Can You See Through A Peephole From The Outside?

Upgraded Home Team
by Upgraded Home Team

A peephole is a small lens installed in your front door for security. You can see through a peephole from indoors to determine who is knocking before you open the door. This device gives you a wide-angle view from the safety of your home while concealing your presence to potential intruders.

Peepholes use a lens that draws in as much light as possible from outdoors to give you a better image. You may be wondering if you can see through a peephole from the outside. This is important information, especially if you’re taking steps to protect yourself against theft.

No, you cannot see through a peephole from the outside without a special device. Peepholes are made of a fisheye lens (a type of concave lens) that lets you see outside, but not in. However, you can see through a peephole from the outside using a reverse peephole viewer. Certain professionals like bodyguards use reverse peephole viewers for security reasons.

To ensure your home is safe, here is all the information you need to know about peepholes.

What Is a Peephole Made Of?

A peephole is made up of two main parts — the sleeve and the lens. The lens has threads on its shaft, while the sleeve (barrel) is smooth.

What Is a Peephole In a Door Called?

Peephole is the most common term, but the name may differ between regions.

  • Peekhole
  • Door Viewer
  • Spyhole
  • Doorhole
  • Door Viewer
  • Eyehole

What Is a Reverse Peephole Viewer?

A reverse peephole viewer allows users to see into a home or room from the outside. Professionals like law enforcement personnel use this device. Other occupations that use it are property owners, security guards, and private detectives.

Are reverse peepholes legal? The answer depends on your state or country’s privacy laws. They are not intended for spying and are typically used to ensure safety.

Should I Cover My Peephole?

Reverse peephole viewers exist, and now you may think twice about leaving your peephole uncovered. If you’ve experienced a breach of security or privacy, you may want to cover your peephole.

Peephole covers are affordable and boost front door security. There are also portable models you can bring with you if you want to take extra precautions while traveling. You can use them for your hotel room or vacation rental peephole.

Can You Replace the Peephole In a Door?

Yes. Your peephole may get damaged due to various circumstances. To make the process easier, consider choosing the same size peephole to replace your existing device.

For new installations, you’ll need extra materials.

  • Drill
  • Drill Bit
  • Tape Measure
  • New Peephole
  • Sealant
  • Marking Tool (Pencil)

How Can I Improve My Front Door Security?

There are various ways to enhance your home’s front door security.

Install a Security System

Studies show 34% of burglars enter the home through the front door. A security system can help protect you and your family; 38% of Americans have a home security device or product.

A security system includes video surveillance cameras, motion-activated sensors, and smart locks. Many front door security systems include keypads plus multiple cameras you can connect.

The average system provides a live feed at all times, and many have the capability to record footage. A multi-camera setup is ideal if you want to monitor your front door area plus your side yard and backyard.

Many of these systems work via Wi-Fi but most can record even without an internet connection. Cameras can also be installed inside your home to monitor pets when you’re away.

Repair Or Replace Your Locks

Your front door security is non-existent without a dependable lock system. Deadbolt locks are the top choice for maximum security. You can also install additional locks like chains or latches that can only be opened from inside.

Supplemental devices include barricades and door stoppers. You might consider smart locks if you want to do away with traditional lock systems altogether.

Gauge Your Door’s Condition

Hollow doors are especially vulnerable to break-ins. Conversely, solid wood doors will not crack as easily if anybody tries to kick them down. Popular hardwoods for front doors include oak, cherry, and walnut.

You may also consider metal doors. Steel is especially favored for its affordability and durability.

Replace or Repair Your Door Latch Plate

The latch plate is where your door lock’s bolts go into. When fitted improperly, thieves can easily kick in your front door. The risk of burglary also increases when the screws in a latch plate are too short.

Latch plates made of durable metals and long posts offer the most security.

Replace or Repair Your Door Hinges

Aside from your door hinges, the screws may need to be replaced or reinforced. Crimped pins provide premium security by preventing thieves from removing your hinges.

Other Ideas

Many homeowners also bring dogs home for security improvement. In one study about burglary, it was found that 15.9% of participants chose their dogs for this reason.

Related Questions

What size drill bit do I need for a peephole?

Most peepholes require a ⅜” drill bit. The exact one depends on your peephole manufacturer.

How do you clean a peephole on your front door?

Clean the peephole from inside your home with a cotton swab and glass cleaner. Repeat the same step for the exterior side of the peephole. Wipe away excess cleaner and dirt if necessary.If you need to clean inside the lens, uninstall the peephole. Clean it using the same glass cleaner product and a cotton swab. Let it dry before re-installing.

Can you put a camera in a door peephole?

Yes. There are peephole cameras that give you a real-time view of who or what is at your door. This device is a great choice if you want to increase your home’s security.You may also look into a video doorbell, which is outfitted with a camera. Depending on the manufacturer, you can access the feed from smart devices like your phone or tablet.

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