How To Light A Coleman Propane Lantern (Quickly & Easily!)

Gary Evans
by Gary Evans

There’s nothing quite like the experience provided by the great outdoors. Whether you’re camping, hiking, or partaking in some other outdoor activity, being up close with nature is just an incredible feeling. Before heading outdoors though, you need to have the right equipment and know-how.

Many folks heading outdoors prefer using lanterns. The propane lantern from Coleman in particular has proven to be a popular choice among those who love the outdoors. If you’re planning to use that as well, you must learn how to light it properly.

Begin by pulling out the plunger near the base of the lantern and start pumping it to add pressure. Next, move the dial to let the propane into the lantern and then light a match. Bring that match to the base of the lantern to create the fire and adjust the gas and pressure as needed.

Along with a stove and other camping essentials, the lantern is something you’ll need if you’re staying outdoors for a while. Learn how to work with your Coleman propane lantern better by reading on.

Precautionary Measures to Take When Using a Coleman Propane Lantern

Items that use both heat and fuel always need to be handled with care. If you’re camping alone, exercising caution is required even more because no one’s around to help if an accident takes place.

For this section of the article, let’s highlight the precautionary measures you need to follow. Keep them in mind at all times to ensure your camping trip goes as planned.

Follow the Rules in Your Area

The officials in the place where you’re planning to camp likely have set guidelines regarding equipment such as propane lanterns. Read up on those guidelines before you leave home to avoid accidents and troubles with the law.

Check on the Current Condition of Your Coleman Lantern

Before you head out on your trip, take a moment to examine the lantern you’re planning to use. Some propane lanterns may not work if they’re damaged.

Using an old propane lantern is fine if the item itself is clean and in good shape. Damaged propane lanterns are more dangerous and should they should not be used.

Bring a Fire Extinguisher

You won’t regret bringing extra safety gear along for your trek outdoors. Bringing along a small fire extinguisher is a great idea if you’re looking to use a propane-powered lantern.

Be Careful When Adding Fuel to the Lantern

Adding the fuel to the propane lantern can be tricky if you’ve never done it before. The fuel could spill all over the place creating a more hazardous area around your camping spot.

Consider using a funnel to avoid spilling the fuel. Also, fill the tank slowly so you can better control the flow of the propane.

Don’t Use the Coleman Lantern inside Your Trent

One of the worst things you can do is to use the Coleman lantern inside your tent. The heat radiating from the lantern can cause a fire if it ends up focused on some spots of the tent. By the time you notice the fire, your tent may already be burning intensely.

Using a propane lantern within an enclosed space is also dangerous due to the fumes. The fumes coming from the lantern could suffocate you if they are allowed to collect inside your tent.

Always Remember That the Lantern Is Hot

This sounds like an obvious point, but it’s one worth emphasizing. You should always exercise caution when handling the lantern because it’s likely quite hot.

If you’re caught off guard by the heat, you may accidentally knock the lantern over and break it. It’s easy to imagine how things can go from bad to worse as the fuel and fire spread across the ground.

Lighting Your Coleman Propane Lantern

Let’s now turn our attention to lighting the Coleman propane lantern. We’re assuming that the propane canister already contains fuel so let’s start from there.

Step 1: Create Pressure inside the Lantern

The first thing you need to do is to create pressure inside the lantern. You need that pressure inside the lantern to keep the light going.

What you want to do here is look for a plunger situated close to the base of the lantern. Turn the handle for the plunger slightly then pull it out. Now, proceed to pump at least 10 times to create the desired amount of pressure.

You can check if there’s enough pressure by opening up the fuel cap. The lantern will tell you it’s ready if you hear a pressurized release. You may have to pump it a couple of more times to compensate for the lost pressure though.

Step 2: Let the Propane Flow into the Lantern

With the lantern properly pressurized, you can now let the propane move into the lantern. There should be a dial present on your Coleman lantern. Turn it slightly to let the propane in.

Step 3: Light the Lantern

The next step involves actually illuminating the Coleman lantern. Check to see if your hands have any of fuel on them. If you find some fuel residue, clean it off.

Now that your hands are clean, reach for the matchbox and pull a stick out. Strike that match and then move it close to the base of the Coleman lantern. There should be a hole underneath the Coleman lantern where you can fit the lit match through. Use the lit match to create light inside the lantern.

It’s worth noting that some Coleman lanterns are ignited differently. They may come equipped with a button you can press to ignite the lantern so just use that if it’s available.

Step 4: Adjust the Brightness Level of the Lantern

The lantern should be producing a light now, but it may not be enough illumination just yet. If you want to intensify the light further, turn the dial to let more propane into the lantern. Follow that by pumping more.

What Should You Do if the Lantern Fails to Light Up?

Did the lantern not light up after following the steps above? You can try out a few things to remedy that situation. The first thing you want to try is cleaning the lantern. Coleman lanterns come with a built-in cleaner for their generators. Move that cleaner to clear out the generator and then try to light the lantern again.

If that failed to do the trick, inspect your Coleman lantern better. Look at the mantles and see if they are damaged. Damaged mantles may prevent your Coleman lantern from turning on so replacing them is necessary.

You should also check the pump. It may not be producing enough pressure to promote the growth of the light inside the lantern. Repair the pump first before trying to use the lantern again.

Related Questions

Why Should You Use a Propane Lantern over a Kerosene Lantern?

While shopping for a lantern to use on your next trip, you may find yourself choosing between kerosene and propane-powered options. Both are viable options, but the propane lanterns do hold one distinct advantage over their kerosene counterparts.Remember that unlike kerosene, propane has an indefinite shelf life. It remains suitable to use as long as the container holding it is not damaged. In contrast, kerosene no longer becomes usable at around the five-year mark.Campers who don’t want to keep buying fuel whenever they’re heading out will like the propane lanterns more.  They can just store the propane at home and use it as fuel for the lantern whenever necessary.

How Long Can You Use Your Coleman Propane Lantern?

You should be able to get hours of usage from your Coleman lantern. On a full tank and running at the highest setting, Coleman propane lanterns can keep working for nearly eight hours. If you dial back the light and keep it to the low setting, the lantern should last for about 14 hours.

Can You Use Other Types of Fuel inside Your Coleman Lantern?

Coleman fuel is recommended for their lanterns because the two of them are more compatible with each other. However, you can still use other brands of propane if you don’t have Coleman fuel ready to go.

Gary Evans
Gary Evans

Gary Evans is passionate about home improvement. He loves finding out how to make improvements in the easiest, most practical, and most affordable ways. Upgrading his home kitchen is one of his ongoing hobbies. Gary is also a long-time content creator and enjoys spending his free time tending to his hydroponic vegetable garden.

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