Can You Put A Coffee Pot In The Microwave? (Find Out Now!)

Alex Praytor
by Alex Praytor

When you have a busy day is when you need your caffeine jolt the most. At the same time, you may not have time to drink your pot before it goes cold. To reheat your coffee, you can turn the warmer burner on under your pot if your machine allows it. However, many drip machines will just start the drip cycle all over again when you turn on the hot plate.

The microwave can be the fastest solution to warming your cup up. Can you put a coffee pot in the microwave, or do you have to warm it up by the cup?

Some coffee pots are microwave safe, but not all. Check to see if your coffee pot indicates that it is microwave safe either on the bottom of the pot or in your coffee machine’s manual. If the carafe is not microwave safe, it could easily crack when subjected to the quick heating method of the microwave.

We’ll give you more information on why your coffee pot may or may not be microwave-safe. Also, we have some tips on reheating coffee and retaining its flavor.

Is My Coffee Pot Microwave Safe?

Some coffee pots are microwave–safe, while others are most decidedly not.

Many coffee pots have a metal ring around the pot to reinforce the glass and add support. This is a solid sign that this pot will not be microwave-safe. You will also want to check for less-visible metal pieces such as screws that attach the lid to the pot.

If there is no metal on the pot, it could be microwave-safe. However, the glass itself also has to be resistant to the quick high-heat method of the microwave. You can consult your user guide or look up your model number online to see if your glass pot can be used in the microwave.

If you are not sure whether or not your coffee pot is microwave safe, it is best to use a microwaveable coffee cup or another microwave-resistant container to reheat your coffee. If you crack a coffee pot in the microwave, it can put your machine out of use until you find a replacement.

How to Reheat a Pot of Coffee in the Microwave

If your coffee pot is microwaveable, here are some tips for reheating your coffee in a microwave oven:

  • Remove the lid before putting your pot in the microwave.
  • Use medium-high heat.
  • Check your liquid at 30-45 second intervals.
  • Make sure not to overheat your brew.

Caution: When your pot has finished heating, be careful when taking it out of the microwave. Liquids in the microwave can become superheated very quickly. If the liquid reaches a temperature past the boiling point, it can explode when you move it.

Reheating Coffee and Its Effect on Coffee Flavor

You may have noticed that reheated coffee just doesn’t taste the same as a fresh pot. Why is that? While many point a finger at microwaves for rearranging the molecules in their brew, this has relatively little to do with the microwave and more to do with heat.

The reheating process, whether you use a microwave or stovetop, is enough to change the flavors of your brew. Coffee is naturally bitter, and reheating a cup of joe just zaps the sweet, delicate flavors of your brew and brings out more acids. This leaves you with more bitter, astringent flavors. You may notice that even leaving your coffee pot on the warmer burner for too long will give you a strong, bitter brew.

Pro Tips for Hot and Delicious Coffee

To drink hot coffee and retain as much flavor as possible, you can try these tips:

Reheat your coffee on the stove

Reheating your coffee on the stove can take a little longer than when you use the microwave. However, by using low temperatures and watching your pot, it can be easier to maintain the quality of your brew. Pull off your brew before it reaches the boiling point for better flavor.

Brew the amount of coffee you will drink

Many tend to fill their pot to the brim even when they are drinking alone. This could be from habit, or just because you want to hedge your bets and make sure you don’t run out of brewed coffee. However, if you make it a habit to just make as much coffee as you will drink in one sitting, you can drink it hot and fresh. You can always make a new pot in the afternoon.

Use the small-batch button on your machine

If you will only drink one or two mugs in a sitting, you can use the small-batch button on your machine. This lets you brew 1-4 cups with the same flavor profile as a full pot, so you won’t be getting cheated on taste with this option. Keep in mind that 4 cups of coffee on a coffee machine is equivalent to about 2 mugs of coffee.

Use a thermal pot to keep your coffee warm

You can also avoid reheating by keeping your coffee hot for longer. If you invest in a quality thermal pot you can keep your coffee hot for 2 hours or more.

For the best coffee flavor, it is best to skip reheating it and just embrace a cold cup of coffee. You can even add a few ice cubes to your drink to dress it up. Drinking it cold can save you from wasting coffee and will also keep as much flavor in your brew as possible.

If you are really wanting a hot cup, brewing a new pot will give you the best-tasting result. Life is too short to drink bad coffee, right?

Related Questions

Can my coffee mug go in the microwave?

Most coffee mugs will have a note on the bottom if they are microwave safe. If you notice that your mug has silver or gold accents, or is a handmade pottery piece these are indicators that it is most likely not safe for a microwave. Also, some glassware is thermo-resistant, but a large part of glassware is not.

What does the microwave-safe symbol look like?

The microwave-safe symbol can vary depending on the manufacturer. Some symbols show wavy lines in a box that represents a microwave. Another common symbol is a plate with wavy lines on top. Or, you may also see just wavy lines. These symbols indicate that the dish in question is safe for use in a microwave.

Will microwaving coffee affect the amount of caffeine?

Microwaving coffee may change the flavor of your brew. However, the amount of caffeine in your cup of coffee should not be affected in any way by microwaving.

Alex Praytor
Alex Praytor

Alex Praytor is a native Texan who got her degree in English Literature and decided to travel the globe. She finds the architecture and design of homes across cultures fascinating. In her spare time, she visits coffee shops with her family and creates projects for their own home. Alex enjoys sharing tips on how to keep repairs up to date while turning a house into a home.

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