Standard Pocket Door Sizes & Dimensions (with Drawings)

Stacy Randall
by Stacy Randall

Pocket doors are a great way to add separation between spaces and privacy while maximizing space. You can shop for standard pocket door sizes, or in some cases, you might need some custom models. But, either way, using pocket doors in your home can add a unique charm to the interior.

Standard pocket doors typically come in the same sizes as regular hinged doors, between 30 and 36 inches wide and 80 inches tall. But, you need to consider the overall dimensions for the entire system, which are much larger. Overall, pocket door systems can range from 51 to 162 inches wide and 86 inches tall or more.

The biggest appeal of pocket doors is their space-saving value. But, you need to make sure you have the proper space to install them. Keep reading to familiarize yourself with standard pocket door sizes and other need-to-know info.


What Are the Standard Pocket Door Sizes?

If you buy a standard pocket door, you’ll have standard pocket door sizes to choose from. These premade systems typically come with the panels, rails, and the extra wall necessary for installation.

It’s important to consider the passage size, which is the amount of space you actually have to walk through. Then, you also must consider the overall dimensions, which encompass the entire system. This system includes the additional wall where the panel slides into and the rails.

What Size Is a Single Pocket Door?

A single-pocket door panel ranges from 24 inches to 40 inches wide and 80 inches tall. (These numbers are provided in rounded figures by companies to make it easier to identify panels. But they are usually slightly under or above these exact figures.)

Pocket Door SizeOverall DimensionsPassage DimensionsDoor Panel
Small51.75 by 82.25 inches23.625 by 78.75 inches24 inches
Medium 59.625 by 82.25 inches27 by 78.75 inches28 inches
Large75.375 by 82.25 inches35 by 78.75 inches36 inches
Extra-Large81.83 by 82.25 inches37.375 by 78.75 inches38 inches
Alternative Extra-Large Size83.25 by 82.25 inches38.375 by 78.75 inches40 inches

How Big Are Double Pocket Doors?

Double pocket doors essentially place two single pocket panels into one opening. But, now you need a hollow wall on either side of the doors instead of just one. Double doors can give a grander appearance and can be a great way to separate living areas when you need extra privacy.

You can find some double door sets with some extra-small panels. This is great if you want that double-door look in a smaller opening.

Snapshot of Double Pocket Door Sizes

Double Pocket Door SizeOverall DimensionsPassage DimensionsDoor Panel
Extra Small58.9375 by 82.25 inches55.125 by 78.75 inches28 inches
Small66.3 3 by 82.2563 by 78.7532 inches
Medium 99.625 by 82.2547/25 by 78.75 inches24 inches
Large146.875 by 82.25 inches70.8125 by 78.75 inches36 inches
Extra-Large162.625 by 82.25 inches78.75 by 78.7540 inches

Note that most pocket doors also offer a taller style to accommodate higher ceilings. These doors have an overall dimension of 86 inches tall providing a passage of 82 inches.

What Is the Smallest Size Pocket Door?

Typically the smallest standard-size pocket door you can get is a 24-inch panel. It would require a rough opening of 49.75 inches. The height is standard at 80 inches for the panel, fitting a rough opening of 84.5 inches.

What Is The Rough Opening for Pocket Doors?

The rough opening for a pocket door is the entire space necessary between the studs to install the pocket door system. Typically, the rule of thumb is to take the pocket door panel size and multiply it by two.

Then you need to add 1 to 1 ¾ inches, depending on the size. For height, add 2.25 inches — so the rough opening for an 82.25 system would need to be 84.5 inches.

For example, the rough opening of a 30-inch pocket door would be 61 inches wide. The rough opening for a 36-inch pocket door would be 73 ¾ inches wide. Before framing your wall for a pocket door, check the manufacturer’s specific dimensions.

Source: Amazon

How to Measure for Pocket Doors

To determine the necessary pocket door width, measure from your wood framing on the closed side to the pocket side. Take this number and subtract one inch then divide it by two to get the door width.

For example, if your rough opening width is 61 inches, you would need a 30-inch door. If your rough opening is 121 inches, you would get 60 inches. In this case, you’re likely going for two 30-inch doors for a double pocket door system.

For the height, measure from the subfloor to the top header. Then, you subtract 3.5 inches for doors under 200 pounds and subtract 4.75 inches for doors over 200 pounds. If you’re measuring from a finished floor, only subtract 3 inches or 4 inches, respectively.

The hollow wall that the door slides into is usually between 1 and 2 inches wider than the panel. If the room you want to install pocket doors isn’t quite wide enough, then go with the next smaller size system.

Source: Amazon

How Much Clearance Do You Need for Pocket Doors?

The beauty of pocket doors is you don’t need much clearance in front of them as you would with a standard door. Since the pocket door slides into the wall, it doesn’t take up any floor space when it is open.

How Much Bigger Than the Opening Do Pocket Doors Need To Be?

Typically pocket door systems will be roughly twice the size of your opening. So if you have a 30-inch opening the pocket door system would be roughly 60 inches.

How Thick Are Pocket Doors?

Most pocket doors are either 1 ⅜ inches or 1 ¾ inches thick. You can get doors that are solid core or hollow core.

The minimum wall thickness for a pocket door is 4 ½”. This assumes that you have ½” thick drywall on each side of your wall. The hardware, studs, and tracks for the door will occupy 3 ½” of the wall.

Tips for Choosing the Right Size Pocket Door

Make sure to measure the total available wall space for your pocket doors. Then, go with a standard system to fit this space.

If a standard set doesn’t work, you can consider a few potential solutions. You might just need to switch the pocket side of the door to the other side of the opening. Or you can consider telescoping pocket doors.

Telescoping pocket doors fit two panels into one wall pocket. One panel is smaller than the other, fitting into the larger panel which slides into the wall. You can also opt for custom-size doors.

Can You Get Custom Pocket Door Sizes?

Of course, you can always hire a professional installer and manufacturer to build a custom pocket door system. This comes with a heftier price tag, so be prepared. Contact specialized manufacturers to inquire about custom options.

Summarizing Pocket Door Sizes

On average, standard pocket door sizes are 80 inches tall and between 24 and 40 inches wide. The most common are the same sizes as regular hinged doors, measuring 30 or 36 inches wide. When determining the size door you need, take your rough opening, subtract one, and divide by two.

Typically, the pocket door system will be twice the width of the opening. So, a 24-inch opening would require a 48-inch pocket door system. Make sure to measure your available wall space so you can choose the proper fit.

Stacy Randall
Stacy Randall

Stacy Randall is a wife, mother, and freelance writer from NOLA that has always had a love for DIY projects, home organization, and making spaces beautiful. Together with her husband, she has been spending the last several years lovingly renovating her grandparent's former home, making it their own and learning a lot about life along the way.

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