Keurig 2.0 Carafe "Not Compatible" Message? (Fix It Now!)

Upgraded Home Team
by Upgraded Home Team

Keurig is synonymous with coffee that is convenient, quick, no mess, and quality too. The Keurig 2.0 Carafe has proven it is only more of the same, only better, and it looks good with your remodeled kitchen too. The Keurig 2.0 comes with helpful additions like alerting owners when it is time to descale or other maintenance needs. What it does not do, however, is offer the most compatible coffee maker there is. And public enemy number one is the dreaded “Oops! This pack wasn’t designed for this brewer” message.

The Keurig 2.0 Carafe not compatible message can be bypassed using the lid of a recognized Keurig pod. Another more permanent workaround involves taping the part of the pod lid containing the infrared ink to the lever arm. If you are using the correct pods and getting a not-compatible message, then the reader likely needs cleaning. It is important to know that using unauthorized pods may negate the warranty.

This “Ooops” message is intended to indicate that a pod is incompatible with the Keuring 2.0 Carafe. It also informs users that the pods or cups being used aren’t authorized by Keurig. The message that is displayed on the Keurig 2.0 is also a response, like the Keurig 2.0 itself, to the rash of knock-off Keurig cups over the past decade.

While the changes made to the Keurig 2.0 Carafe pods were definitive, it wasn’t without its flaws. Those flaws also opened the way for some fairly easy ways to sidestep this Keurig pod guard dog. One of the techniques is simple but more of a one-time or from time to time option. The other method is more semi-permanent, but no more difficult to pull off.

Do note that using pods that are unauthorized or not recognized by Keurig or for the Keurig 2.0 Carafe jeopardizes any warranty coverage of said coffee maker. That being said, from all accounts and reports from other Keurig owners, there are no adverse effects or harm done to the machine.

If you tried to make a cup of coffee with your Keurig 2.0 Carafe and instead of a hot cup of Joe you ended up with an “Oops! This pack wasn’t designed for this brewer” message, don’t worry. Follow either one of these two workarounds and you’ll be enjoying your Keurig brewed cup of coffee in no time.

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One-Time or Temporary Workaround for Keurig 2.0 Carafe Not Compatible Message

This solution to get around the Keurig 2.0 Carafe not compatible message is more likely a one-time fix, or perhaps a workaround that can be used on occasion. Although it is a simple way to avert the issue with the compatibility message, it isn’t necessarily a practical fix for someone needing to use a case of unauthorized K-cups or pods.

What You Will Need:

  • Pair of scissors
  • Authorized Keurig pod

Step 1: Attempt Brew Cycle With Unauthorized Pod

The first step to get around the compatibility “Oops” message, is to place an unauthorized pod in the machine, and then attempt to run a brew cycle.

The not-compatible message will appear but only after the pod has been punctured, which was the goal of step one. Now remove the pod you want to brew and set it aside.

Step 2: Remove Top Off Of An Authorized Keurig Pod

A top from a used and approved Keuring pod will be needed. To verify that the pod is an authorized cup, simply check for the Keurig® brewed seal. If you don’t have a used authorized Keurig pod, then either start or run a brew cycle with an authorized pod.

Now take the used authorized Keurig pod and using a pair of scissors, carefully cut the punctured lid top off the cup. This doesn’t need to be a perfect cut, just good enough to have the used pod top sit flat.

Step 3: Brew Non-Authorized Pod Using Authorized Keurig Cup Lid

Now, we are almost ready to brew that unauthorized pod in our Keurig 2.0. The last step is to put the punctured unauthorized pod in the tray, then place the now removed lid from that authorized Keurig pod on top of the cut already in the tray. Carefully close the lid arm and the Keurig 2.0 Carafe display screen will now offer your normal brewing options.

Semi-Permanent Workaround for Keurig 2.0 Carafe Not Compatible Message

While the workaround for a one-time or now and again type of use described above works, it is obvious that it isn’t necessarily the most practical solution. Imagine going through that process for a carton or two of unauthorized pods.

Another technique that isn’t all that dissimilar from the first method, uses the same principle, just in a more semi-permanent fashion.

What you will need:

  • Pair of scissors
  • Authorized Keurig pod
  • Semi-transparent or Scotch tape

Step 1: Attempt Brew Cycle With Unauthorized Pod

The first step to get around the compatibility “Oops” message, is to place an unauthorized pod in the machine, and then attempt to run a brew cycle.

The not-compatible message will appear but only after the pod has been punctured, which was the goal of step one. Now remove the pod you want to brew and set it aside.

Step 2: Remove Top Off Of An Authorized Keurig Pod

A top from a used and approved Keuring pod will be needed. To verify that the pod is an authorized cup, simply check for the Keurig® brewed seal. If you don’t have a used authorized Keurig pod, then either start or run a brew cycle with an authorized pod.

Now take the used authorized Keurig pod and using a pair of scissors, and cut the punctured lid top off the cup. This doesn’t need to be a perfect cut, just good enough to remove the top from the pod. The only caution is to avoid damaging or cutting the brim of the top (we will need that for the next step).

Step 3: Remove Infrared Ink Section

Around the outside edge of the pod lid, is where the infrared ink section is located. Begin by locating the infrared printing, then carefully cut the section of the brim with the printing away for the lid.

Using about a one-inch strip of tape, make a couple of tight folds to created a double-sided adhesive. With the sticky slide up and facing away from the pod, place the section of the brim with the infrared ink onto the double-sided fold.

Step 4: Attach Taped Brim Over Reader

As before, place your unauthorized (and punctured) cup in the arm tray. Now, attach the taped brim section with the infrared printing to the unauthorized cup. This printed section needs to be placed fairly close to where the reader one the arm will be once closed. The tape should be facing you.

From here, simply close the lid arm and proceed to brew a cup of coffee. When the brewing cycle is complete, lift the tray arm to expose your used pod. The taped brim section will now be attached to the arm over the reader. Finish pressing and sealing the tape against the arm.

Now your Keurig 2.0 Carafe will brew any type of pod or K-cup, at least until the tape wears off.

What If I Am Getting a Not Compatible Message Using the Right Pods?

There will be an occasion or two where the Keurig 2.0 Carafe will either be temperamental and just not cooperate and times when it is just due for a cleaning. If you are getting a not compatible message and you are using the correct Keurig pods, don’t worry, it happens.

Sometimes the fix is as simple as opening up the arm, removing the pod, and starting the process all over again. Other times, that message might just simply be an indication the Keurig 2.0 Carafe simply can’t read the infrared printing. And that typically means it merely needs a quick cleaning.

Steam, coffee oils, and other obstructions (even a single coffee ground) can interfere with the Keurig 2.0 laser reader. Here are the easy steps to clean the reader eye on the Keurig 2.0 Carafe.

Step 1: Access The Laser Reader Eye

The laser reader that picks up the infrared printing on authorized Keurigs pods is located towards the top left of the arm. Access this area by simply raising the lever arm as if you were going to place a pod in the tray.

Step 2: Clean The Reader Eye

Using a clean cotton swab, gently wipe across the area of the laser reader. This should clear anything that is blocking the reader from recognizing authorized Keurig pods.

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Related Questions

Why Won’t the Keurig 2.0 Carafe Work with Other K-cups or Pods?

It was several years ago when the Keurig trademark on its K-cups expired. That essentially meant that any company was able to make pods that would work with their Keurig coffee makers.Partly as a response to protect profits, and the quality of their products, Keurig introduced the Keurig 2.0 and its licensed K-cups. From that point forward, any K-cups or pods not licensed and authorized by Keurig would no longer work.

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