How Does A Bladderless Pressure Tank Work?

Upgraded Home Team
by Upgraded Home Team

Water supply is not always plentiful in all parts of the country. In some places, service is unreliable and there’s a chance you’ll be greeted by a lack of running water in the morning.

That uncertainty regarding the water supply is among the main reasons why many homeowners use water tanks. Among the options you can consider purchasing for your place of residence is a bladderless water pressure tank. You may have also heard it referred to as a hydropneumatic tank.

Water pressure tanks rely on compressed air and a pump system to work properly. Upon opening a valve, the compressed air applies pressure on the water, forcing it to flow through your home’s pipes. Once the water in the tank falls below a certain level, the pumps start-up and allows more water inside.

Hydropneumatic tanks are lauded for their consistency and they can be a positive addition under the right circumstances. Find out if your home can benefit from adding a bladderless water pressure tank by reading on.

What Is a Bladderless Water Pressure Tank?

Homeowners can improve the water supply flowing into their kitchens and bathrooms in a variety of ways. They can opt to add a water softener to prevent mineral stains or perhaps a filter system for the tap. Water tanks address a more serious issue related to a lack of running water reaching your home.

Tanks make it possible for you to secure a steady supply of water for gardening and other everyday needs. You don’t need to stress out about a potential water interruption. Completing your weekend to-do list will always be possible because you have a reliable water supply to draw from.

As soon as you decide to purchase a water tank, you will have to make an important decision. You can either purchase a more conventional bladderless model or the new bladder-type captive air tank.

There are cases to be made for both types of water tanks. The bladderless or hydropneumatic models are preferred because they provide water at more consistent pressure levels. Meanwhile, the bladder-type models require less diligent upkeep so they are more forgiving in a sense.

What Bladderless Water Pressure Tanks Do inside Your Home

An important thing to note about both bladder-type and bladderless pressure tanks is that they both rely on compressed air. That specific kind of force is the main reason why water is able to flow through your home’s pipes.

When working to force water out of the tank, the compressed air simply pushes on the water. The water is then forced to flow through the pipes until they reach the open valves on the other end.

Eventually, the water level will drop below a certain level after you’ve used it enough times. This will then trigger a pressure switch. This pressure switch’s job is to activate the pump and tell it to fill the tank back up with water.

That cycle keeps ongoing and it’s the reason why you can expect such consistent performance from your hydropneumatic tank. It’s not all the bladderless tank can do, however.

The compressed air found inside the bladderless tanks is in direct contact with the water. This is important because the compressed air now has to take on two roles within the tank. The compressed air is used to push on the water and it also absorbs excess pressure and regulates the tank.

Given the roles of the compressed air within the system, it has to walk a fine line to work properly. This also means that the compressed air levels have to be right all the time.

How Do You Ensure That the Bladderless Water Pressure Tank Is Working Properly?

The key to a properly functioning hydropneumatic water tank is diligent maintenance. You have to be on top of everything if you’re planning to add this kind of tank to your home. That’s why many homeowners prefer the less demanding bladder-type tanks.

If you do decide to push forward with your bladderless tank purchase, you have to start with monitoring the pumps. The Washington State Department of Health notes that both the booster and well pumps are crucial to the system. The pumps maintain the pressure levels while the tank itself prevents the motors from burning out too soon.

You also have to be certain that the air cushion inside the tank is routinely at the right levels. To be more specific, you want there to be an air cushion that takes up about half of the tank. At the very least, the air cushion has to cover a quarter of the tank’s capacity.

How Do You Maintain the Right Amount of Compressed Air inside the Tank?

There are different ways to maintain the air pressure levels inside a bladderless tank. First off, you can rely on something known as an air volume control system.

Air volume control systems are found on newer bladderless tanks. These systems include an air compressor, a solid-state liquid-level switch, a pressure switch, and a sensor of some kind.

The job of the air compressor is obvious but it won’t be able to handle its role without the switches. The pressure switch monitors the air pressure level while the other detects the water level using a sensor. The two switches work in conjunction with the compressor to maintain the right amount of air and water in the tank.

Newer hydropneumatic tanks are the ones that typically feature those air volume control systems. If you have an older tank, maintenance will require more work. You will have to add and release the air yourself to keep the pressure levels on point.

How Do You Manually Add Air to a Bladderless Tank?

To add the air to the bladderless tank yourself, you will first have to spot the spigot valve. Hunker notes that the spigot valve is usually located near the bottom of the tank.

With the spigot spotted, take your garden hose and connect that to the valve. Proceed to let the water drain out of the tank now. That should allow the air to find its way into the tank. After allowing air to enter the tank, remove the hose and cover the spigot valve immediately. You can now turn on the pump and let it pour water back into the tank.

What Are the Benefits of Using a Bladderless Tank?

Water heater tanks are not the only ones that deserve a place in your home. Listed below are the reasons why you should also consider the bladderless water pressure tanks:

  • Secure Water Supply – Service interruptions won’t be a big concern for you because you know you have water in reserve.
  • Improved Water Quality – A bladderless tank can improve water quality by removing foul odors that may accompany the liquid.
  • Reaches High Places – Rooms located high up inside buildings will still receive water consistently with the help of a bladderless tank.

Related Questions

What Happens if a Bladderless Pressure Tank Is Waterlogged?

Being waterlogged is bad news for your tank. The main cause for concern is the pump motor cycling too frequently. If that happens consistently, the pump motor may sustain damage or simply wear down earlier than expected.Waterlogged tanks may also struggle to provide you with the right amount of water. On top of that, their frequent cycling can lead to a larger impact on your electric bills.

How Do You Choose a Bladderless Pressure Tank?

Factors like your plumbing fixtures, faucets, and the size of your home will all need to be considered when choosing a tank. The pumping rate of the tank must be accounted for as well unless you want to needlessly damage your pipes. Consult with plumbers and tank manufacturers before making any purchase to ensure the tank fits your home.

What Is a Water Hammer?

The water hammer or hydraulic shock refers to the phenomenon of the water hitting forcefully against the pipes. It’s often caused by a spike in water pressure stemming from a valve or faucet being closed shut.Water hammers can be problematic because they can wear down your pipes significantly. Using a bladderless pressure tank helps minimize the occurrence of water hammers.

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