Washing Machine Making A Humming Noise When Trying To Fill?

Upgraded Home Team
by Upgraded Home Team

What would we do without our trusted, reliable, and always ready washer and dryer? Unfortunately, at some point in our lifetimes, most of us will likely experience some interruption in the service of these unheralded appliances. The good news is in many cases these problems can be fixed at reasonable prices, and some fixes can even be done yourself.

If your washing machine is making a humming noise when trying to fill, the issue is a water intake or water flow problem. This means that the water valves, hoses, and even the valve filter may be at fault. If the humming noise and fill issue can’t be fixed, you may need to contact a plumber.

It isn’t only the problem of the washer making that steady and unrelenting humming noise, but also the bigger issue of your washer not filling that demands attention. Washers can also make many other strange sounds, including other humming noises when things are working properly.

Yes, those sounds being heard from the washer isn’t good, but not being able to do your laundry is worse. Here is a look at some of those problems that result in humming noises and other strange sounds from the washer, and the possible causes and solutions.

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Washing Machine Making Humming Noise When Trying to Fill

It happens the same way for all of us. We go down to the basement or maybe into the laundry room, dump our clothes, detergent, and any special laundry secrets we have into the washer. Then we select our load size, water temperature (even though most of us almost always leave those knobs on the same settings), and start the machine.

When we discover that something is wrong may be very soon after starting the load or after you go back to get it out. Unfortunately, early detection of a problem in this scenario does us no good, but we do recognize that a problem exists.

Maybe it was because you never heard the water start running? Perhaps it was when you opened the washer lid to find your clothes still dry, sitting exactly the way they were when you put them in, and still covered in laundry detergent. Don’t get too worried just yet because there are a couple of likely causes for this problem. And they can be fixed without a great deal of effort or expense.

How to Fix Washing Machine that is Humming When Trying to Fill

The most common reason for a washing machine making a humming noise when trying to fill is also the most obvious reason – it isn’t getting any water flow. Water flow issues are typically fairly simple fixes and shouldn’t require any expertise.

Verifying Water Flow

To check the water flow for your washer you will need to find out if the washing machine is getting the proper water supply. Begin with the obvious before proceeding by verifying that the water valves are in the on position. This is akin to not checking to see if the machine was plugged after beginning repairs.

Now, you can unplug the machine from the wall. Next, turn the water supply taps to the off position. Locate the fill hoses running into the back of the washing machine, and disconnect the hoses by unscrewing them.

Check the water supply by holding the now detached hoses over a bucket or drain and turn the water valves to the on position. When the water flow is weak or if there is no water flow, the problem may be a plumbing issue and will require professional assistance. If there is regular or strong water pressure coming through then we can proceed to the next step.

Inspecting the Water Valve Filter

Good water flow from the hoses helps us to eliminate any water feed or hose issues. The next thing to check is the water valve filter. It is advisable to use your hands (gloves preferred) to remove the filter. A pair of pliers can also be used, but it is important to remember that these filters can often be easy to break, crack, or chip.

If nothing is impeding the filter, then professional help should be sought. It is also worth noting, that while it isn’t common, unusually cold weather can also be the culprit for having weak or no water flow.

Washing Machine Making Humming Noise When Draining

It also isn’t uncommon to hear washing machines make humming noises during the draining cycle. In many cases, it will appear as if the washing machine is operating fine, minus the humming noise. Don’t be so certain.

If the washing machine is humming when draining, it is typically a sign that the drain hose may need to be checked or replaced. The motors in washing machines are asked to do a considerable amount of heavy lifting (literally and figuratively speaking), and the extra work during the draining process will only shorten the life of your washing machine.

How to Fix Washing Machine that is Humming When Draining

Although repairs can be attempted if there are leaks in the drain hose, replacing the hose is often the easiest and most practical solution. This fix is also affordable as drain hoses typically range between $20 to $50 depending on considerations such as size and type.

If replacing the drain hose doesn’t eliminate the humming sound from the washing machine when it drains, then the issue may be related to the water supply. The water feed connections and water supply hoses should be checked for any problems. If this doesn’t reveal the problem an appliance repair shop should be contacted.

Washing Machine Making Humming Noise but Isn’t Working

Hopefully, you won’t ever have to experience the problem of turning on the washing machine, only to hear a distinct humming sound – and a washing machine that does nothing. If you turn the washing machine on and it doesn’t spin, drain, or agitate but hums non-stop, then there is a problem with the motor. That problem can also often be confirmed by the odor of electrical burning.

How to Fix Washing Machine that is Humming but not Working

Unfortunately, there is little recourse when this problem rears its ugly head, and when the drive motor dies – the washing machine dies. The next step at this point will depend on your options and the assistance provided by the appliance manufacturer.

Washing machines are used every day by millions of people. That also equates to people having many questions about their washing machines. Here are a few other common questions related to washing machines.

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Related Questions

From the humming and buzzing sounds washing machines can make to concerns about them working properly, there are more than a few questions about caring for these stalwart appliances.

Why is Washing Machine Humming but not Spinning?

Another common humming noise washing machines make is when they stop spinning. They start normally, fill normally, then – humming? Fortunately, in most of these situations, this isn’t a major problem. The majority of the time the culprit will be a small article of clothing caught agitator pump. Simply and carefully free the piece of clothing and the problem should be fixed.

If this doesn’t work, and there is little to no agitation, or if it only works sporadically, then a larger issue is at hand. In this situation, the problem is more than likely a motor coupling. That will mean getting a new motor coupling. While most of us don’t have the knowledge or skills to perform this job, those who can will only need to pay about $10 for this part. The rest of us, however, can make an appliance service call.

What Can I Do to Maintain and Care for My Washing Machine?

Taking care of those who take care of you is considered a wise and beneficial piece of wisdom. That also applies to the things that take care of you, like the vehicles that get us to and fro, our homes that keep us safe and warm, and our washers and dryers too.

What can we do to care for and maintain washing machines is also another commonly asked question. And the answer is a lot, beginning with preventive maintenance and care. That can be regularly replacing the water hoses every few years. It can mean regularly ensuring the machine has room (space between the machine and the wall) as a result of walking, and wash the washing machine.

There are also operational precautions that should be taken to ensure that the machine performs at optimum capacity and with as little unnecessary work as possible. That looks like making sure the washing machine is sitting level, and cleaning the filters.

It is also a good idea to measure the amount of detergent being used and too much detergent product can cause undue wear on your machine. And always avoid the temptation to overload the washing machine, which is always a leading cause for future problems. If you want to help prevent mildew and musty smells, it will also help to leave the washer lid open between loads.

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