Can You Wash A Moving Blanket? (Find Out Now!)

Moving blankets protect your furniture from scratches, dents, and any other damage during the moving process. Whether you recently rented a moving blanket or invested in one, it’s useful to know how to care for it.

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House Smells Like Skunk In The Winter? (Possible Causes & Fixes)

What looks like a skunk, smells like a skunk, and makes your house smell like a skunk? The answer seems pretty simple…or does it?

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How To Get Coconut Oil Out of Carpet (Step-by-Step Guide)

Coconut oil has become one of the most popular “superfood” buzzwords of the last decade, and rightfully so. It can be used for almost anything from massage oil to a delicious additive to your food. Unsurprisingly, it’s also found itself on many unsuspecting carpets across the country in unprecedented quantities. So, how do you get this oil out of your carpet?

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My Shark Vacuum Won't Turn On

Has this happened to you? You drop the coffee grounds all over the floor when trying to make your morning cup of Joe. No problem, you think, you’ll just grab your trusty Shark vacuum. The only problem, it won’t turn on, and you’re forced to reach for the broom and dustpan.

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Can You Put Bath Mats In The Dryer? (Find Out Now!)

Bath mats are an essential part of every bathroom and come in all different shapes, sizes, and materials. What they’re made of dictates how they should be cared for. Can you put bath mats in the dryer?

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Keurig Rivo Not Puncturing? (Possible Causes & Fixes)

We rely on them every day, and many of us return to these magic dispensers of one cup of java goodness many times a day. These are our beloved Keurig coffee machines, a staple of our  kitchen decor, but what happens when they stop working, malfunction, or simply stop feeding us that dark liquid gold? We freak out! No, (okay, maybe for a brief moment of panic) we calmly assess the situation and take action.

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How To Prepare Your Grill After Winter

With the dawn of spring comes so many activities we know and love. There is the start of a new gardening season, time spent in nature, and all sorts of backyard enjoyment. One of the most iconic backyard activities is barbecuing. But after a long winter spent outside, the odds are your grill needs some attention. In fact, it is important that you take steps to clean and prepare your grill thoroughly once winter ends.

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Is Bamboo Dishwasher Safe? (Find Out Now!)

If you’re looking for an alternative to traditional flatware and cooking utensils, bamboo is an excellent choice. Not only is it more affordable than silver flatware, it is also durable, lightweight, and incredibly eco-friendly. In fact, the environmentally-friendly nature of bamboo is the main reason why bamboo kitchen utensils have become so popular in recent years.

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House Smells Like Raid? (We Have A Fix!)

You think you smell Raid in your house, even though it’s been days since you used the insecticide  eliminate ants and termites? Well, chances are that you went on a little overkill while trying to get rid of the insects. Raid has a strong odor, which takes time to wear off, especially if you empty a can to eliminate the insects.

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How To Keep Your Clothing Wrinkle-Free Without An Iron

Wrinkles can turn a chic garment into a frumpy disaster. A wrinkle-free and well-pressed garment, on the other hand, can look like a million bucks even if you only paid a few dollars. This is why irons are so handy and helpful. But in life, there are many times when an iron isn’t available. If you don’t have access to an iron, or simply can’t stand the act of ironing, you probably want to know how you can keep your clothes wrinkle-free without having to pick up an iron.

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How To Get Vaseline Out Of Carpet (Step-by-Step Guide)

Vaseline is considered to be one of the most useful household products on the market. It can moisturize your body. It can help lubricate items that squeak. It can also be turned into DIY lip gloss and more. Unfortunately, petroleum jelly is not one of those things that works well with carpeting. Ask anyone who’s spilled it on their carpet, and they’ll agree. How do you even lift this type of stain?

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