What Are The Brown Spots On My Ceiling?

Stacy Randall
by Stacy Randall

Have you recently done a double take when you walked into a room because of an unsightly brown spot on your ceiling? It might be a small spot, or maybe you noticed it before, but now it’s bigger. You start to panic, wondering, what are the brown spots on my ceiling, and why are they there?

Brown spots on your ceiling most commonly indicate a water leak but could be mold development. A leaky roof, busted pipe, or HVAC issues are likely causes. You might have roof damage if you notice spots following a large storm. Determine the source of the brown spots and resolve the issue. Then, you can deal with the spots.

Nobody wants to deal with brown spots on their ceiling; who wants the hassle? However, those brown spots are typically a warning sign of a larger problem. If you ignore them, you could end up with a much bigger issue on your hands.

Common Causes Of Brown Spots On The Ceiling

If you notice brown spots on your ceiling, the likeliest cause is leaking water. The water could be from your roof, HVAC, an overflowing tub or toilet, or a busted pipe. After water damage, the second most common reason for brown spots on the ceiling is mold growth.

Below are the most common causes of brown spots on the ceiling. If you start to notice these problematic areas, see if one of these issues could be to blame.

1. A Leaky Roof

If you first spot brown areas forming on your ceiling following a storm or lots of rain, you might have a leaky roof. In some cases, you might have obvious roof damage from a storm. It’s important to patch these areas or put a tarp over them as soon as possible.

These temporary coverings are essential to prevent further damage inside your home while waiting for roof repairs or replacement. In other situations, there could be a roof leak you aren’t aware of, either from a previous storm or an aging roof. Over time, this hidden leak can continue to drip and let water build up in one place.

As the water keeps dripping and sitting in one place, it soaks through the layers of insulation, sheetrock, etc. Eventually, you start seeing the telltale brown spot on your ceiling.

If you notice the brown spots near vents or skylights, the leak is likely near these features. Since installers need to cut your roof to install these components, some seams could be susceptible to leaks.

2. A Busted Pipe

Another cause of water damage and brown spots on your ceiling is a busted pipe. If you have a multi-level house, plumbing from upstairs could lead to water leaks. These leaks can continue to collect, showing up on the ceiling on the floor below.

3. HVAC Problems

Is your AC unit in your attic or on the roof? If there is an issue with the system, it could lead to leaks. First, if there’s an overflow pan in your attic, check it. If too much water is collecting in the pan, it will overflow and start a leak.

A drain pan that’s too full indicates issues with your HVAC unit. It could be something simple like a dirty filter or more complex. Call a specialist to assess the situation if you think it’s water from your HVAC.

4. Overflowing Water From Upstairs

Did someone leave the water running in the tub upstairs? Or is a toilet overflowing? If you have a mischievous person in the home, did they pull the stopper in the sink and turn on the water?

Although these situations aren’t as common as leaky roofs and HVAC units, they’re possible. Overflowing water on an upper floor can lead to brown spots on the ceiling below. If you have more than one floor and notice spots, check the areas above the site first.

5. Mold Growth

Another possibility for brown spots on the ceiling is mold growth. If there’s excess moisture in certain areas, it can lead to mold growth.

If you notice dark brown patches, there could be mold present. It might even appear to have some fuzzy areas.

If the area is small, you can likely clean the spot yourself. But if you suspect a more significant mold problem, it’s best to call a mold remediation service.

What To Do If You See Brown Spots On Your Ceiling

When brown spots on your ceiling stop you in your tracks, try not to panic. Sometimes, the solution might not be as drastic as you first think. But it’s essential to follow the proper steps to take care of the problem.

1. Identify The Problem

Using the above guide as possible causes for the brown spots on your ceiling, see if you can identify the source. Check your attic, around vents and skylights, and examine your HVAC system and overflow pan.

Make sure all upstairs plumbing fixtures are off, and there are no leaks. If you find an apparent cause, you can move on to fixing the issue. If not, you may need to call a plumber, roofer, or HVAC specialist to make an assessment.

2. Fix The Issue

You can turn off the water if it’s an overflowing tub, sink, or toilet. You’ll likely need to call a pro to fix the issue if it involves roof damage or an HVAC problem. A plumber will need to deal with busted pipes or other major plumbing problems.

No matter the reason, it’s imperative to resolve the issue first so that the damage doesn’t keep growing.

3. Check For Mold

Where there’s lots of moisture, there’s the possibility of mold. Make sure there isn’t any mold in the area where you see brown spots. You can use a mold test kit, call a remediation service, or you might be able to tell just by looking at it.

4. Clean The Area

Put on disposable gloves and a mask. Combine three parts water, one part detergent, and a capful of bleach. Scrub the area, let it dry, then repeat.

If there’s wet insulation sitting on top of the area, remove it. You could also set up a fan to ensure the area is dried out completely.

5. Paint The Area

Once you’ve fixed the problem and removed any mold, you can get rid of the brown spots by painting the ceiling. Use a stain-blocking primer like Kilz. Let it dry thoroughly, then apply a couple of coats of your ceiling paint, letting it dry completely between coats.

Note that if the water damage is extensive and your ceiling is sagging or has soft spots, you’ll need to replace the area first. You can’t paint over weak spots, as this wouldn’t fix structural issues.


Brown spots on your ceiling are never something you want to see, but don’t let them send you into a tizzy. The likeliest cause is water damage from a leaky roof, busted pipes, overflowing plumbing, or an HVAC issue.

Check your upper floors to make sure all the water is off, and examine your HVAC overflow pan. If there was a recent storm, you might have roof damage. If the spots are around your vents or skylights, this could be the source.

Water damage can also lead to mold, so the brown spots could be mold growth. You’ll need to find the source of the spot, resolve the issue, then clean any mold. Once you complete all those steps, you can paint and banish the brown spots for good.

Stacy Randall
Stacy Randall

Stacy Randall is a wife, mother, and freelance writer from NOLA that has always had a love for DIY projects, home organization, and making spaces beautiful. Together with her husband, she has been spending the last several years lovingly renovating her grandparent's former home, making it their own and learning a lot about life along the way.

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