How Much to Spray a 30×50 Metal Building With Closed Cell Foam?

Lisa Borga
by Lisa Borga
Closed-cell foam is one of the most efficient forms of insulation, but it can be pricey when it comes to large businesses. A 30×50 building is expensive to insulate with closed-cell foam, and it costs an average of $2,600. Whether it be the cost of the material or labor rates, let’s take a look at how much it costs to install closed-cell foam in a 30×50 metal building.

Closed cell foam spray foam insulation consists of a dense material that does not expand much when applied. This density makes the insulation very weather-resistant, making it an especially good option for detached metal garages.

Closed-cell foam costs more than competing forms of insulation, but it is generally the most effective form of insulation. However, in deciding what insulation is best, it is good to compare the material effectiveness, the intended use, and the cost of the insulation.

One of the most important factors is R-values. This is a measure of heat resistance, in this case, the bigger the number the higher the resistance.

The average cost to spray a 30×50 metal building with closed-cell foam is $2,600. Homeowners spend an average of $1.50 per board foot for closed-cell foam insulation, and 3,000 square feet of closed-cell insulation averages $3,000. Open-cell spray foam insulation is cheaper at $0.54 per board foot, and DIY closed-cell foam kits cost an average of $350.

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Cost of Insulation Materials

An excellent way to decide on insulation is to compare cost per board foot, which is 1 square foot of material 1″ thick. Notably, it’s a good idea to focus on just the materials first before you decide if you want to do it yourself.

Average Material Cost by Size

SizeClosed CellOpen CellFiberglass BattBlown-In Cellulose
100 sq. ft.$150$76$92$83
200 sq. ft$300$152$184$166
500 sq. ft.$750$380$460$415
1,000 sq. ft.$1,500$760$920$830
1,500 sq. ft.$2,250$1,140$1,380$1,245
2,000 sq. ft.$3,000$1520$1,840$1,660
3,000 sq. ft$4,500$2,280$2,760$2,490

Spray Foam vs. Fiberglass, Batt, Cellulose, & Others

Spray foam, fiberglass, and cellulose are probably the most common forms of insulation. With this in mind, before you decide to install one of them, consider the benefits of each of these. Spray foam is more complicated to install than fiberglass-batt, which can be purchased and placed with ease.

Still, nothing compares with closed-cell foam insulation for R-value. Another possible choice is blown-in fiberglass, but it requires extra equipment.

Cellulose can be purchased at low cost in large, safe, environmentally friendly bags. However, it does not possess high R-values and requires a blower to install. Following are some descriptions of all of these and others to help you decide if spray foam is the way you want to go.

Injection Foam Insulation

Injection foam insulation is non-expanding open-cell insulation and an alternative to spraying. Thus, it works well for homeowners with older houses that are looking to improve their ineffective insulation. Moreover, this type of insulation can be added to the walls without removing the old insulation. Additionally, the injection foam can be added from the outside of the home, which is convenient for the homeowner.

To install, installers drill holes in the exterior walls to fill all open spaces inside the walls then fill in the holes. Injection foam insulation does have a lower R-value than closed cell insulation, but it possesses other advantages. In addition to the convenience of outdoor installation, it is pliable enough to adjust as the house settles.

Furthermore, it’s moisture permeability allows homeowners to detect leaks in their roof, unlike closed cell insulation. At 1″ of thickness, it costs $.44 to $1.50.

Injected Insulation Per Inch Thickness

Inches ThickCost Per Square Foot



Fiberglass Batt Insulation

Fiberglass insulation consists of small glass fibers and can be purchased in blanket form as batt or ready to blow in. In general, this insulation works by trapping air within it. Thus, it helps to regulate air temperature. The cost per square foot of this insulation is $.64 to $1.19.

Fiberglass batt is unrolled and stapled into place. In addition to regulating temperature, it works to provide somewhat of a moisture barrier by trapping air. Together with its low cost and ease of installation, many homeowners find fiberglass batt an attractive option.

However, fiberglass batt comes with several disadvantages, such as trapping dust and allergens, potentially causing mold growth. Also, homeowners could get particles of glass in their skin, causing irritation.

Additionally, fiberglass installation frequently gets installed incorrectly. That is to say, homeowners often fail to install the insulation with the foil facing the warmer side of the installation area. Moreover, even when correctly installed, fiberglass matt allows airflow, which increases heating and cooling costs.

Blown In Fiberglass Insulation

Like fiberglass batt, blown-in fiberglass comprises small glass fibers. Therefore, when it is installed loose, it becomes a safety hazard. For example, it can get into the skin or even the lungs. For this reason, when it is loose, installers place it in attics and other relatively inaccessible areas.

Blown In Cellulose

Blown in cellulose costs less than the other forms of insulation. It costs only $0.83 per square foot, making it cheaper than its similar blown-in fiberglass competition.

This material offers only an R-value of 3.6 -3.8, but this is competitive with blown-in fiberglass. Regardless, this insulation often settles, leaving gaps and dropping R-values over time.

Rock Wool

Rock wool consists of basalt, iron slag, and limestone. Firstly, this is heated in a furnace and worked into tiny strings, twisted, and treated into mats. Next, these mats are so dense they are pressed into place and held by friction and can be cut with a knife to fit where they are needed.

Rock wool has an R-value of 3.0-3.3 per inch and also offers significant sound deadening and non-combustibility. However, it is also hard to acquire, not being readily available in stores. Therefore, you may have to order it specially.

Finally, the last consideration is the price. It is not the most expensive insulation at $1.06 per square foot, but it is not the cheapest either. Special consideration must be taken when applying it since the fibers are extremely irritating to the skin and lungs.

Two Types of Foam Insulation

There are two types of foam insulation: open-cell insulation and closed-cell insulation. Of course, these two types of foam possess different levels of density, resulting in different R-values.

Additionally, higher R-values correspond to higher density levels, indicating higher heat resistance. These different properties mean both open-cell foam and closed cell spray foam insulation have distinct advantages. Thus, they work well for different types of applications.

Closed Cell Foam Insulation vs. Open Cell Foam Insulation

Consumers should choose their insulation based on its intended use. The open-cell foam should not be used for any exterior jobs since it is porous. However, it does an excellent job filling hard to reach interior spaces or soundproofing rooms.

In contrast, closed-cell foam is nonporous, great for regulating temperature and preventing mold. Thus, homeowners should choose this foam for weatherproofing their home.

Cost of Closed Cell and Open Cell Foam

Closed cell foam insulation cost $1.00 to $2.00 per board foot vs $.44 to $.65 for open-cell foam insulation. However, costs may vary depending on how you wish to apply it.

A Foam It Green Closed Cell Spray Foam Insulation Kit from Amazon covering 602 square feet at one-inch thickness costs $759. Additionally, they sell safety goggles for $9.99 and a protective coverall with a hood for $24.99.

Likewise, Walmart has Dow Froth-Pak 200, which covers 200 square feet for $349.79, safety goggles for $20.00, and a protective coverall with hood for $29.99.

Amazon sells a Touch N Seal Open Cell Spray Foam Insulation Kit for $839.00 that covers 1000 square feet at one-inch thickness. Likewise, Fastenal sells the same product online for $1280.59.

Installation Cost of Spray Foam By Location

The installation of spray foam varies based on your location. Chiefly, this has to do heavily with the recommended R-value of insulation for your region. For example, here are some costs based on the region that may help you decide.

Spray Foam Insulation by Region

RegionAverage Price
Minneapolis, Mn.$1,950
Philadelphia, Pa.$1,755
Phoenix, Az.$2,240
Trenton, Nj.$2,980
New York, NY.$2,650
Dallas, Tx.$2,214
Los Angeles, Ca$2,405
Denver, Co$2,403
Atlanta, Ga.$2,618
Portland, Or.$2,560
Chicago, Il.$2,489
Boston, Ma.$2,462
Jacksonville, Fl.$2,132

Advantages of Closed Cell Foam Insulation

Closed-cell foam insulation possesses many benefits, some of which are listed below:

  • The foam resists tears and exhibits considerable strength.
  • Closed-cell foam insulation also helps prevent mold by preventing moisture buildup.
  • It helps regulate temperature.
  • This insulator is durable and helps strengthen surfaces when applied.
  • The nonporous nature of this insulation forms a barrier against bugs and rodents.
  • This type of insulation does not lose its efficiency over time.
  • The foam takes less energy to produce than non-foam insulation and reduces energy consumption, making it eco-friendly.

Disadvantages of Closed-Cell Foam Insulation

There are some disadvantages to closed cell insulation. To clarify, a few of these disadvantages are listed below:

  • Closed-cell insulation costs more than other types of insulation.
  • This insulation is difficult to apply in hard to reach areas.
  • Spray foam insulation can cause indoor air quality problems. If this happens, homeowners will have trouble solving the problem due to this insulation’s permanent nature.
  • It can cause problems for people with respiratory issues.

How Thick Should Closed-Cell Insulation Be?

Closed cell insulation has a high R-value. Therefore, 2 to 4 inches of foam is generally enough. A thicker layer of foam should be applied on the ceiling than on the walls.

Thicker applications add more protection, but for every additional inch of thickness, double the cost.

Safety Tips for Installing Closed-Cell Foam Insulation

Safety is critical when applying closed-cell foam; remember these precautions:

  • Wear disposable coveralls with a hood and gloves taped to your overalls. Also, use safety goggles that protect the eyes from air bourne particles. Significantly, be sure no skin is exposed.
  • Use certified respiratory protection.
  • Never allow anyone without safety protection in the building.
  • No one should enter the house for 24 hours without protection.

Installing Closed-Cell Foam Insulation

Experts recommend having a professional install spray insulation. Although spray foam installation kits are available in hardware stores, they are generally intended for professional installers.

Notably, spray foam installation involves a high risk of fire. Therefore, installing it yourself involves significant risk. However, if you intend to use a foam spray insulation kit, carefully follow the instructions. Additionally, there are some essential things to remember:

  • Do not spray wet surfaces.
  • You should never spray foam insulation on a damp surface. Chiefly, because if you do, the insulation will not stick.
  • The moisture level needs to be low, so you might want to check the moisture level with a meter.
  • Cover any surfaces you wish to protect
  • Cover surfaces such as electric outlets, light switches, and windows. Since removing closed-cell foam is extremely difficult.

Spray the Perimeter First

When filling in gaps or spraying around window or door frames with foam, spray the perimeter around the area first. Then, fill in the remaining area after the boundary dries. Markedly, neglecting this step could prevent a proper seal and may damage the material it’s attached to.

Additionally, spray the edges of the sills. Then, make sure you cover between the edges of your ceiling sill and your wall. Also, if there are exposed roof trusses, some extra work may be required.

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Related Questions

Is canned spray insulation closed-cell?

Canned spray insulation can be closed cell or open cell. Therefore, you should check which kind you are buying, since you want to use the insulation that is best for your purpose.

Is closed-cell insulation worth the cost?

Initially, closed-cell insulation costs more than other forms of insulation. However, this insulation effectively reduces energy consumption, making it worthwhile in the long run.

How do I stop my metal building from sweating?

Condensation happens when there’s more moisture than the air has the ability to hold. The most common cause of this happening within metal buildings is because of high interior humidity. To stop a metal building from sweating you need to have proper insulation.Other ways that you can protect your metal building from condensation include ventilating the inside, installing vapor barriers, repairing roof leaks, and placing a vapor retarder between a subfloor and the ground slab.

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Lisa Borga
Lisa Borga

I am a writer who enjoys working on home improvement projects. My husband was in the navy, so we moved frequently. This gave me many opportunities to fix up new places. In my spare time, I enjoy reading mysteries and hiking.

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