Best Plants To Grow By The Kitchen Window

Tom Gaffey
by Tom Gaffey

Every kitchen needs a little pop of color and a breath of life. Some people enjoy buying fresh flowers every week at the market. Others find pleasure in arranging bowls of fruit on the kitchen counter. But arguably the best way to bring life into your kitchen is to put potted plants on your kitchen windowsill. If this interests you, you might wonder what plants are best to grow in your kitchen.

Herbs are ideal plants to grow by your kitchen window. They provide functionality as you can use them in recipes, and they also provide fragrant aromatics. Mint, basil, green onion, and thyme are all fantastic and easy-to-grow herbs for your kitchen. Orchids, air plants, and flowering cacti are great flowering plants for the kitchen window. For low-maintenance options, try ivy, snake plants, and succulent varieties.

Adding plants to your kitchen should be fun. But as you shop around for the perfect plant, you need to be realistic. It is important you choose plants that you can easily maintain with your lifestyle. Most importantly, you need to choose plants that are the right size for the kitchen window and are suitable for indoor light conditions. If you are struggling to find the perfect plant for your kitchen, check out these 11 varied plants that all make great additions to your kitchen windowsill.

Four Herbs And Edible Plants For Your Kitchen Window

1. Mint

Mint is one of the best plants you can grow in your kitchen window as long as it gets a few hours of direct sunlight. It tends to crawl outward, which can make for a lovely visual appearance. Mist is also a fantastic fresh herb to have on hand. It makes great tea, is a perfect garnish, and is ideal for all sorts of cocktails.

You can even grow mint hydroponically (without soil) by simply trimming some stems and placing them in water on a full-sunlit windowsill.

2. Basil

Basil is a beautiful and delicious herb. If you tend to make Italian food when you cook at home, then look no further than a sweet basil plant. Basil is a refreshing and hearty herb. It needs about an inch of water each week and some direct sunlight, but it is hearty and resilient as long as it gets some attention. It is also very fragrant and delicious in everything from salads to soups to pasta.

Basil has become such a popular plant in the United States that most major grocery stores sell potted basil in the produce aisle. Best of all, you can usually find it for less than $5, making it a cost-effective plant experiment for your kitchen.

3. Green Onions

One herb that everyone should try growing by the kitchen window is green onion. This is because they are essentially free. Green onions, also known as scallions in most parts of the United States, are sold with the bottom root and bulb of the plant in tact. While many people throw this white bulb and root portion away, or put it in a compost container, you should consider saving them.

Save at least one inch of the green onion stem with the root and bulb potion, and submerge it in an inch or so of water. Within just one or two days you will see the green onions start to shoot up. You can leave them in water, or plant them in soil. You can trim the tops of these green onions whenever you need to add that flavor to a meal.

4. Thyme

Thyme is another great resilient herb you can grow in your kitchen window. This herb grows great in a pot, as long as it has a bit of sun. You only need to water thyme when the soil is dry. This makes it a great herb for those who tend to forget to water from time to time.

Thyme is great for poultry and meat dishes and is great to have on hand when making stocks and even savory teas.

Three Flowering Plants For Your Kitchen Window

1. Orchids

If you are searching for a glamorous plant that will add a “wow” factor to your kitchen, then look no further than an orchid. Orchids are fun plants to care for, as they tend to require infrequent misting rather than watering.

Orchids like to struggle, which means they usually prefer indirect sunlight, which is a great option for kitchens without direct sun. Every few months these plants provide stunning blooms that can last for weeks. These plants can be real showstoppers in any kitchen.

2. Air Plants

If you are looking for a low-maintenance plant that will still give tons of natural beauty to your kitchen, consider some air plants in hanging terrariums. Air plants come in all shapes and sizes. But if you are looking for some pops of color, consider splurging on some exotic air plants that change colors and even sprout flowers.

Air plants get their name from the fact that they absorb moisture from the air. This means that other than an occasional misting, they never need water. You can place them in stunning hanging terrariums, which you can decorate with dried wood, shells, or smooth river rocks.

3. Flowering Cactus

Flowering cacti plants are another great low-maintenance option for those who want flowering plants by the kitchen window but don’t want to worry about maintenance. There are tons of cactus varieties. Make sure to choose a cactus for the flowers but also one that requires the amount of light your kitchen provides.

Cacti require almost no care. Remember they are prickly, so keep them out of reach of children.

Four Low-Maintenance Plants For A Kitchen Window

1. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a beautiful plant that also has some great benefits. It is incredibly hard to kill aloe vera, as it retains much of its moisture. These stalks also contain liquid that is fantastic for burns. While you never want to burn yourself in the kitchen, it does happen. So, it is great to have this low-maintenance plant handy just in case.

2. English Ivy

If you are looking for a lush vine, and a touch of an English countryside vibe in your kitchen, consider English ivy. These plants just need a little direct sunlight, so consider hanging them over your window and letting the vines hang and crawl. The leaves are lush and stunning, and also provide lots of oxygen.

3. Jade

Jade is another member of the succulent family. This means they are easy to take care of, and require very little water. Jade plants tend to look almost like miniature trees, with their plump leaves and stalks.

They are great plants for anyone looking to create a minimalistic, feng-shui, and zen garden vibe in the kitchen and the home in general.

4. Snake Plant

Snake plants are the perfect plants for those who want some sleek greenery by the kitchen window, but don’t want to do an ounce of care or maintenance. These plants can be submerged in a bit of water, and essentially left alone. You can place them in a decorative vase to give them more color and elegance.

All you need to do is keep an eye on the water level and make sure it does not go dry, but otherwise, snake plants will care for themselves.

Final Thoughts On The Best Plants For The Kitchen

When you are on the hunt for plants to put by your kitchen window, consider herbs that you can cook with. Mint, basil, thyme, and green onion are all popular and great options. If you want a flowering plant by the kitchen window, consider orchids, flowering cacti, or even air plants. If you want a plant in your kitchen but need something low maintenance, consider English ivy, jade, or even aloe vera.

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Tom Gaffey
Tom Gaffey

Tom Gaffey is an expert writer who currently resides in Washington D.C. Tom has a passion for real estate and home improvement writing, as well as travel and lifestyle writing. He lived the last twelve years in Hawaii where he worked closely with luxury resorts and event planners, mastering his knowledge of aesthetics and luxury products. This is where he found his passion for home improvement and a keen interest in DIY projects. Currently, Tom resides in Washington D.C, and also working on his debut fiction novel.

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