How Much Should You Spend Per Year On Home Maintenance?

The cost of buying a home is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to affordability. Maintenance costs are often unexpected, and they can leave many homeowners stressed and overwhelmed. So, how much should you spend per year on home maintenance?

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How To Prepare Your Cat For A Flight

Flying is both exciting and stressful. That said, flying with your cat can be an extremely frustrating experience for you and your furry friend. It’s no secret that most cats and dogs hate flying. Understandably, you may struggle with how to prepare your cat for a flight.

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How To Get Your Dog Used To A Cat

Living with a dog and a cat is the best of both worlds. That said, it can be quite stressful to introduce them to one another if you’ve never done it before. As a loving pet owner, you may struggle with how to get your dog used to a cat.

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Tips For Packaging And Storing Holiday Leftovers

After celebrating the winter holidays, there is a lot of cleaning up to do. There are ornaments and string lights to carefully put away. Decorations must be stored, and the once-pristine garland and Christmas tree need to be brought out to the curb before the pine sheds all its dead needles on your floors. But before you pack away your holiday decor, you first need to find a way to pack and store your holiday leftovers.

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How To Keep Work Separate When You Work From Home

The rise in remote work opportunities has increased the need for many people to create a viable home office space. If a good portion of your job happens in your house, it’s challenging to define the line between your personal and work lives. It’s tough to separate work from play when you work from home, especially if you live with others, but it’s possible.

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What Should I Do With My Dog’s Ashes?

Few things in life are as rewarding as nurturing a great relationship with a dog. We rely on our dogs as much as they rely on us, and it can be quite hard when they die. Cremation gives us the chance to get some closure with our dogs. Understandably, you may struggle with what to do with your dog’s ashes.

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How To Reduce Sound/Noise In A Duplex

Constant noise and movement can stop you from getting comfortable in your duplex. This is especially annoying if you’re a renter and can’t renovate your duplex to fortify the walls. Many people struggle with how to reduce noise in a duplex.

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Can’t Get Rid Of A Musty Smell In The House?

It’s hard to get comfortable at home when your house smells musty. This is even harder when you struggle to track down the cause of the problem. So, what should you do when you can’t get rid of the musty smell in your house?

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How Do I Make My House Quieter?

Everyone wants a home that gives them a quiet place to relax and unwind. But if your house isn’t quite the peaceful retreat of your dreams, what can you do? Whether you’re dealing with a small space, a busy street, or a house that echoes like the Grand Canyon, you can make your house quieter.

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How To Create A Big Dining Table For Holiday Gatherings

Dining room tables can sometimes feel like a waste of space, especially if you don’t have a large family. If you aren’t constantly entertaining, then you most likely have a small dining table, or perhaps no dining table at all. For most of the year, this likely frees up space in your home, so you can use the room for other purposes. But when it comes to hosting a holiday gathering, you will be left having to find a creative and hopefully inexpensive way to create a large dining table for festive gatherings.

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10 Ways To Make Cooking A Holiday Feast Easier In A Tiny Kitchen

The art of cooking in a tiny kitchen is a feat that can take years to master. Each tiny kitchen has its unique quirks and challenges. But with time, preparation, and perseverance, great meals can come out of these very small spaces. While cooking a typical meal in a small space is easy enough, preparing a holiday feast in a tiny kitchen is a much larger challenge, and requires lots of planning and tricks to pull off without any issues.

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Tips for Hosting A Holiday Party In A Small Apartment

The holiday season is synonymous with dinners, parties, and family gatherings. There are many reasons to attend a party at this time of year. You may even feel inspired (or obligated) to throw a holiday party of your own. There are a lot of ways to approach hosting a holiday party in your dwelling, and they all come with their challenges. This is particularly true if you plan to host a holiday gathering in a small apartment.

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7 Ways Your House Can Stress You Out

No matter how hectic and stressful life gets, you should always be able to count on your home to offer some peace. But if your house adds to your stress instead of taking it away, then it’s time to reassess your home, not-so-sweet home.

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Tips For Hosting Guests Without A Guest Room

Do you love having people stay overnight at your house? Are you the one friends and family know they can count on when they need a place to stay? You can’t wait to prep the spare room for their arrival, and you make sure everything is just right. But what’s the best way to host guests if you don’t have a dedicated guest room?

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What Happens If You Buy A House With An Unpermitted Addition?

The stressful process of buying a house involves extensive negotiations, appraisals, and loan applications. Nothing is more frustrating than when you complete the process only to find out that not everything was as it seemed. So, what happens if you buy a house with an unpermitted addition?

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Do Realtors Have To Disclose A Death In The House?

It’s important to ask as many questions as possible when you buy a house. That is the best way to ensure you don’t wind up with a house that will require frequent maintenance or make you feel uncomfortable. One piece of information that’s important to many prospective buyers is whether someone has died in the house. So, do realtors have to disclose a death in the house?

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