How Much Water Should Be In My Water Softener Brine Tank?

Nick Durante
by Nick Durante

Water softeners remove the mineral content from your water to make it cleaner. This helps your skin and hair health, prevents dish stains, and prevents laundry mishaps. Getting used to one can be confusing, so how much water should be in your water softener brine tank?

Wet brine tanks need to maintain between 3 and 6 gallons of water to operate. However, dry brine tanks should only ever have water in them 1-2 hours before regeneration. Your water should never stand more than 10 inches above the surface in your brine tank.

Identify whether or not your water softener has a wet or dry brine tank to figure it out. It is a problem if your brine tank always contains water, and you’ll need to clean it. Follow along as we get into how much water should be in your brine tank, and how it affects the function.

How Much Water Should Be In Water Softener?

Traditional water softener brine tanks should contain between 3 and 6 gallons of water. That is the standard for older water softeners and brine tanks. However, dry water softener brine tanks only contain water directly before the water softener begins to regenerate.

There are two types of water softener brine tanks: wet brine tanks, and dry brine tanks. They both have different water requirements and vary from brand to brand. Let’s explore the differences between the two and see how much water each needs to run properly.

Wet Brine Tank

You likely have a wet brine tank if you have had your water softener for 5-10 years. That is because older models primarily featured wet brine tanks, and some modern softeners do as well. Wet brine tanks typically contain 3-6 gallons of water at a time.

The water generally stands up to 10 inches above the bottom surface of the brine tank. It can stand as low as 5-7 inches in a wet brine tank, but it shouldn’t exceed 6 gallons. Wet brine tanks retain the water even as your water softener enters its routine regeneration cycle.

However, water demands vary based on the brand of water softener that you use. WaterBoss 900 water softeners, for example, can hold between 6 and 8 gallons of water in the brine tank. Consult the manual for your wet brine tank water softener to see how much water it is rated for.

Dry Brine Tank

There is no hard and fast rule as to how much water should be in a dry brine tank. However, your dry brine tank should only contain water an hour or two before the regeneration cycle. That is how to dry brine tank water softeners remove the mineral content from the water.

Otherwise, your dry brine tank should not contain any water during regular operation. You can inspect your dry brine tank to see if there is water when there shouldn’t be. Clean the injector on your brine tank to prevent it from filling with water when it isn’t necessary.

Injectors can clog easily, but it takes no time to brush the injector screen to clean it. Clogs prevent injectors from removing unnecessary water from the tank. You can tell that your water softener is in good shape if there is never excess water in the dry brine tank.

How Often Should You Clean a Water Softener Brine Tank?

It is best to clean your water softener brine tank once each year to keep it in shape. However, you can clean it before then if there are clogs that prevent water removal. You must disconnect the water connection and hoses and siphon the water out of the brine tank to clean it.

Use a garden hose to siphon the water out of the tank and remove the salt from the bottom. Combine dish soap with 2 gallons of water and pour it into the tank. Scrub the inside of the tank with a sponge or hand towel.

Pour the soap water out of the tank and dump another 2 gallons of freshwater with bleach into it. Siphon or dump the bleach water after you let it sit for up to 20 minutes. Reconnect the water supply, and now your water softener is clean and ready to use for another year.

How Much Salt Should Be In Brine Tank?

You should fill your water softener brine tank ¼ of the way with salt to thoroughly clean the water. Add salt to your brine tank twice per month to coat the bottom surface properly for smooth operation. You can tell that it’s time to add more salt to the brine tank if the water level is higher than the salt.

Water softeners can only remove minerals if there is a consistent level of salt in the brine tank. Some homeowners simply pour a bag of water softener salt into the brine tank every month. However, it is wise to top off the salt level and apply more salt two or even three times per month.

This ensures that you never go without salt in your brine tank, so the water doesn’t harden. Always top off your brine tank if you plan to go out of town for a few days so that minerals don’t accumulate.

Related Questions

Why Is My Water Softener Brine Tank Full of Water?

Your brine tank should never be full of water, and if it is, it could be that the drain flow control is clogged. Otherwise, a brine tank full of water can suggest that you set the safety float valve too high. Brine tanks can also fill with water if they are too old and have become ineffective.

How often do water softeners regenerate?

Water softeners enter their regeneration cycle every 2-3 days if there’s no interruption. It generally only takes up to 90 minutes to complete a water softener regeneration cycle. You may need to bypass the regeneration cycle with the valve if your water softener loses power.

How long do water softeners last?

Water softeners can last you up to 10 years, or more if you regularly maintain them. Clean your water softener and brine tank once or twice per year to keep it in great condition. Some water softeners from brands like Kinetico can last as long as 20 years if you take great care of them.

Why does my brine tank smell?

Water softener brine tanks can sometimes create a foul odor due to a buildup of sulfur. Sulfur bacteria appear due to the sodium in the water softener salt, and it can smell worse over time. You can only eliminate the foul odor if you clean the brine tank with dish soap, water, and bleach.

How much does it cost to replace a water softener?

It can cost as much as $600 or more to replace a defective water softener. You should explore cleaning it or have it looked at by a professional before you replace it. It may be in your best interest to repair, clean, or replace parts such as the injector before you buy a new one.

Summing It Up

Your water softener brine tank should contain between 3 and 6 gallons of water at a time. Wet brine tanks require water at all times and that includes when it enters the regeneration cycle. Dry brine tanks should only have water in them an hour or two before the water softener regenerates.

The salt in your brine tank should always go up higher than the water to filter out minerals. Make sure that your brine tank water level doesn’t go higher than 10 inches above the bottom. Some water softeners have brine tanks that can contain between 6 and 8 gallons of water, such as the WaterBoss 900.

Always refer to your water softener manual to know what kind of brine tank you have. Maintain the proper salt and water level to ensure that the softener filters out and prevents hard water. Clean your brine tank once or twice each year to prevent clogs, damage, and buildups of minerals.

Nick Durante
Nick Durante

Nick Durante is a professional writer with a primary focus on home improvement. When he is not writing about home improvement or taking on projects around the house, he likes to read and create art. He is always looking towards the newest trends in home improvement.

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