How To Make Money Off My Garden

Nick Durante
by Nick Durante
Credit: Shutterstock / Jacob Lund

Look no further than your garden if you’re trying to make extra money this summer. Gardens provide plenty of opportunities to get creative and make money without having to leave your house. Even still, many people wonder how it’s possible to make money from your garden.

The best way to make money from your garden is to sell cuttings from desirable plants. You can also sell seeds, fruit, vegetables, and colorful floral arrangements. Use your expertise to become a gardening consultant and rent your garden out for parties. Gardening social media accounts and blogs are also popular and easy to monetize.

Keep your garden in great shape and focus on desirable plants that people will pay top dollar for. Not only is it rewarding, but it’s also a great way to demonstrate your gardening expertise. Follow along as we explore how to make money from your garden.

How to Make Money Gardening

1. Propagate Your Plants

The best way to make money gardening is to propagate your plants and sell cuttings. Gardening has become more popular in the last 4-5 years, and people love to obtain rare plants. Monsteras and philodendrons are especially popular right now, and they are big sellers.

You can even sell some cuttings to local plant nurseries if you have rare plants that they don’t have in stock. Succulents are easy to propagate, so that’s a great starting point if you’ve never cultivated plants before. Make sure to root your cuttings in soil instead of water.

2. Sell Seeds

Many gardeners ignore or simply discard their extra seeds, but that’s like throwing money away. Vegetable seeds, in particular, are quite popular, and they’re easy to obtain. Look online to see how much people sell specific seeds for.

Stay within that price range to make sure you don’t alienate any potential customers. Many states require you to obtain a permit before you can sell seeds. Luckily, the permit only costs $10-$30 in most cases, and it lets you make money from your garden.

Exercise caution when you harvest seeds from fruit and vegetables. For example, it’s easy to accidentally damage seeds when you cut into a melon. This is a simple way to make money from your garden while still being able to eat the fruit and vegetables you grow.

3. Sell Floral Arrangements

Everybody loves a nice floral arrangement, and your garden has plenty of potential to put some great arrangements together. You can easily sell floral arrangements from your garden online and within your community. That’s especially true around holidays like Easter and Mother’s Day.

Look online and find popular floral arrangement trends to use as a basis for your arrangements. That said, you can stand out if you buck trends and make unique floral arrangements. It helps to sell floral arrangements that are slightly cheaper than major competitors, so keep that in mind.

You can even offer a service to make custom floral arrangements with specific flowers. Post some sample floral arrangements on social media to generate interest and gain customers.

4. Run A Blog

One of the best ways to make money from your garden is to show it to the world. It’s easier than ever to start a blog, and gardening blogs are quite popular. There’s no limit to what you can include in your blog, so feel free to get creative.

It helps to include high-resolution pictures of beautiful plants to demonstrate your gardening prowess. You can also write blog posts that answer common gardening questions and offer some of your best insights. Once you build a community, you can interact with your readers to maintain engagement.

Ideally, you create social media profiles that promote your blog. This will increase your reach and open the door to future content. Try to post on your blog up to 3 or more times per week to provide enough content and satisfy your readers. Eventually, you can monetize your blog and make money from your garden.

5. Become A Consultant

Once you gain attention with a blog or some vibrant garden pictures, you can use it as leverage to become a gardening consultant. Countless homeowners want to create impressive gardens, but the sheer amount of work that goes into it can be intimidating. You can make money off your garden if you offer consulting services and use your hard work as an example.

For example, you can have people visit your garden, take pictures, and receive helpful lessons about how to garden. You can even visit novice gardeners' homes and lay the groundwork for their new garden based on your garden. This also gives you the chance to sell cuttings of plants you’ve cultivated, and that helps you earn extra money.

6. Sell Fruit And Vegetables

Who doesn’t love fresh fruit and vegetables? Homegrown fruit and vegetables are often as good, if not better than what you find at major stores. Many people love to support gardeners within their communities, and that’s a great chance to make money.

That said, you’ll only have success if you grow healthy, delicious vegetables that look desirable. Make sure to protect your garden from pests so your vegetables survive. Avoid using harmful pesticides, or else you may unknowingly harm your customers.

7. Get Active On Social Media

While blogs can help make money from your garden, social media is a great starting point. It’s much easier for many people to consistently post on social media than on blogs. Make at least 5 posts a week to gain followers.

Focus on social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook, where pictures are quite popular. You can post garden progress pictures and short DIY instructional videos to make an impact. Make sure to respond to commentators and engage with your followers.

Use these platforms to promote your other ventures, such as selling seeds and cuttings. This will increase sales and attract more people to your page. Keep in mind that you won’t become an influencer overnight, so be patient and post consistently.

8. Rent Your Garden Out For Parties

Everybody loves a garden party, but not everyone has a garden worth showing off. You can earn some extra money if you rent your garden out as a space for parties. Granted, this only works if your garden is vibrant and spacious.

Gardens with outdoor furniture, fountains, and decorations are especially appealing for garden parties. Spring and summer are the best times for garden parties, and you can easily book parties on the weekends. Make sure to focus on pest control so the party guests aren’t swarmed by mosquitoes.

Summing It Up

Sell seeds and cuttings from your plants to make money off of your garden. You can also sell healthy fruits and vegetables or make floral arrangements for people in your community. Otherwise, you can simply start a blog or get active on social media and monetize that.

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Nick Durante
Nick Durante

Nick Durante is a professional writer with a primary focus on home improvement. When he is not writing about home improvement or taking on projects around the house, he likes to read and create art. He is always looking towards the newest trends in home improvement.

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