How To Store Raw Or Cooked Brussels Sprouts (Do This!)

Upgraded Home Team
by Upgraded Home Team

Brussels sprouts are the perfect fall vegetable that can pair nicely with pork, chicken, or pasta. This option is a healthy vegetable that is packed full of vitamins and minerals. Brussels sprouts will last a surprisingly long time if properly stored.

Left unrefrigerated, brussels sprouts will last for three to four days. If stored correctly in the refrigerator, brussels sprouts will last three to four weeks. Brussels sprouts can also be frozen, either raw or cooked, to extend their shelf life to up to a year.

Part of maintaining and storing your brussels sprouts for a more extended period will be determined by the quality of the brussels sprouts you purchase. Buying brussels sprouts in season, on the stalk still, and with a tight and condensed sprout will allow you to keep your sprouts for a longer time. While brussels sprouts are still available for purchase in the summer, out of season, they will not taste as sweet and may spoil more quickly.

How Can I Store Brussels Sprouts in the Refrigerator?

If you want to keep your brussels sprouts in the refrigerator for future use, it is best to keep them untrimmed and unwashed. Cutting your brussels sprouts off the stalk will cause them to ripen faster, which could accelerate their lifespan. Washing your brussels sprouts will introduce additional moisture, which could lead to early rot and decay. If you notice any yellow or wilted leaves on the sprouts, it is best to remove these before storage.

Place your brussels sprouts in an air-tight bag, like a Ziploc bag or container. Be sure to keep brussels sprouts in the coldest part of the fridge, such as in the crisper drawer or the top shelf corner. This location will allow them to stay fresher for a longer time. Keeping your sprouts in the refrigerator will enable your sprouts to last for three or four weeks. The longer the sprouts are left in the refrigerator, the less sweet and stronger they will taste.

Can I Prepare Brussels Sprouts Ahead of A Meal?

Yes, it is possible to prepare your sprouts ahead of a meal by cutting them and storing them. Preparing your sprouts ahead of time can help speed up your meal preparation plans. First, cut and trim your sprouts. Cut them off the stalk and cut away any wilted or yellow leaves. Depending on your recipe, you may want to cut or shred your sprouts. Both preparations are fine and will not impact the quality of the store sprout in the refrigerator. Place your prepared sprouts in an air-tight Ziploc bag. Your prepared sprouts will last in the refrigerator for about one to two days.

How Do I Freeze Raw Brussels Sprouts?

Freezing raw brussels sprouts is a great way to keep your sprouts for up to one year and take advantage of buying plenty of brussels sprouts when they are in season. To freeze your sprouts, you must:

  • Prepare Your Brussels Sprouts – Cut the sprouts off the stalk. Soak your brussels sprouts in warm water for about ten minutes. This action will help to remove all the dirt and debris from the sprouts. Rinse with some fresh water and pat your sprouts dry with a towel or paper towel.
  • Seal – Place the whole brussels sprout into an air-tight plastic bag. Be sure to press all the air out of the bag before freezing.
  • Freeze -Keep your sprouts in the freezer for up to a year. Your sprouts may become a bit discolored with time from freezer burn, but this will not impact the way the brussels sprouts taste.

How to Freeze Cooked Brussels Sprouts

Cooking your sprouts ahead of time can help you retain some flavor and color before freezing. Using this method, you will be able to freeze your cooked brussels sprouts for up to one year. To freeze cooked brussels sprouts, you must:

  • Prepare the Sprouts – Cut the brussels sprout off the stalk. Divide your brussels sprouts by size, creating groupings of similar-sized sprouts.
  • Ice Bath – Prepare an ice bath ahead of time. Fill a bowl about 3/4 of the way full of water and some ice.
  • Boil – Bring a pot of water to a boil. For the tiny sprouts, boil for about three minutes. Medium sprouts will need to be boiled for four minutes. Larger sprouts will need to be boiled for about five minutes. Immediately after boiling, place the cooked sprouts into the ice bath. This step will stop the cooking process and prevent your brussels sprouts from becoming too mushy and soft.
  • Freeze – Remove the brussels sprouts from the ice bath and pat to dry. Place the sprouts in an air-tight bag, like a Ziploc. Press the air out of the bag and seal the bag. Place the brussels sprouts in the freezer. The cooked sprouts will last about one year frozen and stored this way.

How Can My Sprouts Last Longer?

Making your brussels sprouts last longer can help save money and give you more vegetable options for your meals. One of the best ways to keep your brussels sprouts lasting as long as possible is to buy brussels sprouts that are already on the stalk. Keep the sprouts on the stalk as long as possible, only cutting them off the stalk when you are ready to eat them. Please resist the urge to wash and clean your sprouts until you are ready to eat them. Washing your sprouts can introduce moisture into the vegetable, which can lead to rot and decay.

Can I Leave Brussels Sprouts On the Counter?

It is perfectly acceptable to leave your brussels sprouts unrefrigerated on your kitchen counter. The sprouts will only last two or three days if left unrefrigerated. It is best to find a cool and dry place to store your brussels sprouts if you do not refrigerate them. If you live in a particularly hot or humid area, you may want to keep your brussels sprouts in a cool and dry place like a pantry.

Keeping your sprouts intact and still on the stalk can help your brussels sprouts last longer. Please do not cut into your stalks until you are ready to cook them. Avoid washing the sprouts ahead of time because this will introduce moisture which can cause the brussels sprouts to decay and rot more quickly. Before preparing your sprouts for a meal, be sure to remove any wilted or yellow leaves.

Related Questions

How Do I Choose Good Brussels Sprouts?

Choosing the right brussels sprouts depends on several factors. First, you want to be sure you buy your sprouts in the right season. With an exceptionally long growing season of six or seven months, you can safely buy sprouts in the spring, fall, and winter. Buying brussels sprouts in the summer is still possible, but they might not be as flavorful.If you have the choice, try to buy brussels sprouts that are still on the stalk. Being attached to the stalk still will help them taste better and help them last longer. You want to find brussels sprouts that are smaller and are still tightly closed. These sprouts will be sweeter compared to their larger counterparts. Further, choosing smaller sprouts of about the same size will make them easier and faster to cook.

What Pairs Best with Brussels Sprouts?

Brussels sprouts make an excellent and versatile vegetable that can easily pair with several popular meals. Brussels sprouts tend to work particularly well with pork and chicken dishes. This vegetable can also be cut and cooked and added to several pasta dishes. Eat roasted brussels sprouts alone, or add roasted sprouts to a vegetable medley of other seasonal fall vegetables.Seasoning your brussels sprouts is also easy. Their sweet and slightly bitter taste pairs well with several simple seasonings like paprika, dill, pepper, and salt. Add sauce to your brussels spouts like mustard, fish sauce, honey, apple cider, or Worcestershire sauce for a completely different and unique flavor profile.

Are Brussels Sprouts Healthy?

Brussels sprouts are incredibly healthy and good for you, packed full of vitamins and minerals. These vegetables are high in fiber and are packed full of antioxidants making them perfect for an immune system boost. Further, this tiny vegetable has plenty of Vitamin C, quickly giving you your daily dose in just a single serving.

This vegetable also has plenty of Vitamin K, which can help people clot blood better and help protect bones from breaking and degenerative bone disease.

Brussels sprouts are commonly used in many weight-loss diets and have a lower glycemic index compared to carrots. This vegetable is very similar to broccoli and carries many of the same benefits. Science has shown that brussels sprouts can help reduce inflammation and help people suffering from heart disease or cancer. Brussels sprouts can also help you regulate blood sugar and reduce the risk of diabetes later in life.

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