How To Remove A Beehive From Your Home Safely

Nick Durante
by Nick Durante

The sight of a beehive on your property is scary and can inspire you to take action. It can be scary to remove a beehive because the last thing that you want is to agitate bees and get stung. Understandably, you may struggle with how to remove a beehive from your home safely.

Wait until nighttime and use insecticide spray to remove a beehive from your home safely. Shine a red flashlight on the beehive so that you don’t alert the bees before you spray the hive. Scatter borax powder on the beehive to poison it so that bees don’t return to the hive after you spray it.

It’s worth it to hire a professional if you don’t want to get stung and are nervous about it. Otherwise, you can take precautions and wear protective gear before you remove a beehive. Follow along as we explore how to remove a beehive from your home safely.

What Is The Safest Way to Get Rid of a Beehive?

The safest way to get rid of a beehive is to wait until night and spray it. Otherwise, the bees may attack you because they are more alert during the day. You cannot simply spray a beehive and expect the bees to leave, die, and stay away from your house. Let’s take a look at the steps you need to take to remove a beehive from your home safely.

Inspect Your Home

You may only have a single beehive, but you need to check to see if there are more. Bees sometimes build multiple hives within a small radius of your home. Locate the main beehive and walk around the property to see if there are more beehives in the area.

Look for multiple bees that fly within a specific area to find another beehive. This will let you know how much action you need to take and how much spray you need to use. Indoor beehives are easy to spot if you find dark spots on the walls.

Gather Materials

You need to gather several materials to remove a beehive from your home safely. Luckily, you can find all of the necessary materials online or at a hardware store. There are only a few essential materials and 1 that is optional, and they include:

  • Red flashlight
  • Protective gear
  • Bee insecticide
  • Fogger
  • Borax (optional)

The red flashlight is necessary because bees cannot detect it. This will let you discreetly approach the beehive at night so that you don’t alert the bees. Purchase bee insecticide spray so that you can douse the beehive from a distance.

Alternatively, you can use a fogger if you don’t want to get close to the beehive. Borax is optional if you want to treat the beehive after you spray it so that the bees don’t come back. You can gather all of these materials at your local hardware store and will likely spend under $40.

Approach The Beehive

Gather some protective gear before you approach the beehive. Ideally, you should wear goggles, gloves, long pants, a long sleeve shirt, and even a face mask. This will protect most of your skin in case you agitate the bees, and they try to sting you.

You can also buy a beekeeping suit for $45-$100 if you are nervous and want to play it safe. Wait until it’s dark outside so that you can safely approach the beehive. Slowly approach the beehive with a red flashlight so that you can see but won’t alert the bees.

Exercise caution and use your flashlight to check the area around the hive. Don’t proceed if you notice that bees are still flying around the vicinity of the beehive. If not, you can move forward and prepare to use your insecticide.

Spray It

Now, you are ready to proceed and spray the beehive with insecticide. Only spray a beehive at night because that way you can ensure that all of the bees will be there, and you won’t get stung. Check the spraying range on the label of your insecticide to see how far back you should stand.

Shine your red flashlight on the beehive so that you can see it. Raise your insecticide and spray the beehive as thoroughly as possible so that you cover it all. Quickly retreat and return inside to avoid any bees that may flee from the hive.

Otherwise, you can move on and spray the other beehives on your property if you have more than one. After that, move inside and wait for up to an hour before you move on to the next step.

Treat The Hive With Borax

This next step is optional, but it is a great idea if you want to make sure the bees don’t return to the hive. Gather your borax, put your protective gear back on, and go back outside. Approach the beehive with your red flashlight and closely inspect it.

Check to make sure that no bees are flying around the hive. Now, you can treat the beehive with borax if you don’t spot any bees flying around. Only use powdered borax because that’s the easiest to apply to a beehive.

Take a handful of borax and scatter it across the beehive. You can apply a few handfuls of borax if you want to play it safe. This will make it so that any bees that return to the beehive will die. You can skip spraying and apply borax instead, but spraying first ensures that bees won’t be around when you use it.

Contact A Professional

Contact a professional if you are apprehensive to remove a beehive from your home. It is dangerous to remove a beehive if you don’t exercise caution, so many homeowners opt for professional help. You can expect to spend up to $500 to remove a beehive depending on the severity of the situation.

With that said, it’s typically only expensive if the hive is in a tricky location such as high up in a tree. It can also be expensive if you have multiple beehives on the property. Otherwise, you will likely spend between $100 and $200 to remove a beehive.

Can You Remove a Beehive Without Killing The Bees?

The best way to remove a beehive without killing the bees is to hire a beekeeper. Search online to find local beekeepers in your area if you want to remove a nest but don’t want to kill the bees. They are best equipped to safely remove a hive without harming them.

However, you can also use home remedies such as garlic spray to get bees to leave the hive. From there, you can remove the hive before the bees return to it. Mix garlic powder and water in a bottle and spray the hive at nighttime to make the bees leave.

Wait until the bees flee from the hive and carefully remove it so that you don’t kill any of them. Otherwise, it’s not worth risking countless stings if you need to get rid of a beehive. Some beekeepers may even remove the hive for free so that they can keep it, so you may not have to spend any money.

Where Do Bees Go When Their Hive Is Destroyed?

Bees typically die when you destroy their hive. In some cases, bees will fly to another hive and join others to work in their colony. Make sure to check how many beehives are on your property before you destroy one.

This is important because you don’t want the bees to migrate to another hive in your yard. Never destroy a hive during the day because you can’t ensure that all of the bees will be there. Worker bees can return to the hive even if it’s destroyed because they were gone and unaware of it.

Summing It Up

Wear goggles, gloves, a face mask, and long sleeves before you remove a beehive. Use a red flashlight so that you don’t scare the bees because their eyes can’t see it. Thoroughly spray the beehive with insecticide to ensure that you cover it all.

Go back inside, wait an hour, gather some borax powder, and return to the beehive. Spread borax powder over the beehive so that the bees don’t come back to it. Otherwise, you can hire a professional and spend between $100 and $500 to remove a beehive from your home safely.

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Nick Durante
Nick Durante

Nick Durante is a professional writer with a primary focus on home improvement. When he is not writing about home improvement or taking on projects around the house, he likes to read and create art. He is always looking towards the newest trends in home improvement.

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