How To Get Baking Soda Out Of Carpet (6+ Ways To Do It!)

Patricia Oelze
by Patricia Oelze

We all have heard about how great baking soda is for cleaning all sorts of things from dishes to teeth. In fact, many of us have been using it to clean stains out of the carpet, so why would we think that baking soda would leave a stain on the carpet? Well, it happens.

Mix 1 cup of white vinegar with 3 cups of warm water in a bottle and spray the baking soda. Clean the area with a nylon brush and let the carpet dry to remove the stain. You can also soak the baking soda with rubbing alcohol for 15 minutes and scrub it dry.

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How Can Baking Soda Stain the Carpet?

How does baking soda stain a carpet if it is supposed to be used for cleaning it? There are several ways. If you spill a whole box, use too much on a stain, or leave it on too long, it can stain your carpet just by sticking to the fibers and collecting dirt. Never use too much or leave it on for more than 24 hours.

Also, if you mix the baking soda with something that does not mix well, you can stain the carpet as well. You know, from one of the crazy concoctions you read online. But don’t worry, we will not recommend anything that is going to ruin your carpet. And for future use, always test an inconspicuous spot before using anything on your carpet.

Using White Vinegar to Get Baking Soda Out of Carpet

When you were in grade school, you may have used vinegar and baking soda to make a volcano or a bubble bomb. But that same chemical reaction can also help you get rid of that baking soda stuck in your carpet. Here is how to do it.

  • Put on some gloves, eye protection, and a mask.
  • Mix one cup of white vinegar with three cups of warm water in a spray bottle.
  • Spray the area with the solution thoroughly.
  • Let the area sit for several minutes to soak in.
  • Scrub the area with a stiff nylon brush.
  • Repeat steps 3 – 5 until the baking soda stain is gone.
  • Let the carpet dry completely before vacuuming it thoroughly.

Using Lemon Juice to Get Baking Soda Out of Carpet

Lemon juice is another acid product that will help get rid of that baking soda from your carpet. Like the white vinegar, the acid dissolves the baking soda, although the lemon juice is not likely to act as explosive if you are trying to make a volcano. But for carpets, it will do the job just fine.

  • You probably will not need gloves or a mask, but eye protection will be good in case the lemon juice splashes into your eyes.
  • Mix ½ cup of lemon juice with one cup of warm water in a spray bottle.
  • Spray the area until it is soaked through.
  • Let the mixture sit on the spot for 15 minutes
  • Scrub the spot with a stiff nylon brush.
  • Repeat steps 3 – 5 if needed.
  • After the carpet dries, vacuum the spot until the baking soda granules are gone.

Using Rubbing Alcohol to Get Baking Soda Out of Carpet

Rubbing alcohol is another excellent multi-use item you probably already have in your home. From cleaning cuts to cleaning carpets, rubbing alcohol is a fantastic thing to have on hand. It will also work to get rid of baking soda spots on your carpet. Just follow these steps.

  • Put on your mask, goggles, and gloves.
  • Pour enough rubbing alcohol on the spot to thoroughly soak the whole stain.
  • Let the area foam for about 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Scrub the spot with a stiff nylon brush.
  • Repeat steps 2 – 4 if necessary.
  • After the rug dries, vacuum the granules out.

Using Dish Soap to Get Baking Soda Out of Carpet

Of course, dish soap is good at cleaning dishes, but can you count on it to get rid of stains on the carpet? Yes, mild dish soap is perfect for cleaning many things out of the carpet. And it is good to get rid of the baking soda stain too. Follow these steps to remove the baking soda from your carpet.

  • Mix a few drops of mild dish soap with a cup of warm water in a spray bottle.
  • Spray the spot until it is damp.
  • Let it sit for 15 minutes.
  • Scrub the spot with a stiff nylon brush until the particles come out of the fibers.
  • Repeat steps 2 – 4 until the baking soda is gone.
  • Vacuum the spot thoroughly after it is completely dry.

Using Detergent to Get Baking Soda Out of Carpet

Since we know that baking soda is used in the wash without a problem, it only makes sense that it would be good to take it out of the carpet. What kind you use is up to you, but we suggest something mild. Some of the detergents on the market can be harsh. Just follow these steps.

  • Put on your eye protection, gloves, and mask.
  • Mix a bit of detergent with water and test it on an inconspicuous spot in a closet.
  • If that does not stain, go ahead and mix one tablespoon of detergent to one cup of warm water in a spray bottle.
  • Spray the spot
  • Let it soak for about five minutes.
  • Scrub it with a stiff bristle brush until the spot is gone.
  • Rinse it with warm water and let it dry.
  • Repeat steps 4 – 7 if needed.
  • Let it dry and vacuum up the residue.

Using a Steam Cleaner to Get Baking Soda Out of Carpet

If you tried one or more of these and they did not work, go ahead and get your steam cleaner. If you do not have a steam cleaner, you can still rent them from most big box stores or hardware stores.

  • Fill the steam cleaner with the cleaning solution as suggested by the manufacturer.
  • Steam clean the area and use the brush attachment that comes with it.
  • If it did not come with a brush, use a stiff nylon bristle brush to scrub the area.
  • Let it dry for as long as the manufacturer suggests.
  • Vacuum the spot with a regular vacuum.
  • Since you already have the machine, you may as well clean the rest of the carpet.

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Related Questions

What about club soda or WD-40?

Both of these products have been touted for cleaning stains out of carpets for years so it must be true, right? In some cases, yes. The club soda should work just like the white vinegar or lemon juice. There are several other tips on getting baking soda out of carpets as well. Take a look at the chart below.

Other Items That May Work to Get Rid of Baking Soda from Your Carpet

Club sodaPour club soda over baking soda stain and let it sit for five minutes.Scrub it with a hard bristle brush.Let it dry and then vacuum.
WD-40Spray the spot with WD-40 until it is covered.Let is sit for 10 – 15 minutes.Scrub it with a hard bristle brush.Wash the spot with warm water.Vacuum thoroughly after it dries.
Shaving creamAny shaving cream will work but the regular white foam is the best.Spray shaving cream on the spot to cover it.Rub in the shaving cream and let it sit for 15 – 30 minutes.Wait for it to dry and then vacuum it.
VodkaMix one cup of clear vodka with one cup of water in a spray bottle.Let it soak for 15 minutes.Scrub it with a brush for a few minutes.Let it dry and vacuum it.
What if none of these work?

If you tried all of these and nothing worked, go ahead and call a professional. It will probably cost you less than many of the other products on here and you have got to be sick of cleaning the carpet by now so let someone else do it.

Patricia Oelze
Patricia Oelze

I am a DIYer who loves writing about anything home-related. When I am not writing, you can find me studying for my PhD in Psychology, photographing nature, and swimming at the lake with my grandkids.

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