My New Apartment Is Dirty

Nick Durante
by Nick Durante
Caption: Shutterstock / Andrew Angelov

Moving into a new apartment is a great chance to get a fresh start and change things up. Most people expect to move into a pristine new apartment. Sadly, that’s not always the case, and your new apartment may be dirty.

Landlords don’t have to clean apartments between tenants, so that can explain why your new apartment is dirty. Take pictures of the condition of your dirty apartment and show them to your landlord. If you, your landlord, or an attorney deem the apartment uninhabitable, your landlord must clean it. 

Otherwise, you can take legal action, as landlords can’t legally rent out uninhabitable living spaces. Be patient, as some landlords are stubborn and this can take a while. Follow along as we explore what to do if you move into a new apartment only to find that it’s dirty. 

Should I Tell My Landlord That My Apartment Is Dirty?

You should tell your landlord that your apartment is dirty if you just moved in. It’s a great idea to take pictures and even videos of the mess before you talk to your landlord. This will come in handy if they try to dispute your claim. 

Nobody expects to move into a dirty apartment, and it can make you regret your decision altogether. Sadly, you may be out of luck if your landlord expected the previous tenant to clean the apartment. However, it’s still important to take pictures in case your landlord claims you made the mess when it's time for you to move out.

In that case, they may refuse to give you your deposit back when you leave. Document your correspondence with your landlord in case they disagree about who is responsible for the mess. 

Can I Break My Lease If My Apartment Was Dirty When I Moved In?

You can break your lease if the apartment was dirty when you moved in. However, you may face penalties in that case, as most landlords charge fines for early lease termination. It’s a great idea to speak to your landlord and let them know why you plan to break the lease. 

That said, you must check the lease agreement before you attempt to break it. Review the contract to see if there is a time window in which you can break the lease without a penalty. For example, some leases have “early termination clauses” that let you break a lease under certain circumstances. 

Does A Landlord Have To Clean My Apartment Before I Move In?

Landlords don’t necessarily need to clean your apartment before you move in. However, the apartment has to be in good enough condition that it’s considered habitable. For example, the apartment can’t be filled with harmful mold and mildew. 

Otherwise, it’s up to the previous tenant to clean the apartment before they move out. Many landlords still clean apartments between tenants. This makes it easier for them to show the apartment to future tenants who might be interested in renting it. 

Are Landlords Responsible For Carpet Cleaning?

Landlords are responsible for carpet cleaning between tenants, in most cases. The person who owns a property is responsible for that type of maintenance. However, it’s important to check your rental agreement and see if there is a clause that specifies who is responsible. 

It’s a red flag if your landlord tries to get you to pay to clean your carpets. That’s especially true if this happens right after you move into a new apartment. Some states let tenants pay for repairs and deduct the cost from the next month’s rent. 

In that case, keep receipts to show the landlord, so you can deduct the full amount from your rental payment. They should have cleaned the carpet before you moved in, but it’s never too late, as long as you document the situation. 

What To Do If Your New Apartment Has Roaches

Call your landlord or submit a maintenance request right away if your new apartment has cockroaches. Landlords are typically responsible for pest control unless your rental agreement says otherwise. Pest infestations can make an apartment uninhabitable, and it’s up to landlords to rectify the problem. 

Take pictures or videos of the cockroaches to provide proof of an infestation in case your landlord disputes your claim. They will likely hire an outside pest control service to spray your apartment. However, you can get an attorney involved if your landlord takes too long to respond or simply doesn’t act fast enough. 

Cockroaches are common in apartment buildings with shared walls and air ducts. This isn’t necessarily a sign that you should break your lease and move out. However, it’s worth considering if your landlord doesn’t care and won’t pay for pest treatment. 

My New Apartment Has Mold And My Landlord Won’t Fix It

Ask your landlord to perform mold remediation if you find mold in your new apartment. Take pictures of the mold if they refuse to do anything about it. Legally, landlords aren’t required to get rid of mold in an apartment in most places. 

However, excessive mold can make an apartment uninhabitable. In that case, landlords are required to pay for mold remediation. Mold can cause health issues, such as respiratory illness, so it’s important to get rid of it quickly. 

Document the situation to prove that your apartment is uninhabitable or at least will be soon because of mold. Your landlord may inspect your apartment to see if there is a clear source of the mold. However, they aren’t responsible for mold remediation if they find signs that the mold and damage are your fault. 

Summing It Up

Tell your landlord right away if you move into a new apartment only to find that it’s dirty. Landlords aren’t always required to clean apartments between tenants, so there may not be anything you can do about it. However, you can make a case for yourself if you take pictures and videos to prove that your apartment is uninhabitable. In that case, the landlord must rectify the situation, and you can hire an attorney to advocate for you. 

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Nick Durante
Nick Durante

Nick Durante is a professional writer with a primary focus on home improvement. When he is not writing about home improvement or taking on projects around the house, he likes to read and create art. He is always looking towards the newest trends in home improvement.

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