair amount of time trying to remove various unidentifiable stains from your family’s clothing, such as highlighter ink. Tackling stains isn’t always easy, but how do you get highlighter out of clothes?
How To Get Burnt Plastic Smell Out Of A Dishwasher (Do This!)
Dishwashers can rack up quite a few foul odors, many of which would raise an eyebrow with most of us. If you recently had a mishap that involved melting plastic in the wash, you probably have a machine that has the acrid smell of burnt plastic inside its chambers. Sometimes, the smell is strong enough to cling to dishes! You don’t have to live with that aroma. There are ways to remove that smell for good.
How To Clean Tempered Glass (Quickly & Easily!)
Tempered glass is one of the most durable types of glass in the world, which is why it’s often used in convenience store counters, cellphones, as well as commercial furniture. When you first get it, it has a tendency of having a shiny, pristine look that’s not unlike regular glass. As the years pass, though, it starts to become harder to clean and even a little cloudy. Thankfully, if you clean it the right way, you can restore it to its former glory…
How To Get Motor Oil Out Of Carpet (6 Ways To Do It!)
No matter how hard you try, it always seems like something gets spilled or tracked on your carpet. As clean as you try to be, sometimes things just get tracked into the house on someone’s shoes or your dog’s feet. Motor oil is one of those stains that make you want to panic. But you don’t have to.
Can Tervis Tumblers Go In The Dishwasher? (Find Out Now!)
There are few items that are as notoriously unsafe for the dishwasher as a plastic tumbler. Even when you have a tumbler from Tervis, there’s a good chance that you might have concerns about using dishwashers to clean it off. But, Tervis is so durable! It should be able to be washed by a machine, right? Well, we decided to do a little research to find out the truth behind this issue.
What To Do With Your Fish Tank When You Move
You should never move a fish tank with water in it. A fish tank with water, decorations, equipment, and substrate is quite heavy. The combined weight of everything can crack the glass and create a huge, dangerous mess. Moving a tank with fish in it can also cause physical trauma, and they may even die.
How To Litter Train A Kitten
Kittens are loving, adorable, and tiny, but they can make big messes. While they quickly adapt to litter boxes, you may have to clean a few messes before then. Understandably, many homeowners struggle with how to litter train a kitten.
Can You Put Silicone Ice Cube Trays In The Dishwasher?
Modern problems require modern solutions. And for those who use silicone ice cube trays, there’s no exception. You have to keep your ice molds clean, or else someone could get sick. But can you put silicone ice cube trays in the dishwasher or not? Let’s see.
How To Clean A Shower Floor
You use your shower to get clean, so if any part of it’s gross, it feels icky instead of relaxing, and you say, “eww” more than “aah.”. If the shower floor starts to get scummy or grimy, it boosts the ick factor because you feel like you’re standing in filth. So what’s the best way to clean the shower floor so you’re not cringing while you’re washing up?
What To Do When Your Indoor Plants Collect Dust
Indoor plants are a fantastic way to bring color, life, and even oxygen into an indoor space. They help cleanse the air and give a natural feel to an otherwise man-made space. Often, indoor plants require very little maintenance and need water once a week or even less. But from time to time, just like with any item in your home, indoor plants get dusty. This can give your otherwise green and vibrant indoor plant a dull and dirty look. But what do you do when your indoor plants start to collect dust?
How To Clean A Comforter That Is Too Big For My Washer
Comforters are a popular bedding choice, adding some extra design flair to your bedroom. However, the plush coziness of many comforters that makes them so appealing often also makes them bulky. If your comforter is too big to fit in your washer, how can you clean it?
House Smells Like Maple Syrup? (Possible Causes & Fixes)
Have you ever walked into your house and noticed there’s a distinct, sugary, and almost overwhelming stink?
How To Get Desitin Out Of Clothes (4 Ways To Do It!)
Desitin is one of those creams that are amazing for a wide variety of problems, especially in children and babies. However, due to its ointment-based state, it easily leaks onto clothing. You may have noticed that simply throwing the clothing in the washer doesn’t help. So, how do you remove Desitin that’s stuck on your clothing or someone else’s clothing?
Tips To Keep Your Refrigerator Looking And Working Like New
One of the best ways to keep your new refrigerator looking and working like new is by keeping it clean. This means you must wipe up spills as they occur, and also perform regular deep cleaning. Sticking to a cleaning schedule is the best way to ensure your fridge is well cared for.
Mastering The 10-Minute Tidy
For many people, the thought of straightening up their house sends shivers down their spine. They try everything they can to put it off, from diverting to Netflix binges to watching TikTok cat videos. But then, things pile up, making the idea of tidying up even more unbearable.
Can You Put Cleats In The Washer? (Find Out Now!)
Cleats are used to play a variety of sports. When these are brand new, they’re pretty nice to look at and they even smell good too. But cleats don’t stay in good condition forever, as soon after they’re out of the box they’re hitting the mud or dirt and absorbing all the sweat from your feet.
Are Ceramic Mugs Dishwasher-Safe? (Find Out Now!)
Ceramic mugs are great for a lot of reasons. One can customize a ceramic mug to make it unique, and often ceramic mugs hold sentimental value. And of course, ceramic mugs make it easy to drink hot liquids like tea and coffee.
Best Plants For Purifying The Air In Your Home
There are several reasons why spider plants are one of the most common houseplants. They are very easy to grow, as they thrive in various light situations, and can go one week to 10 days without being watered. These plants also self-propagate, which makes it easy to grow more of these plants without trying too hard.