How Long Does Bread Stay Fresh In The Freezer (And How To Store It)

Tom Gaffey
by Tom Gaffey
Credit: Shutterstock / Ahanov Michael

Freshly baked bread provides one of the best smells and tastes in the world. Gluten lovers are bound to have their favorite type of bread, and most people have their favorite local bakery. To preserve leftover bread, many people opt to freeze it, which helps extend a bread’s freshness. But how long does frozen bread stay fresh and delicious before it goes bad?

Bread stays fresh for an average of three months when frozen. Several factors impact how long bread stays fresh. The type of bread, whether it was sliced, and even the ingredients impact how long bread lasts when frozen. Ensure your bread is stored in an air-tight container, and allow fresh bread to cool completely before freezing it. Remember to store bread when it is still at its peak freshness.

If you often find yourself with moldy bread, then you might want to think about freezing it. Bread can last months longer in the freezer than if it's stored in a pantry or the fridge. The key is learning how to properly seal and store the bread. You also need to know how long you can keep bread in a freezer while still preserving its delicious nature. 

How Long Can You Freeze Bread Before It Goes Bad?

There is no question that bread stays fresh in the freezer longer than in a bread box or the fridge. But the real question is how long does it stay fresh, exactly? Generally, bread should last an average of three months in the freezer and still be fresh to eat. 

After three months, most bread will begin to lose its quality and slowly deteriorate. It’s important to note that while three months is the average, several factors impact how long your frozen bread will stay fresh. 

Factors To Consider When Freezing Bread To Make It Last 

When you are trying to answer the question “How long will my bread last in the freezer?” you need to know there are several variables that impact how long your bread will last. Below are several factors that impact the amount of time a loaf of bread can last in the freezer before it begins to deteriorate.

  • The Type Of Bread: There are hundreds of types of bread, and they all have different ingredients. Often dense breads freeze better than dry airy breads, as they maintain their moisture.
  • Homemade Versus Store Bought With Preservatives: Preservatives in some store-bought breads may help it stay fresh longer. Keep in mind, however, that fresh homemade bread will often be healthier to consume.
  • When You Store It: If you store bread right away, it will last a different amount of time than bread that is stored days later. More on that later.
  • How It’s Stored: The way you store bread has a profound impact on how long it lasts in the freezer. Make sure you store it properly. Follow our tips below to ensure your bread lasts as long as possible.
  • Sliced Versus Rolls Versus Whole Loaf: Sliced bread, rolls, and a large loaf of the same bread may not all stay fresh for the same amount of time.

8 Tips To Storing Bread In The Freezer So It Stays Fresh Longer

1. Wrap It Tight With Plastic Wrap

When storing fresh bread in the freezer, it’s important to wrap it tightly and completely with plastic wrap. By wrapping your bread with plastic wrap, you are completely covering it, and creating a protective barrier. 

The plastic wrap acts as a shield to keep moisture in, and the freezer smells out. Even if you plan to put your bread in an additional airtight container (and you should), you should always first wrap it in plastic. Remember to wrap it snuggly, but not so tight that the bread gets smashed.

2. Use An Airtight Freezer Bag

After you wrap your bread in plastic wrap, it is time to place it in an airtight vessel. This might seem redundant, but the reality is plastic wrap is only moderately effective at locking in freshness. 

If you want your bread to stay fresh as long as possible in the freezer, it must be wrapped in plastic and then placed in an airtight container. Typically, a gallon-sized Ziploc bag or something similar works best. If you have a large airtight Tupperware, that works also, but a Ziploc is best, because you can remove the extra air easily.

3. Freeze Bread When It’s At Its Peak Freshness

Another tip to ensuring your bread stays fresh longer in the freezer is to freeze it as soon as possible. It might seem weird to buy fresh bread and then immediately put it in the freezer. The reality is, however, that if you don’t plan on eating your freshly baked loaf in the next day or two, you should freeze it.

You can also opt to cut the loaf in half and eat half fresh, and preserve the other half by freezing it right away. This would allow you the best of both worlds and will keep your bread fresh longer.

4. Try Not To Allow Bread To Thaw And Freeze Frequently

When you freeze bread, try not to take it out of the freezer and thaw it out multiple times. If you take bread out of the freezer, take what you need and then place it back in the freezer. If it isn’t portioned, then try to take the loaf out when you know you will consume the entire loaf quickly.

If you thaw out the bread multiple times, or experience power outages frequently, it will quickly lose its moisture and will start to taste less fresh and even stale.

5. Store Bread In Portion-Sized Packages Or Store Whole

To avoid having to worry about cutting frozen bread or thawing it out multiple times, consider portioning your bread before you freeze it. If you bought rolls, portion it so you only take out how many you need for each meal. For example, if you are a family of four and have a dozen rolls, freezing three batches of four rolls will be best.

6. Allow Bread To Thaw Naturally And Warm It In Oven

Another tip to ensuring your bread tastes fresh even after months in the freezer is to let it thaw naturally. You don’t want to microwave the bread on high. Instead, allow it to slowly return to room temperature. 

Once it returns to room temperature, to make it taste fresh again, warm it in the oven. This will heat the inside of the bread and get the outside slightly crispy. It might not taste like it was baked an hour ago, but it will taste fresher than if you microwave it.

7. Don’t Let The Bread Get Smushed

Another thing to remember when you store bread in the freezer is that it is delicate, especially when it is first stored. Even if you package your bread perfectly, it can shift in a freezer and get smushed. This can result in your bread being as flat as a pancake.

When freezing your bread in a deep freezer, place it on top of heavy items, not underneath them. Make sure the bread is thoroughly frozen before moving it around. 

8. Make Sure You Label The Bag With The Date 

When you freeze items for later use, you should always label them with a brief description and the date. This will ensure that your food does not go bad in the freezer. 

When you notice bread in your freezer that has been there for more than six weeks, start planning a meal that involves that bread. Without labels with dates, you can easily forget when you stored your items in the freezer.

Wrapping Up How Long Bread Stays Fresh In The Freezer

Fresh bread is a tasty treat, but bread only stays fresh for so long in a bread box. To help bread stay fresh longer, you should store it in the freezer, where it can last an average of three months if it is properly stored. Make sure you wrap it completely with plastic wrap and then place it in a Ziploc bag. Remove the extra air before sealing the bag. Remember to label the bag with the date so you can be sure to use it up within the three-month window.

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Tom Gaffey
Tom Gaffey

Tom Gaffey is an expert writer who currently resides in Washington D.C. Tom has a passion for real estate and home improvement writing, as well as travel and lifestyle writing. He lived the last twelve years in Hawaii where he worked closely with luxury resorts and event planners, mastering his knowledge of aesthetics and luxury products. This is where he found his passion for home improvement and a keen interest in DIY projects. Currently, Tom resides in Washington D.C, and also working on his debut fiction novel.

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