What To Do With Old Circular Saw Blades (Do This!)

Upgraded Home Team
by Upgraded Home Team

A circular saw is an extremely practical tool with many uses. This tool gives you the chance to cut through a range of materials from all angles quickly. Of the possible tools to own, many homeowners will keep a circular saw in their tool arsenal. But, what are homeowners supposed to do with old circular saw blades after they are dull or are no longer of use?

It may be possible to resharpen or restore your steel-tipped saw blade with proper cleaning and a file. Unfortunately, saw blades cannot be donated because they don’t have much value, but it may be possible to make a fun craft that will repurpose the saw blade in your home.

Possible crafts for your old circular saw blade include a fun workshop clock, wind chime for the garden, or a unique mirror for inside your house. Because several saw blades are made from metal, it is possible to recycle your old saw blade. Be sure to check with the donation and recycling center ahead of time to ensure they have the room and can recycle your specific saw blades. As a last resort, old saw blades can be put in the trash if they are properly wrapped and protected to prevent possible injury.

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What Can I Do With Dull Saw Blades?

Usually, when the saw blade appears dull, it is just dirty and packed with old sawdust from previous projects. The best way to restore a dull blade is to clean it simply. If you have a carbide-tipped blade or a steel-tipped blade, you’ll want to soak the blade in an all-purpose cleaner. After the blade has a chance to soak for about an hour, use a soft brush to clean it off, removing the packed dirt, oil, and wood from the blades.

If you still notice that your blade isn’t cutting to your standards, you may actually need to sharpen the blade even after cleaning it. Most steel-tipped blades can be sharpened at home, but the carbide-tipped blades will require the help of a professional. Sharpening a blade yourself can help save some money and extend the life and use for your saw blade.

Can I Restore an Old Saw Blade?

An old saw blade that is no longer sharp is not necessarily destined for the trash. You may be able to sharpen a saw blade if it is made with a steel-toothed construction. You’ll need a file to sharpen your steel blade and be prepared to spend some time filing each tooth on the blade.

If your old saw blade is made with carbide, you’ll have to go to a professional sharpening center to restore your old blade. This material is very hard and requires a particular diamond wheel to get a sharp edge on the old saw blade. Because the process to sharpen carbide saw blades is complicated, an amateur homeowner can damage and completely ruin the blade with their attempt.

Can I Recycle Old Saw Blades?

Because old saw blades are made of metal materials, recycling your old saw blades is entirely possible. Many saw blades are made with steel that is an excellent option for recycling. You’ll want to call ahead of time to find a recycling center in your local area that can properly recycle saw blades before taking your blades to the center. Recycling is the perfect option for keeping the metal out of the trash and out of a landfill.

Can I Donate an Old Saw Blade?

Although it may seem like an excellent idea to donate an old saw blade, most blades aren’t really worth anything, and a new blade is rather easy and cheap to purchase. It depends on the conditions of the blade, but it may be possible to donate an old saw blade to a school with a workshop class. Always be sure to call the school ahead of time to see if they can take old saw blades or need any old saw blades before dropping your donation off.

What Crafts Can I Make with an Old Saw Blade?

Repurposing your old saw blade into a new craft is a fun way to add a unique, homemade touch to your home. Some fun projects to make with an old saw blade include:

  • Mirror – Try turning your old saw blade into a creative and unique mirror. You’ll simply need to get a small section of mirror cut and adhere it to the center of the blade. Consider adding multiple saw blades and mirrors together on the wall to make a real statement piece.
  • Sign – Saw blades are pretty easy to paint once they are prepared and cleaned correctly. You can paint some fun adages or quotes onto an old saw blade or make it a cute welcome sign for your workshop.
  • Clock – An old saw blade can make an excellent clock for your workshop. Their circular shape makes them ideal, and they already have a hole in the center. Simply buy the clock mechanisms and attach them to the center of the blade.
  • Wind Chime – An old saw blade is made of durable metal that can survive in the garden in any weather conditions. Consider cutting your old saw blade into smaller, fun-shaped pieces to create a clever and unique wind chime for your garden.
  • Jewelry – A dull old saw blade is perfectly safe to be repurposed into a beautiful new use. With some specialized tools, you’ll be able to cut your blade apart and make some creative jewelry pieces. Saw blades can make excellent earrings or pendants for a fun new necklace.
  • Garden Decoration – The metal finish on the old saw blade will get a wonderful patina in the garden after it is exposed to the elements. Consider writing a fun message or even your address on a saw blade and position the old saw blade outside for all to see.

Are Old Saw Blades Worth Anything?

Unfortunately, old saw blades really aren’t worth anything. Not only are they made of relatively available materials, but they are pretty cheap to replace. Saw blades are meant to be essentially consumable, meaning there isn’t a big value placed on old blades. Most people will not have much luck selling old saw blades, so they are recycled, repurposed, or trashed.

Can I Throw Away Old Saw Blades?

There are no toxic materials in an old saw blade, so it is perfectly acceptable to simply throw it away if you do not recycle or repurpose it. You’ll want to make sure you wrap the old saw blade in paper or plastic before putting it out with the trash to ensure the sharp edges don’t cut through the plastic trash bag and inadvertently hurt someone.

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Related Questions

Do old saw blades make good knives?

One of the most popular options to repurpose an old saw blade is to make a knife. Saw blades are usually made with very high-quality steel, which can make a sharp and strong knife. You’ll need to have some specialized tools and a solid plan in place before making your knife, but because the steel in the blade is intended to keep a sharp edge, you won’t have to treat and sharpen your newly constructed knife regularly.

Can I paint an old saw blade?

Painting an old saw blade can give it new life in a completely new and different application. Saw blades are common in home decor, which can be beautiful and unique. Before painting an old saw blade, be sure the metal is completely clear of rust and oil. Use a metal primer first before using your paint color. Apply a base coat of either enamel or acrylic paint, then use your preferred color to start painting the saw blade.

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